First Rank Aura training objectives: “Tether Link, Spiral Aura Sphere, Aura Great Breakthrough, Invisible Shield, Counterattack Shield”

Second Rank Aura training objectives: “Strong Wind Palm, Gale Kick, Smash Steel elbow, iron knee top, Aura Wind Killing Formation, Aura Spiral Shuriken”

Lucario completed the training of “Aura · Spiral Shuriken”. This time I came to Mikami Island for Lucario’s first Aura advanced training in the Second Rank segment is the end of Perfection.

1. Pidgeot’s Snow Mountain challenge of 10,000 meters against the wind, the three-stroke super combo of “God Strike, Dragon Strike, and Destruction Strike”, defeated Totem Pidgeot to resolve obsession, Thunder Island speed and resistance Electrical training.

2. Slowpoke integrates the power inheritance of the Wisdom King, and the initial Mastery “wisdom foresight” episode full Attribute augmentation and duplication of the super auxiliary Ability of the opponent gain Buff, and can be used in actual combat.

3.Cloyster uses the freezing weather of Ice Island to comprehend “Ice Will” and break through Elite.

Under the coaching of Articuno, the god of ice, he has a deeper understanding of meteorological authority and learned “Dry-Freeze”, a special ice attribute ability that doubles the damage of Water Type.

4. Lucario made a big breakthrough with all the proficiency of Ability in the Ability pool, and Perfection completed the advanced training of Aura.

5. With the help of the bitter cold weather of Ice Island and Slowbro’s Spirit Orbs, the Monarch Snake successfully activated the water type power hidden in the bloodline, and won half of the champion inheritance in Slowbro’s Spirit Orbs.

The power of the two Attributes of the aquatic plants is balanced, and the power within the body is doubled. The two Attributes complement each other’s weaknesses in “fire, ice” and “electricity”.

In addition, master the super combination technique “Water Pledge + Grass Pledge”.

6.Dratini has shed five times in the past two months, and his physical development has reached the racial average level at this stage. In addition, it has also completed a week-long informal meeting on the Ice Island. Cold training.


“Although due to the Orange Alliance’s reasons, I couldn’t immediately take the Gym challenge after I came to the Orange Islands, but I trained for a while on the Mikami Island , Pidgeot and their strengths have also greatly improved.”

“The next step is to wait for Casey to come back and join me after the final exam, and then you can officially take the Gym challenge.”


“I don’t know what’s going on at Casey, the final exam didn’t go well.” Liang Ren looked up at the direction of Saffron City in the northern Kanto mainland, feeling a little worried.

I trained for Pokémon together on the island before, and they didn’t notice when they were together everyday.

Until the girl left a week ago, the two kissed affectionately on the seawall corridor under the morning sun of the Mandolin Island Pier.

After that, Liang Ren found that the girl had left a deep shadow in his heart. After the separation, as long as he didn’t train him to have free time, he could not help thinking about each other.

If such a situation is placed on the three good buddies of Daisuke, Demushan, and Kida Shinichi, Liang Ren will definitely tease “Thinking of spring, the sour smell of love” and the like.

But when something like this happened to him, Liang Ren’s thoughts in his heart were’the girl is so sweet, the love is so sweet’.



“Saffron City ·Saffron Middle School”

When Liang Ren was faintly worried, Casey Son is taking the exam at Saffron Middle School.

In the morning, the theory test is conducted, and the afternoon is the actual combat assessment.

There are a lot of theoretical examination subjects, but the whole school students can do it at the same time, and the actual combat assessment although the content items are few.

But the problem is that there are too many students and the school has too few venues for competitions, so they can’t be evaluated at the same time, so it takes a lot of time.

First take a boat to Vermilion Port, then transfer to the high-speed rail back to Saffron City, Casey spent a day back to school.

After I came back, I spent another day reviewing the theoretical knowledge learned this semester and helping the three Pokémon to make adjustments.

Fortunately, Lilligant and Bellossom have many experiences with Casey in monthly school exams, midterm exams, and final exams, and they are often taken by Casey to the city Stadium to play games.

Although Froslass has been training in Sanshin Island for so long, his strength is already very strong.

But it’s not at all experience of taking exams and formal battles, defeating Hooligan in the small park of Mandolin Island before does not count.

For exams and competitions in the city Stadium, there will be a lot of spectators watching from the outside. For Pokémon who has not officially appeared on the stage, the audience’s gaze and cheers will only bring psychological pressure rather than motivation.

However, the current Casey, even Liang Ren, will sincerely recognize as a very high-quality professional trainer, so she can’t help Froslass adjust her status.


“There are still 15 minutes before the end of the exam. Please pay attention to the time.” In the last theoretical exam, Casey deliberately slowed down the answering speed.

Although I didn’t finish the exam as quickly as before and hand in the paper in advance, it no longer puts a lot of pressure on the surrounding candidates.

However, when there were 15 minutes left in the broadcast reminder, she deliberately slowed down and completed the answer, but she still did not hand in the paper, but checked carefully and patiently.

Until 15 minutes have passed, the broadcast in the classroom of the exam room prompts: “The exam is over, please stop writing immediately. If any candidates continue to answer, the invigilator should…”

“Hoo~ “He deliberately kept long cream-colored soft hair. At this moment, Casey, tied into two ball heads, put down the pen in his hand and deeply relaxed.

I packed up my stationery and left the examination room one by one, meeting with the three sisters in the dormitory downstairs.

Exquisite and beautiful facial features, plump and beautiful body, coupled with the confident temperament brought by strong strength.

Walking on the road, all the boys who crossed their backs and checked the answers with their roommates and classmates, all secretly cast the line of sight at the girl like iron sand attracted by Magnet.

The last subject of the final exam has been completed. Although many people are busy correcting the answers, it is obvious that peeking at beautiful girls is more attractive to boys of this age than the correct answers.

“Bang~Don’t show a pig brother’s idiot look, look respectful, Casey’s classmate is Liang Ren Senior’s girlfriend.” A boy patted his companion with a pencil case and said.

“Why don’t I ~ Liang Ren Senior, but my idol, how could I do such an impolite thing and offend my idol.” The boy whose head was shot defended.

“But Casey’s classmate is really beautiful and has a very gentle personality. I met Rei Ambe from their class in the stadium before.

Because I looked twice, As a result, I was not only asked to do a Pokémon match, but also to do karate sparring. I was fiercely tortured.”

“Compared to rough girls, I still like a gentle personality. Girls, I really envy Liang Ren Senior!!” The boy said with a look of envy.

“Don’t be envious, Casey sub-classmate looks really gentle in appearance, and he is still a theoretical student, but his strength can also be ranked in the forefront of the privileged combat students.”

< p>“And now they are already a professional one-star trainer in Saffron City Stadium. The battle strength is not lower than Rei Abe. If you offend the opponent, be careful to be beaten~”

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