“Why, Casey and her classmates are so gentle, impossible as fierce and rude as you said.” The two teenagers hooked their shoulders back to the ground floor. Among them, the teenager who looked at Casey’s eyes more curiously just now said.

“Don’t believe me, Casey’s son and Liang Ren Senior are childhood sweethearts who grew up together, and Casey’s son usually looks very kind.”

“But there are people When she heard about Liang Ren Senior’s slurs, Casey’s son would also show a cold and ruthless side. Do you remember that a student at the school gave Liang Ren Senior the nickname “Slaking”.”

< p>“Although it was just a joke about the lack of Malice, but the first time I heard this nickname, Casey sub-classmate was very angry and called the student to Fiercely to teach him a lesson.”

“So yeah~ The more gentle the girl is, the less she can be underestimated and the less she can provoke.” said the teenager who reminded her companion with a pencil case.

“It turns out that such a thing has happened before. As you said, “Akai”, gentle girls can’t easily provoke them.” The boy nodded seriously.

Seeing that the companion next to him believed it was true, holding a pencil case in his hand, and putting the other hand on his shoulder, the young man flashed crafty in his eyes.

“Girls are actually very fierce, and good brothers are really good to you, A Kuan, don’t I usually treat you well~” The boy grinned with a hearty smile Said.

“Well, Akai, you really are my good brother.”

“Right, hehe…” The two teenagers walked out of the school building and talked. After asking about the woman’s true face, the two teenagers only had friendship and Pokemon in their hearts.



“Casey~How do you feel, take time off to go out and date your boyfriend for so long, our smart schoolmaster has not become one Little fool.” After meeting the three roommates, Yuan Shizuka stepped forward and took the girl’s arm and asked.

“Why, Liang Ren is so outstanding, even if he asks for leave from the beginning of school, as long as he helps me with tuition, I won’t have any problems with the final exam.” Casey said proudly.

“Yoyoyo~” Yuan Jingxiang suddenly smiled like a Small Fox, “Casey, you said the other day, you and Liang Ren’s squad leader spent these two months on a desert island “

“You have to train during the day, so the monitor will have time to help you with your homework only at night, do you guys…” Yuan Shizuka, the soul of gossip burning, two index fingers moved closer. Point hint to inquire.

Girls generally mature earlier than boys. Seeing Yuan Shizuka’s sign language, Casey naturally knew that the other party asked if there was a kiss.

In the two months on the desert island, I did not do anything too intimate, but on the eve of their separation, the two of them were just and honorable at the port of Mandolin Island. .

Recalling the scene at that time, the girl’s ears and cheeks were suddenly stained with red clouds, and she became so shy that she became stuttered.

“Jingxiang~~You are not allowed…Nonsense, Liang Ren didn’t help me with homework at night, we…we…”

“Yeah!!! “Seeing the girl who was blushing and stammered, Yuan Shizuka was so excited that she screamed like a chicken crowing, which caused the students passing by to cast strange eyes frequently.

“Did you see it? Did you see it? Just Casey’s expression, Weiyang, Xiaoli, Casey and the squad leader definitely kissed.” Yuan Shizuka said excitedly.

“Casey, we are the best sisters. Tell us, how did you feel at that time? Who took the initiative?” Yuan Shizuka hung on Casey like a Komala. I entangled and asked.

“I don’t know or not, Shizuka, ask Xiaoli, doesn’t she also have a boyfriend? Go and ask her.” Casey ran away shyly, with Yuan Shizuka hanging on her Living pendants, like a point without noticeable weight.

Not far away, two teenagers who bought a Hegemon burger and hung their shoulders and gnawed together. They happened to see this scene with their mouths wide open.

The teenager with a pencil case came back to his senses first, and turned to his surprised companion and said, “How about Akuan, I’m not wrong. The gentler the girl is actually The most aggressive”

After speaking, the boy stretched his head to take a big bite at the burger that the boy had just bitten while his little partner had not yet come back to his senses.

“Hmm…Akai, you are right. As expected, the gentler the girl, the more sturdy. Now I don’t have any illusions about the gentle girl. From now on, mine There are only brother and Pokemon in the world.”

After that, the boy named A Kuan just took advantage of the place he had bitten by accident, and took a bite of a hamburger to suppress nodded and said.

“Kuan~My good brother, you can come to your senses, I am really happy for you.” The boy named Akai nodded with satisfaction.

“By the way, for the actual combat assessment of the final exam, we will not be on the field until tomorrow. You come to my house in the afternoon. Let’s practice in advance.”

“And karate, these two days We didn’t go to Dojo for training in the final exams of the school. After the Pokémon battle practice, we could just do karate practice together.”

“And my parents were not at home on business these past two days, so we didn’t need to practice. I’m afraid to noisy them.” The young man named Akai warmly invited.

“Okay~” called A Kuan directly agreed. He who values ​​friendship has no reason to refuse Brother’s invitation.



The last theoretical exam in the morning is over, it’s noon, and the actual combat assessment will start at 1 pm, after lunch Casey and the three girls in the bedroom rushed to the gym.

Similar to the 1v1 final assessment conducted by the same assessment Teacher in the last semester, this semester is the final assessment of the first academic year and is divided into two parts.

The first part is to use their own breed Pokémon to conduct a 1v1 elimination and promotion competition among all-year students.

This part examines the student’s ability to breed Pokémon and the tacit understanding of cooperating with Pokémon in battle.

The second part is the same as the first half of the semester. Students randomly select a Pokémon breed from the school, and then play against the teacher.

This session examines the students’ adaptability and the practical application of the knowledge learned in Pokémon textbooks. After all, Pokémon is randomly selected, and it is not easy to command operations.

Although it is very demanding, the students have not complained and it is no surprise that Saffron Middle School is an elite institution, and the quality of students is still very high.


Principal in the studio, he simply encouraged the students through the broadcast. The five teachers on each competition field divided by the gymnasium and the green sports field are also Bit.

Saffron middle school final exam actual combat assessment has officially started, and the theoretical exam ends at noon. The order of the students’ participation in the lottery has been announced, and the students are very clear about the number of exam rooms.

The first is the 1v1 elimination match between the students of the whole year. The students find the venue according to their number and go directly to the game when it is their turn. Of course, the teacher will also notify and remind the score student.

In addition to looking at the final ranking of the student’s performance in the knock-out promotion part, the performance in the competition will also be evaluated.

As an elite institution, Saffron Middle School is the talent training base of Kanto Alliance. It has a very strong competitive atmosphere, various assessments and strict conditions. But it is precisely because of this that the school attaches great importance to fairness and justice.

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