

The game started soon. Unlike the tension and seriousness during the waiting period, after the game officially started, whether it was the two stadiums or The atmosphere of the green stadium has become very lively.

The sound of fighting, the voice of the referee, the voice of the teacher scoring the score, and the cheers of the students waiting to play outside the field as spectators after the scoring.

On the 3rd battlefield, Casey and Gen Shizuka looked at the battle on the field with serious expressions. The two of them were divided into this field, and the other two in the dormitory and the rest of the class were divided into other The venue.

It’s not yet my turn to play, and other students around are acting as temporary spectators. Watching the ongoing game on the field are very happy, but Casey and Gen Shizuka have serious expressions.

For other ordinary class students, this is just an ordinary final exam, but for privileged class students, the meaning is quite different.

Whether it is a monthly exam, midterm exam, or final exam, every major exam is an important event that will determine their destiny.

Students in ordinary classes do not perform well in the exams, as long as they are not bad enough to be dismissed by the school, there is basically no impact, and they still study in ordinary classes.

If ordinary class students work hard, they might be able to go up to the privileged class.

However, the privileged class students work hard without any rewards, but if they fail the exam, they may be replaced by ordinary classes.

No one wants to lose what they have already acquired and possessed. For Casey and the others, the honor status and the privileges enjoyed by the privileged class students are what they do not want to lose.

Every time they take a test, all they have to do is to do their best to defeat the opponent and defend their glory and rights without any slack.

“In the next game, Casey of the privileged class will play against Xiushu of class one (three). Please prepare two students for the game.”

The five teachers on the sidelines After scoring the battle, one of the middle-aged female Teachers wearing glasses took out a list and looked at moved towards outside the court and shouted.

“Wow! The game has been going on for almost an hour, and I finally saw someone with a privileged class playing.”

“My God~It’s Casey, it’s been rumored. Liang Ren Senior’s rumored girlfriend who applied for graduation in advance.”

“Keep your voice down, this Casey student is not just as simple as Liang Ren Senior’s rumored girlfriend. He is also one of the top players in the privileged class. .”

“Is it so strong?”



When the grading teacher is announced After the name of the next game, the students waiting outside the field suddenly had a lively discussion.

On the other side of the battlefield, a young man wearing a saphire blue Academy suit did not sigh Casey’s strength like the others around him, but a confident smile on his face.

He is the opponent of Casey, the deputy monitor of class one (three) Xiushu. Although the students of the privileged class don’t know about him, he can serve as the deputy squad leader, but his strength is still not small. Obsessed.

“Casey son? Although she can be ranked at the forefront of the privilege class, her weakness is also very obvious, that is, the main Pokémon in her hand is a grass attribute.”

< p>“And I happen to have Pokémon, who is the restraining Attribute, if I win this game, I will not only have a high probability of entering the privileged class.”

“I can also use Mumu Liang Ren scandal. My girlfriend Casey was beaten by me to hype, and I will also become an influential figure in Saffron Middle School.”

Looking at the beautiful girl across the stadium, the boy named Xiushu couldn’t stop ecstatic. .

“Casey~Be careful, this guy named Xiushu seems to be the deputy squad leader of the third class. His strength is not weak.”

“Come on~” Gen Shizuka said with a serious expression Casey cheered up. Although he was still teasing each other at noon, as sisters in the dormitory, they still hope each other is good.

“Well, don’t worry, I have been training with Liang Ren during this period, and my strength has increased a lot. It is not easy for this person to defeat me.”

Casey patted Gen Shizuka’s hand, turned and walked confidently toward the court.

However, looking at Casey’s back confidently stepping onto the court, Yuan Jingxiang’s smile faded quickly, turning her head and looking at all around the students who were still discussing’Gossip Girlfriend’, she couldn’t help being frowned.

“Brother Liang Ren~Brother Liang Ren~, Casey, you silly girl is talking about your brother Liang Ren all day long.”

“You have confirmed the relationship with Liang Ren’s squad leader for so long No one has officially announced your relationship through Weibo.”

“Before, since the video of you and the monitor of team doubles matches on a boat in Baifan City was posted on the Internet, now the whole school , The whole Internet is saying that you are Liang Ren’s gossip girlfriend…”

Fiercely glared at the students discussing around, Yuan Jingxiang looked at the back of her good sister, and her tone was whispered. .

However, although she was unhappy that her good sister was dubbed “Gossip Girlfriend” as an unfriendly word, Yuan Shizuka also knew that Liang Ren’s squad leader was a boy with very good conduct in every aspect.

Plus his good sister Casey and his childhood sweethearts grew up together, Yuan Shizuka is also very optimistic and sincerely wishes the two of them this relationship.

“Hey~Liang Ren, the monitor, handles everything else in an orderly manner, except for the emotional aspects of men and women. They are always sloppy.”

“Casey, the silly girl, is also said to be Gossip girlfriend, I don’t know to complain to the monitor. Gossip girlfriend is not a good word for girls, and you are now boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“No, no I want this rumors to continue to ferment and pass on, so I will have a chat with the monitor later.” Yuan Jingxiang calmly noticed.

Listening to off-site students talking about her being Liang Ren’s rumored girlfriend, Casey had actually seen it on the Internet a long time ago.

Because Liang Ren was tired from training every day, she helped reply to the private messages on Weibo.

But with her personality that Liang Ren considers everything for Liang Ren, she is destined not to complain to Liang Ren, so Liang Ren didn’t know anything for such a long time.

Training for Pokémon. After training Pidgeot to train the monarch snake, after training the monarch snake to train Lucario, his life is mostly filled with training, so there is no spare time to care about these things.

“The game is about to go, and you can’t be distracted.” Casey who walked onto the field shook the head, turning his attention away from the discussion of the students outside the field.

When I came to the command position and stood still, the boy named Xiushu on the other side of the battlefield was already standing in the command position. Looking at the confident smile on the opponent’s face, Casey felt a little surprised.

“Is there something to rely on?” Casey thought to himself.

Because of the special nature of the privileged class, basically every student of the privileged class is a celebrity in Saffron Middle School.

Because ordinary class students challenge the rules of superiors, the “Privilege Class ××× Challenge Strategy” is widely circulated in Saffron Middle School, whether it is in normal times or during exams.

Although she doesn’t like to brag to others, her strength can really be ranked in the top five in the privilege class. With her strength, the other party is impossible to know her.

Since you know her, why can the other person show a very confident appearance after meeting her in the exam?

Casey is a very smart girl, and the reason is quickly thought of when she turns her head.

“I think the two Pokémons in my hand are both grass attributes, and he happens to have a Pokémon that restrains the grass Attributes?”

“But now I have more than Two Grass Type Pokémon Yo.” Casey looked at the opposite boy with a smile, “So confident, then I will surprise you too.”

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