

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario, Monarch Snake, and little Dratini are released to play by themselves, while Liang Ren and Casey follow Fu You learn to worship dance and music.

“This morning, we will learn the “Fire Kagura” of the festival dance. Before going to the next room to change into the festival dance costumes I prepared for you, first choose a bird you like on the wall of this room Mask it. “

Fuyou stood in front of the wall, looking at these Decorate Scary Face tools with colorful Toba that he had made during this time, turning his head moved towards Liang Ren and Casey and said.



“Good~” Liang Ren and Casey agreed in unison, looked at each other and smiled, then walked to the wall to choose their favorite mask.

< p>Because the next sacrificial dance to be learned is called “Fire of Kagura”, Liang Ren chose a Scary Face tool with the main color red, and Casey’s side is similar.

However, the mask chosen by Liang Ren was worn by boys. A red sword feather on the forehead of the mask stretched straight, while Casey’s hand had more feather decorates on the mask, and it was hanging down like hair. .

“Brother Liang Ren, look…hehe~” Casey took the mask and put it on his face. Through the two holes in the mask, the girl’s eyes were full of smiles.

“Dancing is your specialty of Casey. Then you have to give me more pointers.” Liang Ren also put the Scary Face tool on his face, saying with a smile.

“Don’t worry, with Liang Ren’s innate talent, you can learn it soon.” For this, Casey is more confident than Liang Ren himself.

“I hope so.” Liang Ren shook the head, followed by the camera crew and the drone Rotom, and the two went to the next room to change into the special dance that Fuyou prepared for them. clothing.

Then Fuyou led the two to another very spacious and empty room, like a dance studio decorated with Primal.

“The “Fire God Music” is a dance performed by the ancestors in the High Priest event to worship, entertain, and energize the gods. “

“”The Kagura of Fire” is divided into Yuan Wu, Bi Luo Tian, ​​Sun Red Mirror, Yan Wu, Magic Sun Rainbow, Train, Burning Sun, Yang Hua Tu , Dragon Head Dance of Solar Halo, Flywheel Sunfire, Twelve Sets of Turning Actions. “

“Because there are only three days, our learning goal today is to master the first four sets of movements of’Round Dance, Bi Luo Tian, ​​Lie Sun Red Mirror, and Yan Wu’. “

“Before teaching the two of them to learn “Fire Kagura”, I will give them a complete demonstration. “Fuyu, who was kneeling on the mat, stood up and jumped up the Kagura of fire in a burst of joyous and enthusiastic festival music.

“Tingling…” The Kagura bell in his hand accompanied He waved his arms and made the sound of jingle bells.

Pian Ruo Jinghong and Wan Ruo Yulong are not suitable to describe Fuyou in the dance at this moment, and I don’t know if it’s too ecstatic. Liang Ren feels that Fu You is like a flickering flame in front of him.

Through the holes of the mask, the eyes behind the mask seem to be two flames jumping, and when the softness transforms to the powerful, they wave The sound of Kagura Bell makes Liang Ren feel physically and mentally disturbed.

Flora is the maiden of Aasia Island. Liang Ren had heard her use it at the Saffron High School Huaci Festival Art Evening before. The “Sound of the Flute of the Sea” played by bone flute, but I haven’t seen her dancing.

As Flora’s elder sister and a sea maiden on the island of Asia, Fuyou believes in a purer belief and recognizes her identity as the sea maiden.

At this moment, there is a “Fire Kagura” ceremonial dance, and Liang Ren’s scalp is numb. Through Fuyou’s bright eyes, Liang Ren seems to be able to see her soul raging like a flame combustion.

Liang Ren, who doesn’t know how to dance and rarely touches the art of dance, is deeply shocked. As a dancer, Casey is completely immersed in Fuyou’s dance.

A pair of eyes reflected Fuyou’s flame-like dance, two lines of tears flowed down silently, and Casey didn’t notice it.


I don’t know how long it took, Liang Ren and Casey were awakened by the sound of a Kagura bell. They looked up and looked towards Fuyou No matter it is Liang Ren or Casey, my heart is full of shock.

Liang Ren’s shock is that this girl who has always respected him because of Lugia and because of her status as the messenger of the god of the sea, has such a side.

And Casey was shocked that the appeal of Fuyou’s previous fire Kagura festival dance has reached or even exceeded the level of everyone in dance.

“In the past, the climate in the Orange Islands was changeable, and the status of priests was high, and they did not need to work like ordinary islanders, so their physical fitness was often poor.”

“In order to exercise the body while maintaining the noble demeanor of the priest himself, many sacrificial dances have been modified to have the training effect of nourishing energy.”

“This set of “Fire Kagura” is also like this, as long as After learning, keep jumping regularly, you can have a good exercise effect. “Fuyou, who finished dancing the sacrificial dance, returned to his previous gentleness.

“We will study very seriously. “Liang Ren and Casey looked at each other, and then solemnly said to Fuyou.

Liang Ren is a Fighting cultivation. He naturally has a ritual dance that can nourish the energy and exercise the body. Very keen interest, and as a dancer, Casey, let alone.

“I’m very happy to hear you say that~” Fu You’s face burst into a beautiful smile.

“This morning we learned the four sets of’round dance, biluotian, scorching sun red mirror, and flame dance’. It is not difficult to remember and learn the dance moves. The difficult thing is to understand each set. Artistic conception in dance movements. “

“The first set of movements “round dance”, when we remember the dance moves, when we dance, we have to imagine a bonfire burning in front of ourselves, and then open our arms around the bonfire to make a virtual hug Actions. “

“The role of sacrificial dance is different according to the role of worshipping, entertaining, and powering the gods, and the overall mood of the dance is also very different. “Fire God Music” is mainly for entertainment and powering. “

“Of all the sacrificial dances, it is the least solemn and the atmosphere is the most relaxed and joyful, so you must immerse yourself in joyful emotions during the dance. “



For students like Liang Ren and Casey, remember that dance moves are simply not It was too simple. After Fuyou demonstrated the “round dance”, the two quickly remembered it.

For the bonfire surrounding Xu Hug, use your body to feel the temperature of the flame, close your eyes and feel the light emitted by the flame through a layer of eyelids.

Drilling wood to make fire, flames helped the ancestors drive away wild beasts, illuminate the darkness, and cook food.

In the process of dancing the “Fire Kagura”, we must learn to put ourselves in the position to realize the joy of our ancestors when they first discovered the flames, and thank the flames from the heart for what they have done in human civilization. Played a role.

Ecstasy, gratitude… Immerse your body and mind in that wonderful state of mind, as if you have also turned into a burning flame.

The reason why Xueba can be called Xueba is not only because they have a stronger memory, but because their understanding and perception are amazing.

After a while, Liang Ren and Casey not only remembered the first set of dance moves “Round Dance” of “Fire Kagura” taught by Fuyou, and even the artistic conception in it was also smooth Realized it.

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