“How do you feel?” Looking at the happy expressions of the two, Fuyou curiously asked.

Liang Ren and Casey looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

“I can realize the kind of mood you described as Fuyou Gym Leader. Although it’s only the first set of actions, I feel warm after the jump, as if a flame is circulating around me. “

“Me too…” Casey sub-nodded, agreeing happily.

“It’s amazing. The perception of the two is amazing.” Fuyou nodded commented very pertinently.

When she just mentioned the assessment of the Mandolin Gym, Liang Ren asked two questions. What if the trainer participating in the assessment does not have a dance innate talent or has a high innate talent?

With Liang Ren and Casey’s reference at this time, there is no doubt that they are the kind of people with very high dance innate talent.

“Since the two have mastered the first set of dance moves, let’s start to learn the second set of dance moves: Bi Luo Tian.”

Liang Ren and Casey demonstrate exercises After seeing that the two of them had really mastered it twice, Fu Yu also began to teach the second set of dance moves Bi Luo Tian.

“Bi Luotian’s action is mainly about chest up and jumping…” Fuyou explained and demonstrated this set of actions, and it is still the same. Fuyou demonstrated it again, Liang Ren and Casey Just remember it completely.

The two danced together for a while, even Fuyou couldn’t help clapping and applauding. Although the two of them still lacked the artistic charm, it’s amazing that they can reach this level after watching them. Up.

“Bi Luotian’s set of movements, when jumping, we must understand such an energy cycle, that is–“

“The sun gives plant seeds that absorb water Germination, the process of seeds germinating and then growing into big trees, is actually a process of continuously intercepting, absorbing, storing, and using solar energy.”

“Water and land are only hotbeds, and the sun is everything on the ground. The father and mother of the vegetation, the big trees were chopped into pieces by people.”

“The burning of wood in a bonfire is not death, but consumes the solar energy stored within the body. At the end, the ashes return to the hotbed of the earth, and the Celestic soul rises to the sky, flying all the way to the mother sun.”

“So when the dance moves of Bi Luo Tian, ​​boys can move more He’s more powerful and emotional, stretched his arms and leaped high towards the sky.”

“like a naughty and naughty boy, tired of playing outside, asked what the mother did in Taoism Familiar with Fragrance in the food, I rushed towards the house like a joy.”

“And when the girl dances Bi Luo Tian, ​​the sense of strength can be less strong, and can be gentler and lighter, but Also show the joy of going home and returning to mother’s embrace.”



Fuyou is a small class In the class, only Liang Ren and Casey were the students, so they were very careful in the lecture, and they also demonstrated for them personally.

This kind of almost hand-to-hand teaching, coupled with Liang Ren and Casey’s high perception and very good physical fitness, remember a set of dance moves, understand the artistic conception of cleavage, and then add the two until you are completely familiar And master, the time spent at most 15 minutes.

A set of ancient and sacred sacrificial dances that also have the effect of physical exercise. Whether it is Liang Ren or Casey, they have learned very enthusiastically.

Fuyou, the’Teacher,’ was also moved by the two people’s active and studious enthusiasm, and they became more vigorous in teaching. Both parties completely forgot that this was an assessment.

“The third set of dance moves “Red Mirror of the Sun”, the overall movement is a bit more than the previous two sets, and it is integrated into the first set of round dance circle movements, but it is not a pile of virtual hugs Bonfire, but the sun in the sky. “

“When turning in circles, raise your head and imagine the scorching sun in the sky as a fiery-red mirror, moving towards the sun, using your face to receive the energy of the sun, and your body to feel the sun Use your mind to visualize your face in the scorching sun mirror. “

” In this set of actions, boys should show their brave fearlessness, as if they are courting their beloved girl, the better they are emotionally. “

“And the girls here can imagine that they are dressing up and dressing up, and the female is a pleasing person. When doing this action, it must be joyful, and it must also bring the boy who is about to meet with the boy Shyness. “



“The fourth set of Kagura of Fire, “Yanwu”, is the most moves among the previous four sets of dance moves Yes, it can be regarded as the main part of Kagura of Fire. “

“To entertain the gods first, entertain yourself, the annual High Priest celebration is not only a sacrifice to the Spiritual God to comfort the ancestors, but also an important time for young men and women to court and marry. “

“Everyone danced around the bonfire, and the single young man stood alone, with a fractal sense of loneliness in his expression, but when he found his goal, he found the girl he liked. “

“The youth who stand alone and helpless will be rejuvenated, bravely come to the beloved girl, do their best to dance the courtship dance, and strive to pass on their sincerity to the beautiful girl through dance. . “

“And girls at this time will be more shy, the same dance moves, the girl looks a little shy, dodges her eyes and dare not look at the boys~”

“until After the boys moved the girl with more powerful dances and more surging emotions, the girl finally let go of her dance, her eyes took the initiative to meet the boys, and she responded enthusiastically and generously. “

“The dance of the two sides is like a blazing bonfire, and the warm emotions are wood and fuel, making the surface of the body burst into flames. “

“The flames are burning, entangled and collided, feelings are heating up, and love is getting stronger…”

If you say “round dance, bi Luotian, and red mirror of the sun” Bottle gourd learn by painting, and then work hard to realize the artistic conception described by Fuyou.

For “Yanwu”, Liang Ren and Casey, who have just announced their relationship some time ago, are currently in love with Fuyou Coaching.

After memorizing the dance moves, for the first demonstration, the dance performed by Liang Ren and Casey is already very flavorful and charming, and the whole process is very natural.

During the third time “Yan Dance”, Liang Ren and Casey’s comprehension and control of this dance have even surpassed Fuyou’s “Teacher”.

After all, Teacher is still single, and the students are already in pairs. In the area of ​​love, Liang Ren and Casey, who have personal experience, obviously know better, so the Yan dance they dance is more flavorful.

The “Fire of Kagura” sacrificial dance was divided into twelve sets of movements. The original three days, four sets of movements were learned in one day, and it was just finished in three days.

After all, in addition to sacrificial dance, Liang Ren also chose to study sacrificial music, two pieces of content, half a day of study in one day, so three days can be considered very stressful.

It’s just that Liang Ren and Casey’s learning ability greatly exceeded Fuyou’s expectations.

Today Liang Ren and their mandolin gym are almost nine o’clock, this morning they have about two and a half to three hours to study.

To learn the four sets of movements of’round dance, bi Luotian, burning sun red mirror, and flame dance’, Fuyou felt that the two might have to spare some time later.

But didn’t expect to comment that each set of exercises is 15 minutes, four sets of dance moves, and they can be learned and mastered in about an hour. This speed can be said to shock Fuyou.

“Is this a genius? Not only is he very good at breeding and exercising Pokémon, he can even learn to dance so quickly.” Fuyou was a little shocked.

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