

Yuan Wu, Bi Luo Tian, ​​Sun Red Mirror, Yan Wu, Magic Sun Rainbow, Train, Burning Sun, Yang Hua Tu, The dragon head dance of the sun halo, the flywheel sun flame, and the setting sun turned around.

Fuyou originally planned to let Liang Ren and Casey learn four sets of exercises every day for the twelve sets of exercises split into the festival dance of “Fire of Kagura”, and they just finished learning three days later.

However, Liang Ren and Casey’s learning speed is too fast. They learned four sets of movements in just one hour. Seeing that they are really proficient.

Fu You did not stick to the plan she made at first. After obtaining the consent of the two, Fu You also continued to teach Liang Ren and Casey to dance.

Only three hours in the morning, Liang Ren and Casey have completely mastered the sacrificial dance: “Fire God Music”.

For the assessment, at first Liang Ren chooses one of two choices to learn sacrificial dance, then he has successfully passed the assessment of Mandolin Gym, and he can challenge in the afternoon.

However, in order to perform the duties of a special inspector, Liang Ren has to learn sacrificial music. He has personally experienced all two assessments of the challenger by the Mandolin Gym, so that he can compare the mandolin more comprehensively. Ling Gym makes his own evaluation.

However, it takes time to learn sacrificial dance and sacrificial music. For Liang Ren, it is not a waste of time. If it doesn’t make any sense, then Fuyou, as a mandolin Gym Leader, would not set this up. The assessment has been made.

Take this sacrificial dance that I learned in the morning: “Fire Kagura”, which has a very amazing effect on the trainer’s body.

Furthermore, he just danced a sacrificial dance, Liang Ren felt the power of’qi’ that he could only feel when the Fighting technique cultivation reached a very profound level.

If he opens the bond link with Lucario and teaches the “Fire Kagura” ceremonial dance to Lucario, this is definitely like Slowpoke’s “Calm Mind Art of the Sea of ​​Clouds”, it can exercise Lucario Aura well. Kind of very special cultivation method.

‘Qi’ can only be perceived when the body exercises to a certain degree. It is a very pure muscle fleshy body power.’Aura’ is more partly produced in the brain and mind.

But no matter what, both are a kind of’qi’, a very high-end Fighting Type power, and one has to perceive the existence of’qi’ within the body.

Except for the more special Lucario, Normal’s Fighting Pokémon only has the option of exercising, just as Psychic Type Pokémon can only rely on Calm Mind for tempering and strengthening Mental Force.

Fighting Type Pokémon at the later stage, after you have sensed and mastered a certain amount of’qi’, you can comprehend the long-range special attack style of Qi Hetan.

However, there is no effective way to further enhance the “qi” within the body. Even if Liang Ren has made two Aura developments for Lucario, he is just facing the “qi” of Aura. ‘The use of.

How to enhance Lucario’s Aura through the method of’cultivation’, Liang Ren didn’t know before, but after learning the ceremonial dance with Fuyou: “Kagura of Fire”, Liang Ren understood.

This kind of special sacrificial dance created by ancient priests who don’t need to work but want to exercise their bodies is a kind of cultivation method for “qi”.

“Although it is not known whether the ancient priests really have the ability to communicate with nature and Spiritual God, they can create this kind of sacrificial dance that guides the movement of’qi’ within the body to enhance physical fitness.”

“These ancient priests are definitely not simple!!” Liang Ren judged with determination in his heart.

At noon Liang Ren and Casey had lunch at the Mandolin Gym. After a break, they started their afternoon study.

In the morning, the sacrificial dance “Fire of Kagura” has been learned. According to the original plan, Fuyou will teach Liang Ren to learn the sacrificial music “Flute of the Sea” in the afternoon.

“These pottery xuns on the table were all made by myself when I was free a while ago. Liang Ren, please pick one. If you can successfully pass the test, this pottery xun will be combined with the morning ritual dance mask. I gave it to you as your “graduation gift”.”

Back in the morning where I chose the Scary Face tool, Flora smiled and pointed to Tao Xun on the table, and let Liang Ren choose it myself .

“Since Fuyou Gym Leader said so, then I’m not welcome.” Liang Ren came to the table after speaking, and picked Black from among the many Taoxuns.

And Casey, not at all, followed Liang Ren to learn sacrificial music, but went to the empty room in the morning to continue dancing.

“Now that we have chosen, let’s start.” Fu You also took a Tao Xun from the table and said.

“Tao Xun was used by the ancestors to trap prey in ancient times. It slowly evolved into a musical instrument. In our traditional sacrificial activities on the island of Asia, Tao Xun and bone flute were used by witches. A sacrificial instrument to play.”

“Our Asiatic lineage worships nature, especially the sea, so every time we perform sacrificial offerings, a piece of music that the maiden must play is the sound of the sea flute. “

“I asked someone to translate this piece into a numbered musical notation, and then it was carved on the wall of another room dedicated to sacrificial music practice. Let me take you there~”

< p>“Okay. “



Tao Xun is very Primal, so it is slightly simpler than modern instruments that have been developed and mature. .

Fuyou gave a detailed explanation on the’playing posture, the method of holding the Xun, the mouth style of the Xun, the angled breathing, the blowing sound, the Finger Law and the modulation’.

Tao Xun is an ancient musical instrument, Liang Ren has almost mastered it in sixty to seventy percent. Behind him is practicing the notation of the “Flute of the Sea” carved on the wall of the’Music Classroom’.

Xun’s tone is deep, sad, mournful, and endless, with a unique musical quality.

As a teaching demonstration, Fu You played it completely in front of Liang Ren. The sacred temperament of a girl, the deep tone of Tao Xun, and the unique tune of “The Sound of the Flute”.

The sound of the flute of the sea not only made Liang Ren intoxicated and unable to extricate himself from it, but the angry sea that was shrouded by the storm in the distant sky became quiet now.

Liang Ren, who has read the original work, knows that this “sea flute sound” is combined with a special bone flute. If it is played by a maiden from the lineage of Asia Island on the altar of the sea, it will produce a very special the power of.

Not only can the stormy sea calm down, but it can also calm the anger in people and Pokémon, and even heal Pokémon who has been seriously injured.

In the original theatrical version of “The Burst of Pokemon Lugia”, Flora, the witch of Asia, played the sea flute and released the spirit of the sea in the altar of the sea. Lugia and the three Divine Birds on Sanshin Island.

Although we can do this, we must use the bone flute that has been passed down from generation to generation on the island of Asia, and the three conditions of the maiden and the altar of the sea must be met at the same time, but the song “Sound of the Sea Flute” is lost. A sense of existence.

But if this piece is really so ordinary, it won’t be named “The Flute of the Sea” by the lineage of Asia, which worships the sea and Lugia, the god of the sea.

A sacrificial dance “Fire Kagura” in the morning gave Liang Ren a clue to help Lucario’cultivation’ Aura Force. Liang Ren also attached great importance to the “Flute of the Sea” .

“I don’t know what special power this song contains. It is very helpful for Pokémon to improve its strength.” Liang Ren thought.

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