The sun sinks into the West Sea, and the sky is full of clouds.

In the blink of an eye in the afternoon, after mastering the ancient instrument Tao Xun with super high perception, the song “Sound of the Flute of the Sea” was quickly learned by Liang Ren.

Fuyou gave three days to learn from the challenger, even if the two assessments were chosen from one of the two. Didn’t expect Liang Ren to choose both assessments, but in the end it took only one day. To.

In the evening, Liang Ren’s study was checked and accepted. After hearing the sound of the sea flute played by Liang Ren with Tao Xun, Fu You also said that Liang Ren could already finish apprenticeship.

“You have passed both tests. Tomorrow morning, come and do the Gym challenge.” Fuyou said while looking at the boy in front of him.

If she was respectful at the first meeting, it was because the other party was younger sister Flora invited to come to Asia, and the other party was a distinguished guest from afar.

When I met again for the second time, she was very respectful to Liang Ren. That was because Liang Ren was chosen as the messenger by the sea god Lugia.

Now that he treats Liang Ren as a Mandolin Gym Leader, Fuyou has become respectful at the moment, it is all because of Liang Ren’s super innate talent.

“Okay.” Liang Ren nodded.

“Thanks to Fuyou Gym Leader for his patient teaching one day today, then we will see you tomorrow.”

“Well, see you tomorrow.” In the Sun News camera crew and drone Under Rotom’s lens, Fu You and Liang Ren politely distinguished each other.

Holding the “Fire Scary Face Tool and Black Taoxun” presented by Fuyou, Liang Ren and Casey took Pokémon away from the mandolin Gym and returned to the Pokémon Center.

Flora and the camera crew of the Sun News Company went outside to shoot some aerial material, and they also put an end to today’s work.

“Liang Ren Junior Brother, we will immediately edit the video we shot today after we go back. The finished film will come out later and we will send it to you immediately.”

“Okay, today Hard work Senior, hard work everyone, of course Rotom you too.” After coming out of the mandolin Gym, Liang Ren also bid farewell to Flora.

“We should say thank you.” Zheng Nan didn’t know that Liang Ren was the actual controlling shareholder behind the “Sun News” company. Seeing that he was willing to help, he was filled with gratitude.



Because of rushing back to edit the video, Zhengnan and the others did not talk to Liang Ren more, you are polite After a few sentences, he drove back to the company in a hurry.

“Let’s go back too.” Seeing that all the staff of Sun News had left, Liang Ren turned his head and said to Casey.

“Yeah~ good.” With two eyes narrowed into two crescent moons, Casey looked very happy when he learned a sacrificial dance “Kagura of Fire” at the Mandolin Gym today.

Back to the Pokémon Center on Mandolin Island, the two released Pokémon after lunch, and then went back to the room.

Let a few Pokémon play on the side, while Liang Ren took out the laptop and compiled the ritual dance fire Kagura learned today into mechanical language and imported it into the computer.

Through modeling, let the human body model constructed in the computer begin to practice the sacrificial dance Fire Kagura just imported. From the perspective of the beholder, this fire Kagura Kagura dance is indeed very not simple.

“It seems to be just a sacrificial dance, but after watching it twice, you can find out of the ordinary, as if it was like the Five Animals Opera created by Divine Doctor Hua Tuo in the past.”


“Although it does not focus on attacks like Fighting, it has no combat ability, but it is precisely because some attack moves have been deleted, but it melts and points directly to the source.”

“If Normal’s Fighting technique is to practice shape, then this set of “Fire God Music” is like Qigong——

While regulating the spirit, regulating qi and blood, replenishing the lungs, and activating the meridians, Unconsciously completed luck, nourishing Qi and Refining Qi. “

Looking at the villain model of “Fire Kagura” on the laptop screen, Liang Ren thought to himself.

After checking, after seeing that there was nothing wrong with the Kagura of Fire in the villain model rehearsal, Liang Ren also separated a consciousness and entered the Psychic space in the middle of the brow.

“Number One, you haven’t been here for a long time.” In Seven Colors Space, where the end is invisible to all directions, a teenager with the same appearance as Liang Ren opened his mouth and said, without his tone. The slightest mood swings seemed like a machine.

This is exactly when Liang Ren awakened Psychic by taking the spiritual liquid of wisdom at the Saffron City Psychic celebration, and then the innate talent was reactivated after watching the Steelix Mega evolution at Pewter Gym.

Later in the Lilycove City Contest Conference celebration, because of the absorption of the power released by the evolution of many Pokémon Megas, the Psychic personality that was born out of strange mutation was produced.

Because this Psychic personality is only the manifestation of Liang Ren innate talent “Mega Evolution Wave”, all his memories and cognitions have been copied and stored in this Psychic personality forever.

But Psychic personality is not at all emotion and independent consciousness, plus it is rarely used.

Most of the time, the Psychic personality is like a patrol sentry robot in the factory of the future, helping him guard the large workshop of the innate talent space.

The MegaPokémon image of the projection in the Psychic innate talent space is actually just a concrete presentation of the energy technique, working tirelessly and generating Mega Evolution waves for him.

However, Psychic personality is rarely used, which does not mean that this Psychic personality is not strong, on the contrary, because it backs up Liang Ren’s memory and cognition.

When thinking and deducing something, adding such a Psychic personality is like having an extra brain, and its computing power, memory, etc. will double.

He usually helps Pokémon make a training plan, or trains a certain ability alone. The pre-formulation, mid-term modification, and post-improvement of the training plan are all thought and formulated by him and Psychic personality .

Just like Pidgeot’s three unique abilities of “God Strike, Dragon Strike, and Destruction Strike”, as well as Lucario’s two Aura developments, Liang Ren alone cannot accomplish it.

“On the second, I took part in the mandolin Gym test today, the sacrificial dance “Fire Kagura”, I found some very interesting things. “Consciousness projection came to this Psychic space, Liang Ren said to the Psychic personality nodded.

Because this Psychic personality is the product of his Mental Force and Psychic innate talent, plus the contribution of memory and all knowledge. I know, it’s always weird to treat the other person as a machine completely.

But it’s also weird to ask the other person to call him the’master’. After all, the other person is not a real person, so he calls this Psychic personality On number one, the other party called him number two.

“I have already received it. “Kagura of Fire” is indeed similar to the five animal operas in the previous life and Primal Chaos Fist. It is not easy to perceive the qi within the body with such a set of sacrificial dances, and even to nurture and strengthen it. “

“No.1, when you were learning this sacrificial dance today, the reason you were able to perceive the qi within the body so quickly is because you have a very profound Fighting technique cultivation base. “

“Even if you don’t rely on “Fire Kagura”, it won’t be long before you can feel the’qi’ within the body, and then control and use them. “The Psychic personality has no emotions, so it is more rational than Liang Ren when analyzing and thinking about problems.

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