“Woo~” The monarch snake crowed softly.

The petrified light of the gray green in the eyes directed towards Slowbro, while doing two things at the same time, controlling the unrolled bolt of white silk that the Giga Drain turned into energy, once again wrapped around Slowbro.

“Slowbro, hurry up dodge!!” Fu You shouted anxiously from the side.

But Slowbro, who is imprisoned by petrochemical power, is like a sleepwalker with his hands and feet tied up.

Struggle didn’t break free for a moment. The next second Slowbro was directly entangled by the energy unrolled bolt of white silk transformed into Giga Drain, and the remaining little physical strength was continuously extracted by the monarch snake.

Giga Drain is the ultimate Ability of the Absorb series. When opponent energy is extracted and transformed into its own energy, the conversion efficiency is as high as 50%.

However, because Slowbro is a Water Type Pokémon, the monarch snake There is also a Water Type bloodline here. At this moment, Giga Drain’s efficiency in extracting and transforming Slowbro’s physical strength has increased a lot.

“Slowbro!!!” Fuyou shouted anxiously, trying to wake Slowbro from his sleep.

However, I didn’t yell a few times. Slowbro, which was drained of strength, looked like anemia. Both eyes turned into a pair of mosquito coil eyes and fainted and lost the combat capability.

“Slowbro loses the combat capability. The challenger’s monarch snake wins the game.”

Judging that Slowbro loses the combat capability, the referee also raised the red flag in his hand and announced The final result of the first game.

Ding, experience +390

Ding, pick up defense Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up special attack innate talent value +1


This game was very fierce. Liang Ren and the Monarch Snake could finally win, and the audience also broke out with deafening cheers.

Seeing the experience fog and Attribute coins exploded by Slowbro, there was an innate talent red coin, and Liang Ren’s face also showed a smile.

“Compared to the wild, it is easier to break out the innate talent red coins by participating in the official Pokémon battle.”

Use your mind to collect the Attribute coins into the system backpack and store them. Liang Ren couldn’t help sighing.

In the two months of special training on the Three Gods Island, he did not take Pokémon to the field experience, but he can count the number of red coins for innate talent.

“Come back, Slowbro, you did a good job in the previous battle, you worked hard.” Fuyou held the baby ball in his hand and took Slowbro back.

Looked towards the boy on the opposite side of the stadium, Fuyou’s eyes were full of admiration.

“It is true that even Lord Lugia, the god of the sea, must put down his body and become a trainer for spokesperson. Liang Ren’s innate talent is really amazing.” Fuyou sighed inwardly.

“Monarch Snake, thank you for your hard work, let’s hand it over to other players in the next game.”

When Fuyou took back Slowbro, Liang Ren also held Poké in his hand. Ball, after a commendation, also took the Monarch Snake back.

“Eh! How did Mr. Liang Ren replace the Monarch Snake? Did the Monarch Snake get injured in the battle?”

“No way, look back at the battle just now, The Monarch Snake has never been hit by Slowbro’s attacks, and even Slowbro has not gotten close to the Monarch Snake from the beginning to the end.”

“Well, and the physical energy consumed, I finally used Giga Drain to pump it. , I guess it’s almost the answer.”

“Since the Monarch Snake is not injured, it is obviously that Mr. Liang Ren wants other Pokémon to exercise. The Pokemon under Mr. Liang Ren’s opponent is really gentle.”

“Well, I just don’t know which Pokémon he will send to the game in the next second game. I’m looking forward to it!!”

“…”< /p>


Fuyou and Liang Ren took out the Poké Ball shell at the same time under the expectant gaze of the off-site audience, and this time, Fuyou did not release Pokémon as before. .

Obviously, she also knows that the person standing opposite her is not an ordinary challenger who needs her to release the water, but a powerful opponent that even if she does her best, she may not be able to defeat it.

“Come out, Sigilyph.”

“Lucario, ready to fight!!”

In the eyes of the audience, Liang Ren and Fuyou throw at the same time He released the baby ball in his hand and released the Pokémon inside.

“ao 嗷——” The mighty and handsome Lucario appeared on the stage, and the trainers of the appearance match exclaimed with great appreciation.

In this age of Species Strength supremacy, Lucario was selected by trainers in the professional circle as a Pokémon that is no less precious than Quasi-Legendary, which shows how popular it is.

However, seeing Pokemon sent by Fu You, Liang Ren was even more surprised.

Sigilyph, also known as Totem bird, has a Psychic + Flying mixed Attribute. Although there is a bird in the name, the actual appearance does not look like a bird.

As the Guardian of the ancient city, Sigilyph has a very strange body structure.

The arms, wings, and tail are like a wide-toothed comb, with a round body and a small head-like part.

The complex patterns on her body look exactly like Totem, which is the same as Claydol.

However, the pattern on Sigilyph has colors, just like Totem’s. The red, yellow, blue and green colors are very bright, but the pattern on Claydol is only black and white, which is very monotonous.

In addition, Sigilyph also has something very similar to Unown. For example, its head is very similar to Unown I.

As the earliest discovery in the ancient ruins of Unova Region, it is actually similar to Unown. Sigilyph is also distributed in ancient ruins in various regions. Like Lucario, it is also very rare and rare Pokémon.

“This Pokemon sent by Fuyou Gym Leader is a Pokémon from which region, am I too unusual and inexperienced? I don’t seem to know it.”

“Ibid.— “



“I searched on Pokédex. This Pokémon is called Sigilyph, which is the earliest in the historical remains of Unova Region The ancient Pokémon found, the Attribute is Psychic + Flying.”

“Ancient Pokémon, what about Sri Lanka~”

“didn’t expect our Mandolin Island Gym, turned out to be a powerful Psychic Type Gym.”

“It’s another Psychic Type Pokémon. In the last game, Mr. Liang Ren’s Attribute has an advantage. Psychic fights fighting. , It seems that Fuyou Gym Leader has more advantages.”

“Hehe ~ What about the advantages of Attribute, what my male god is best at is fighting against Attributes. Attributes are too advantageous and can’t exert their full strength. , I think this is the reason why my male god used Lucario to replace the monarch snake.”

“Tsk, Mumu Liang Ren himself hasn’t started blowing it, your little fan has blown it up.”

“Don’t say much, just wait for my male god to show you how to fight against Attribute.”

“Oh, I’m having a bad temper!! “

“hehe, you have the ability to chase me, if you catch up with me, let you hehehe…”

“Fuck you, you Nakolulu.”< /p>



Two rare Pokémon are on the stage. The battle has not yet officially started. The atmosphere at the scene became very warm.

“The game begins!!”

Seeing it almost, the referee named Cyan Brown on the sidelines did not delay, raising the green signal flag in his hand and decisively announcing the start of the game.

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