“Sigilyph, preemptively, use Gravity on Lucario.” Fuyou raised his hand and shouted.

“Woo~” Sigilyph, with a bright red, yellow and blue Totem pattern on his body, screamed, as if he had spotted an intruder who had broken into the ruins.

The two azure eyes that grow on the spherical body emit dazzling Psychic light waves. Lucario sank, and it became extremely difficult for Gravity to lift his legs behind him.

But long-term exercise under the Gravity field of Slowpoke, whether it is Liang Ren or Lucario, has a strong adaptability to the powerful Gravity.

“Lucario, use Swift.”

“ao 嗷——” Lucario who received the instruction did not hesitate, raised his palm to aim at Sigilyph in the sky where the Gravity field was being applied .

“xiū xiū xiū xiu…” A string of golden stars is like shooting stars falling from the sky in the night sky.

Swift’s speed is very fast, and Fuyou and Sigilyph did not expect to be suppressed by Gravity suddenly, Lucario could react in such a short time.

“peng peng peng peng……”

“Oh!!” Being hit by Meteor Feiya successively, Sigilyph let out a piercing squeal, which obviously suffered Let it suffer serious injuries.

However, Liang Ren’s attack was more than that. The normal Ability Swift wounded Sigilyph, and the Gravity field applied to Lucario disappeared instantly.

Liang Ren did not give up this great opportunity to attack. With the help of the silent command of the bond link, another instruction quickly connected: “Lucario, jump up and use Sky Uppercut!!!”

< p>“ao 嗷——” Lucario returned to complied, crouched and jumped, clenched his fists moved towards the air, Sigilyph rushed over.

Seeing Lucario attacking again, Fu You also knew that Liang Ren had silently issued instructions to Lucario through the bondage, so she did not dare to hesitate.

“Sigilyph, use Confusion to imprison.” Fuyou loudly shouted.

In the Sky, the two Pokémon fought fiercely. Lucario jumped high to in midair and moved towards Sigilyph fiercely with an uppercut.

But Sigilyph is not to be outdone either. Sigilyph uttered an angry scream after receiving Fuyou’s command, and Psychic fluorescence was emitted from both eyes.

“Ugh!!” The invisible Confusion turned into a giant hand, moved towards Lucario and caught it.

If the Confusion giant can be seen, the scene on the field at the moment is like Lucario jumping in midair to let the Confusion giant take the initiative, but Liang Ren is obviously impossible to let Lucario take the initiative to hit the gun.

Fortunately, Liang Ren shared Lucario’s perception of Aura. Sigilyph’s Psychic attacked the people in the appearance battle. It seemed invisible, but in the eyes of Liang Ren, there was nothing to hide.

“Attack!!!” Liang Ren frowned, but his tone was very determined.

“ao 嗷——” Lucario, who had jumped into midair, screamed in an imposing manner, and Sky Uppercut under the waist of Stockpile, fiercely blasted towards the front of the’nothing’.

In the eyes of the audience off the court, Lucario suddenly punched, as if he was hitting the air, but the fist wrapped in the dark red fist literally hit a wall.

“Bang!!” A loud blast sounded as the fist collided with the giant Confusion hand.

In Aura’s vision perception, the Psychic hand composed of white fluorescence was bombarded by Lucario’s Sky Uppercut to disintegrate, but after the explosion of the Confusion giant, Lucario’s Sky Uppercut was also gone.

“ao ao~” Lucario yelled. He lost his uptrend and had no focus on his feet. In the end, he could only adjust the center of gravity with a backflip, and then fell back to the court unwillingly.

With a confusion, Fuyou and Sigilyph did not cause damage to Lucario, but the interception of Lucario was considered a contribution.

“Good opportunity, Sigilyph, use continuous Confusion.” Fuyou moved towards Sigilyph ordered at Sky Arena.

“Oh!!” Sigilyph crowed loudly, and in Azure’s eyes, Psychic surged out like waves.

After Psychic is separated from the body, it instantly turns into one after another giant palm, and then moved towards Lucario on the field to take a photo.

“Lucario, walk and avoid.” Seeing that Fuyou and Sigilyph had already launched an onslaught impatiently, Liang Ren was not in a hurry and chose to order Lucario to avoid the edge.

“ao 嗷……” Lucario suddenly dashed from the left and right on the field in the staring gaze of the trainer outside the field.

At first, everyone off the field hadn’t understood Liang Ren and Lucario’s operation until they heard a bang.

On the field just after Lucario ran across, a huge palm print suddenly appeared, and the audience discovered that Lucario was dodge Sigilyph’s attack.

“Wow!! Fuyou Gym Leader is really strong, so Mr. Liang Ren and Lucario can only choose to dodge.”

“Steel Type physique is very resistant, but After all, it’s just Lucario’s secondary Attribute. Fighting as the main Attribute is restrained by Sigilyph’s Psychic and Flying Attribute.”

“There are offensive and defensive in the battle. Faced with Sigilyph’s fierce attack, choose to stay steadily. In the first wave, Mr. Liang Ren’s decision was very correct.”

“Well, the cost of continuously launching offenses is very high. If the Sigilyph of Bofuyou Gym Leader does not have the advantage, Then the next battle will be difficult to fight.”

“Yes, although the trainers in the circle are often used to using Mr. Liang Ren to fight against Attribute to tease.

But What is most amazing and admirable for Mr. Liang Ren is his precise control of the battle rhythm, the ability to find opportunities, and the ability to operate with superior advantages and disadvantages.”

“If a lot of physical energy is consumed, Without establishing sufficient advantages, then Mr. Liang Ren counterattacked strongly, Fuyou and Sigilyph are not easy to take.”

“Yes, yes~”

“… “


The clapping sound of peng peng on the field was endless. Lucario was forced to run around embarrassed by the powerful output of Sigilyph.

The trainers in the appearance match not only did not lose confidence in Liang Ren, but every time Lucario succeeded in an attack, his confidence in Liang Ren increased.

Sigilyph was eagerly directed to launch an offensive, but after Fuyou gradually calmed down, he also noticed something was wrong.

“This Lucario is too agile. To continue such a brainless onslaught will only consume Sigilyph’s power in vain. Lucario must be restricted first before attacking.”

Fuyu had the decision in his heart and no longer hesitated, and decisively stopped Sigilyph from continuing to attack.

“Sigilyph, stop now.” Fuyou stopped Sigilyph who was attacking for a long time without any success, and replaced it with a new command, “Use Hypnosis!!”

“Oh!!” Sky Sigilyph returned to complied in the arena, continuously attacking with Confusion, it also felt his head groggy and a little tired.

As a measure of spiritual strength, Aura can not only assist in the establishment of bond links, but also perceive and eavesdrop on opponent’s emotions.

Liang Ren, who shared Lucario Aura’s perception, clearly captured the exhaustion in Sigilyph’s heart.

Liang Ren eyes shined passively defending for most of the day, he found an opportunity, a counterattack opportunity that made him wait for a long time.

“Lucario, the other party is tired, now it is our turn to attack.” Liang Ren’s voice sounded in Lucario’s heart.

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