“Lucario, use “Aura · Great breakthrough”! ! “Liang Ren shouted in an imposing manner with a big hand.

“ao 嗷—” Lucario, who started sprinting on the field, suddenly stopped with a sliding shovel, and the audience did not even react.

“bang!! “Turning around, Lucario’s mouth was moved towards the stadium, Sky Sigilyph blasted a violent Aura air column.

Different from Aura Sphere, which is a single Ability, Aura’s large breakthrough is used as a range attack Ability, almost no dodge Space.

“Woo-” Sigilyph exclaimed.

After continuous attacks, he was exhausted physically and mentally. Not only did he fail to respond in time after receiving instructions from the trainer, Lucario When the attack struck, I didn’t dodge it in time.

A row of wide comb-like wings flapped hurriedly to lift off and retreat, and then the wings were not flapped twice, Sigilyph was blasted by Lucario Aura. The big breakthrough is swallowed.

“Sigilyph! ! “Outside the court, Fuyou concealed his face to resist the wind and lost his eyes, while crying out in surprise worriedly.

“Aura ·Big breakthrough” in Lucario’s current Ability pool is just a suppression and interruption. , The ability to fight damage is not even as good as the first Swift used.

So relying on Aura’s big breakthrough to defeat Sigilyph is almost hurt for Lucario.

Liang Ren, who understood this truth, made up another command decisively before Fuyou had the appearance of Detect.

“Lucario, let it taste the advantages of “Aura · Wind Killing Formation”. “

“ao 嗷——” Lucario replied to complied, staring at Sigilyph deep in Hurricane in the sky with indifferent and firm eyes.

With a lick of mouth, one is stronger than before. The violent wind moved towards Sigilyph.

“dīng líng líng……” Aura’s air flow was half a meter away from the mouth, quickly condensing into pieces of sharp wind blades.

< p>From the perspective of the spectators outside the stadium, it seems that a large piece of glass was smashed to pieces, and the glass fragments crash-bang and dīng líng líng were blown into the sky.

The weather is very good today, and the sky is blue.

Like washing, a few flowing clouds are floating leisurely in the sky, and the sun is shining brightly.

“Call…crash-bang…dīng líng líng! ! ! “The wind blade reflects the sun and shines with dazzling brilliance.

The entire column of airflow seems to be transformed into a hurricane Divine Dragon with Sootopolis scales, roared towards Sigilyph into the air.


“My God! ! What kind of trick is this? This is too Contest, too terrifying. “

“I asked myself a lot about Pokemon Ability, but I have never seen such an Ability. “

“Is it created by Mr. Liang Ren? This is too amazing. “



As one of Lucario’s two killers now, “Aura · Wind Killing Formation”, Sootopolis When the hurricane Divine Dragon came out, it really caused an uproar among the off-site audience.

“What kind of trick is this——” At this moment, even Fuyou, watching Lucario’s ability to hit his Sigilyph, was stunned.


There was a deafening but non-existent dragon roar from the throat of Hurricane Divine Dragon, and Fuyou, who was startled, finally reacted.

“Sigilyph, hurry and hide…”

“bang! !!!” Fuyou hasn’t finished speaking yet, Aura Wind Killing Formation turned into Hurricane Killing Formation, Sigilyph has been Engulf.



Hurricane Divine Dragon dismembered and moved towards all directions spread out The strong air currents shook the palm trees, and it took a while before they slowly stopped shaking.

The spectator trainer who raised his hand to cover his face to block the wind then lowered his gaze to the opposing battlefield. Lucario was like a silent fighter, standing upright.

On the other hand, Sigilyph fell to the court with bruises and has lost the combat capability.

“Sigilyph lost the combat capability. Lucario won the game.” The young referee who came back to his senses first on the sidelines announced, raising the banner in his hand.

“So far, Gym Leader Fuyou, the two Pokémon have all lost their combat capability. I declare that the challenger: Mumu Liang Ren is the winner of this Gym competition.”

” Wow~”


“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木Mu Liang Ren……”

In the face of Sigilyph’s attack just now, Lucario was beaten and fled around in embarrassment. He didn’t expect Fuyou to be caught by Liang Ren after a weak spot.

Lucario’s Aura breakthrough caused Sigilyph, who had relaxed his vigilance because of his flying advantage, to lose his balance, and immediately followed up with another creative technique.

Sigilyph was directly killed by Lucario! ! !

Although it has been expected, if Fuyou and Sigilyph’s attack is not established as an advantage, the subsequent games will be difficult to play.

But Liang Ren’s counterattack was so fierce. After seizing the opportunity, he commanded Lucario to defeat Fuyou’s Sigilyph with two moves, which was unexpected by everyone outside the court.

At this moment, hearing the result of the referee’s verdict, the stunned audience outside the stadium finally reacted and cheered excitedly for the winning Liang Ren.

How unexpected I was just now, how strong the cheering is at this moment.

Sky’s drone Rotom and the Sun News company’s camera crew are also enjoying the scene at the moment.

Ding, experience +410

Ding, pick up special attack Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up speed innate talent value +1


Seeing Sigilyph exploded another innate talent red coin, Liang Ren also showed a smile on his face.

“Thanks for your hard work, Sigilyph, come back first.” Seeing that the result of the game has been divided, Fuyou’s mood has returned to at first’s calm.

Recover Sigilyph, who had lost battle strength, to the baby ball. On the other side, a girl walked out of the mandolin Gym with a small tray.

The staff came to Fuyou and stood without a word. In the small tray in his hand, there was a Badge made by Caibei.

“You have successfully passed the ritual dance, ritual music assessment, and Gym challenge. Now, as the Gym Leader of the Orange Alliance Mandolin, I grant you “Totem Badge.” “

Fu You picked up the Badge made of Caibei from the tray of the girl beside him and came to Liang Ren’s body, expressing the “Totem Badge” solemnly to Liang Ren’s Hands.

“Thank you Fuyou Gym Leader, I will cherish this Badge.” Liang Ren, who took the Badge, showed a happy smile on his face.

The Badge of Southern Cross Gym is made from shells.

The Orange Alliance has also inherited and retained this point well. The Badge of the newly created Big Dipper and seven Gyms are all designed and processed by shells.

The Badge of the Mandolin Gym uses colorful shells, which are very delicately carved with some traditional ritual cultural symbols of the Orange Islands, which looks like a corner of the Totem strain.

Before putting the Badge into the prepared Badge box, Liang Ren also held the Badge in his hand and cooperated with the spectators who raised their phones outside the court to take pictures.

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