“Lapras, let’s go.” After breakfast, Liang Ren took Casey’s hand and sat on Lapras’ back together.

The other Pokémon were driven on the sky by Pidgeot, Liang Ren still only left Pokémon, Slowpoke and Lucario, by his side.

Yesterday, Lucario, who fought against the megalodon group with the Monarch Snake, had stagnated for almost two weeks, and his level was raised from LV.47 to LV.Level 48.

Bi’s Eagle: LV.55

Slowpoke: LV.62

Cloyster: LV.54

Monarch Snake: LV. 46

Dratini: LV.9

Lucario: LV.48


LV.47—— Quasi Elite Primary Rank

LV.48——Quasi Elite intermediate rank

LV.49——Quasi Elite Top Rank

LV.50——Quasi Elite Peak



With the strength of Lucario’s semi-Elite intermediate rank, he has basically been able to protect his safety.

However, traveling on the sea, the special water environment, whether it is Lucario or Liang Ren’s own profound Fighting technique cultivation base, is difficult to play.

When encountering an attack by Wild’s Water Type Pokémon, if he accidentally falls into the sea without Slowpoke by his side, Liang Ren always feels uneasy.

“hua hua ……” The sea breeze was blowing, and the waves tumbling and jumping made endless Play Rough laughter.

Having a rest night and continuing on the road, Liang Ren opened the electronic map and checked it. Lapras kept moving forward at a normal speed, and he could reach Tangerine Island in about two and a half at most three hours.

“Rotom, I beg you today~” Liang Ren looked up at the sun rising to the sky, and the drone Rotom said.

“Bzz Bzz…” The drone Rotom floated up and down, and the sudden increase of the Bzz Bzz rotor sound was regarded as a response to Liang Ren.

We departed from Mandolin Island yesterday morning. Although we met a group of megalodon sharks in the afternoon, when we found an isolated island to settle down at night, we happened to meet the “victims” of the St. Peter cruise ship a month ago. .

In general, yesterday’s trip was fairly smooth, and Liang Ren believes that it will be the same today.



The warm wind blows the tourists drunk, the waves lick their feet, and Pidgeot spreads its wings and soars, when Slowpoke goes back and forth at Liang Ren When you are hungry and want to eat snacks.

Mikan Island is here——

“Liang Ren big brother, Casey’s elder sister!! ×2”

“Mr. Liang Ren, Casey’s Young Lady !!!×4”

I saw the silhouette riding Lapras from the sea and sky. On the pier of Mikan Island, two middle-aged couples with their two children waved with joy.

As Lapras slowly approached the pier, Liang Ren and Casey shrugged helplessly and smiled.

Who is this group of people who are not Lan and Wenji who left last night?

“Why are you all here——” Lapras slowly drew on the shore, and under the support of Slowpoke’s Confusion, Liang Ren and Casey levitate up steadily, and then landed on the pier on the pier.

“This time the two children had an accident, we also have some psychological shadows here, so we also plan to leave and take the two children home.”

“But before leaving No matter what, we want to formally thank the two of them.” Lan and Wen Ji’s parents said solemnly.

Looking at the two families, Liang Ren’s expression is also a little helpless.

“Don’t be so troublesome, you should take Xiaolan and Wenji out of this sad place as soon as possible.” Liang Ren waved his hand.

“How does this work…”

“I know that in your capacity as Mr. Liang Ren, if we say any thank you gift is an insult to your noble character.”

“So we set up a banquet in the Mandarin Hotel. Please Mr. Liang Ren and Casey Young Lady to appreciate it, and let the two of us formally thank them before leaving the Orange Islands and returning home. “

“Please~” Lan’s parents and Wen Ji’s parents solemnly bowed to Liang Ren again, and said sincerely.

“Allah…What did you say Casey.” Liang Ren turned his head and looked towards the girl beside him.

“Since several people have been kindly invited to each other many times, if we refuse it again, it would be too unreasonable.” Casey, who knew that Liang Ren had let go, told Liang Ren’s heart.

“Brother Liang Ren, let’s go with a few of you. Xiaolan and Wenji are leaving in the afternoon. We this can be considered for them to practice farewell.”

< p>Hearing what the girl said, Liang Ren sighed: “Since Casey, you have said so, it seems that you really can’t refuse.”

“Thank you Mr. Liang Ren, Casey Young Lady, the car is here Outside the pier, two of you, please come with us.”

“Liang Ren big brother ~”

“Casey elder sister ~”

Lan and Wen Ji excitedly Ran forward and shouted, holding the hands of the two.

“Lapras, thanks for your hard work, come back first.”



Liang Ren After recovering Lapras and a group of Pokémon to the baby ball, he and Casey also followed the family and walked outside the port.

I haven’t gotten closer, but from a distance, I saw two Black luxury extended cars parked outside the port.

“Mr. Liang Ren, Casey’s Young Lady, please get in the car for both of you.” Wen Ji’s father Wei Dian and Lan’s father Chao personally opened the car door for them.

“Thank you——”



Along the way, Lan’s father mother and Wen Ji’s father mother accompany the two of them to chat in a warm and kind manner.

It was also full of compliments and praise, but because Liang Ren helped them find their missing children in distress, the words of the two couples were more sincere.

At the entrance of the beautifully decorated Mandarin Hotel, two Black luxury extended sedans slowly stopped.

Two doormen dressed in crimson and gold-rimmed systems approached the car door enthusiastically and politely, welcoming them Liang Ren out of the car.

Leaving the isolated island where we stayed last night at 8:30 in the morning, it was almost eleven o’clock when we arrived at Tangerine Island. Liang Ren did not know how long the two families had been waiting on the pier.

When I asked just now, the other party just answered politely, but the banquet at the Mandarin Hotel was ready.

Welcomed by the two families into a luxurious private room, Liang Ren could vaguely hear some comments from the diners in the outside hall.

Because there is no minimum consumption limit for eating in the hall, there is a minimum consumption requirement in the private room, so there are more diners in the outer hall, and of course it is more lively.

“Who are those people? It’s a big show.”

“Ah, it doesn’t look like we are from Mikan Island.”

” ……”


“Have you forgotten the news in the past month?”

“You are talking about St. Peter The cruise ship encountered a terrible storm at sea, and two great character children fell into the sea and disappeared. After that, those two great characters issued missing persons notice and issued tens of millions of Alliance coins to offer rewards for finding clues to the two children. What news?”< /p>

“It’s not who they are. I heard that the two great characters whose children went missing after falling into the sea are the mayor of Kalos Region, Salo City, and the other is a rich man in Unova Region Nimbasa City.”< /p>

“When you said that I suddenly remembered, the “Sun Daily” posted a revelation last night.

Mu Mu Liang Ren, the temporary special inspector appointed by the Orange Alliance, went to rest on an isolated island in the evening when he was traveling yesterday, and found that there were two children on the island. “

“It won’t be the two children Mr. Mumu Liang Ren found on the desert island last night, the two missing after the cruise ship St. Peter crashed into the sea. “

“It seems that the young man surrounded by the two middle-aged couples just now has a Slowpoke in his arms. “

“A boy holding Slowpoke?” That should be correct, this is the characteristic of Mumu Inspector. “



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