“Mr. Liang Ren, Casey’s Young Lady, the dog can be rescued because of you two. The two are not only the benefactors of our family, but also the eternal friends of our Honorino family from now on.”

< p>“The same goes for us, Mr. Liang Ren, Casey’s Young Lady, as the patriarch of Unova Ai Chili family, and at the same time as a father.”

“The two who saved Wen Ji saved our family. If you need us in the future, please feel free to contact us. Our family and Ai Chili family will always remember the kindness of the two today!”

At the banquet, Lan’s father and Wen Ji Each of the fathers held a glass of wine and solemnly promised Liang Ren to them.

Knowing that the two families in front of me really want to thank him, and knowing that the more they refuse, the more guilty and uneasy they feel.

Liang Ren also agreed with the words of the two.




I had lunch at the Mandarin Hotel, two The family is ready to leave.

The two children have been found. If it weren’t for the sake of expressing gratitude to Liang Ren and the two of them in person, the two families were going to leave and go home last night.

But now when facing Liang Ren, they thanked them and promised to send them friendship. The wish ended, and the two families were immediately ready to leave this sad place.


The rotors of the two helicopters are already turning on the top floor of the InterContinental Hotel not far from the Mandarin Hotel.

Liang Ren Casey, who was banned by the other party, also came to see off the two families together.


The two families are about to board the plane. When they came by car, he sent Slowpoke to run errands. At this moment, it is also a Teleport. Appeared in front of everyone.

When I left, my hands were empty. When I came back now, I had two more wreaths on my hands.

Liang Ren and Casey alone took a wreath from Slowpoke and put them on the necks of the two children.

“Xiaolan, Wenji, follow your father mother to the Orange Islands this time. Although there are some dangers, it will be a bright and smooth journey after the setbacks and hardships.”

“Now that you two are leaving, and the big brother elder sister has nothing to present to you, then in the manner of the Orange Islands, I will send all the best wishes to you two through this wreath.”

“I wish you peace, safety, health, and happiness every day.” Liang Ren knelt down and touched the heads of the two children.

“…” Casey also sent his blessings to the two children.

“Thank you Casey’s elder sister, thank you Liang Ren big brother, I will become an outstanding Pokémon trainer like you in the future.”

Lan who returned to his family, now A bright smile was restored on his face.

“Well, I believe Xiaolan will definitely be able to.” Liang Ren cast an encouraging smile at the boy.

“Casey’s elder sister, I…I want to be as beautiful as you in the future.” Little girl Wenji happily threw into Casey’s arms and said.

“Well, after Wen Ji goes home with her father mother, she must be obedient and not picky about eating. She must be more beautiful than an elder sister when she grows up.”

“… “


After the farewell, the two families boarded a plane each.

“Mr. Liang Ren, Casey’s Young Lady, when you have time to go to Kalos Salo, you must come to our house as a guest.”

“So are we, the two have the opportunity to come to Unova When the time comes in Nimbasa City, must be a guest.”

“Okay, when the time comes, I will definitely come to disturb you.”


” Liang Ren big brother, Casey’s elder sister, goodbye×2″

“huhuhu…” Two helicopters ascended from the apron, and the wind hit the ground. Slowpoke protected them from the wind. cover.

After Slowpoke removed the Light Screen Barrier, the two helicopters had already flown away, raising their hands to block the light, and the two helicopters had turned into two small black spots in the distant sky.

Although it’s just strangers coming together by chance, Liang Ren still likes these two children who have been supporting each other for more than a month.

“Let’s go—” Liang Ren squeezed Casey’s soft hand and said.

“Brother Liang Ren, where are we going next, Pokémon Center, or go directly to the Tangerine Gym?” Casey asked with his head turned to look at Liang Ren Jun Lang’s profile.

“Well~it’s only one o’clock in the afternoon, let’s go to the mandarin gym and see what the assessment content of this gym is before we plan on the next one.”

” Hmm-” I heard Liang Ren’s arrangement, the girl was nodded.


Take the elevator and get off the apron on the top floor of the InterContinental Tangerine Island. The two took a taxi and went straight to the Tangerine Gym.

Like Sanshin Island, Yasia Island, and Mandolin Island, Mikan Island is also an island on the outermost edge of the Orange Islands.

Before the Orange Alliance officially set up Gym in Tangerine Island, the island’s economy mainly relied on cargo transshipment at the wharf, and the tall buildings on the island were mainly apartments and warehouses.

However, Gym is now set up on Tangerine Island, and its development prospects are getting bigger and bigger. In the future, it is bound to become the premier prosperous island of the Tangerine Islands.



Sitting in the taxi, Liang Ren chatted with the taxi master.

Whether it is a taxi master or the pedestrians seen on the road outside, Liang Ren can see the joy from their hearts on their faces.

With the establishment of Gym, Mikan Island has become more and more prosperous, and the life of the local residents on the island will become better and better.

“Bah——!!!” The taxi drove into the center of the town, and then stopped in front of a tall building with a large ground area.

This building is not a newly constructed building like the Mandolin Gym. The building in front of it is obviously built a long time ago, and it is not the Pokémon Gym that Liang Ren recognizes.

It’s a–

“Mikan Island Fire and Rescue Team!? Uncle, isn’t this place wrong? We are going to Mikan Gym.” Sitting at Liang Ren Side Casey said with some confusion.

“haha…that’s right, this is the newly established Gym on Tangerine Island.”

“Mikan Gym is the fire rescue team, and the fire rescue team is Tangerine Gym.” Taxi Master said happily.



Get off the car and look at the orange red exterior wall of the building, Liang Ren Sure enough, I saw the Poké Ball logo of Pokémon Alliance Gym next to Badge of the fire rescue team.

—Mitkan Island Fire and Rescue Team—

——”Mitkan Gym”——

“The Pokémon Gym, which is together with the fire brigade, I am still the first Once I saw Casey, standing outside the sentry booth and the electric retractable door, looking at the fire brigade building in front of him, his face was full of astonishment and surprise.

“Gym Leader is also impossible 24 hours to wait for challengers to come, most Gyms have their own private businesses, such as Saffron Gym’s Psychic training class, Rainbow Gym’s perfume shop.”

“I remember that Cerulean Gym was directly transformed into an aquarium and an underwater ballet hall, so the combination of Tangerine Gym and the fire rescue team is not too special.”

“But just now When I saw it once, I was indeed a little surprised.” Liang Ren nodded explained.

“No matter what, let’s ask first, and talk to the Gym Leader before asking about the content of the assessment.”

“Hmm~” The girl is nodded.

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