“Hello, is this the mandarin gym? I’m the trainer who came to challenge the mandarin gym.”

Holding Slowpoke to the sentry booth, Liang Ren approached a fire officer standing guard Asked.

“Challenge the Gym’s trainer?” The fire police officer who looked steadily forward on guard heard the sound and turned his head. When he saw someone coming, his indifferent face instantly changed to a surprised face.

“Inspector Mumu!!!” The fire police officer on guard respectfully saluted Liang Ren.

Although Pokémon World also has voluntary fire brigades organized by individuals and private organizations, the larger fire rescue team Normal in a town is organized by Alliance.

Liang Ren is the head of the Kanto Alliance Pokémon Inspection Bureau and the temporary special inspector of the Orange Alliance. His title is very high.

The fire rescue team in front of Gym, obviously also has an Alliance public establishment, so the fire police officer on guard will salute Liang Ren.

“Take me to meet the Gym Leader of Tangerine Gym: Mr. Russell.” Liang Ren said to the police officer in front of him in a kind tone.

“Inspector Mumu, you don’t need to go there, Mangan Gym Leader, which is the Captain of our fire rescue team, he has already come.”

The fire officer turned sideways towards the fire brigade. Pointed, a tall, sturdy man with piercing eyes and capable short hair ran out quickly.

“Welcome the Mumu Ombudsman, come to work at Mangan Gym Coaching. I am the Gym Leader Russell of Mangan Gym.”

The automatic retractable door opens, and this man is dressed in orange Yellow fire rescue The heroic man in the costume greeted him respectfully.

“Russell Gym Leader, you are welcome.” Liang Ren released the Slowpoke from his arms and let him automatically Levitate, and then he said to Russell extend the hand.

“Inspector Mu Mu, Casey Young Lady, please come in soon~” After shaking his hands, Russell enthusiastically invited them in.

As being sent by Kanto Alliance on a business trip, and then temporarily appointed by Orange Alliance as a special inspector to supervise and assess the subordinate Gym.

With official duties, Liang Ren has not forgotten, so after being greeted by Russell to the conference office, Liang Ren directly asked about the size of the Mandarin Gym.

“Russell Gym Leader, Tangerine Gym has now been established and officially opened.”

“How about the assessment of challengers and the content of Gym battles? Let me talk about some of your considerations.”

“Yes—” Russell has a strong police atmosphere on his body, and his speech and behavior are very stable and decent.

“Mandarin Gym is one of the seven Big Dipper Gyms under the jurisdiction of the Orange Alliance. We also strictly follow the rules and requirements of the Alliance.”

“Training for the challenge Home, our Mikan Gym only set up one assessment content. The subsequent Gym battles are also strictly in accordance with the 2v2 competition stipulated by Alliance.”

“Because Mikan Gym and Mikan Island Fire and Rescue Team are integrated, I As the mandarin gym leader, he is also the Captain of the mandarin fire rescue team.

So the content of the mandarin Gym’s assessment of challengers is to conduct a two-day fire safety training.

First Learn the theory and knowledge of fire safety and improve the awareness of fire safety. On 2nd day, the trainer chooses two Pokémon to participate in fire rescue training and exercises.”

“In fire safety training, whether it is the first The theoretical knowledge of the sky or the 2nd day field training exercise will be assessed by me. Only through the assessment can the challenge be carried out.”

“In addition to the 2v2Gym challenge at the back, the challenger can only use the first day During the training, the two Pokémon who trained together played…”

Faced with Liang Ren’s assessment and questioning, Russell also explained all the matters of the Mandarin Gym to Liang Ren.

“Well, is the venue used for gym battles in the fire brigade usually used for casual battles or?”

“The fire brigade has venues for casual battles, but the same The venue used by the Challenger for the Gym battle was specially constructed.

This is a dedicated venue, and it will be maintained regularly and regularly. The police officers and soldiers in the fire brigade, I also forbid them to fight in this venue. “

Russell sat with his legs apart, sitting at a 90-degree right angle, with his hands flat on his knees, and meticulously answered Liang Ren’s questions.

“Well-did the referees used in the Gym battle apply specifically to Alliance, or?” Liang Ren asked the question while flipping through the documents provided by Russell.

“The referees are officers and soldiers in the fire brigade. When I went to the Alliance headquarters Pummelo Island to report on my duties, I also took them to the Alliance headquarters for professional training.”

“To ensure During the Gym battle and the fire-fighting, there was a conflict in personnel arrangements. I specially selected five fire officers and soldiers to send to the Alliance headquarters for vocational training.”


“… “

Different from Mandolin Gym, Fuyou is his own person under his influence. Although Gym’s work also requires spot checks, it does not need to be so formal.

Before, Casey had to go back to Saffron Middle School to take the final exam. Liang Ren sent her away and then went to Mandolin Gym.

He directly and privately asked Fuyou about the work of Mandolin Gym, and told Fuyou in person if he needed improvement.

When it comes to the Tangerine Gym, Liang Ren is also seriously performing his duties, assessing the work of Russell and Tangerine Gym. This step cannot be omitted in any case.


After asking questions about the work, Liang Ren asked Russell to take him to the fire brigade training base (Mitanger Gym) for a tour and observation.

The work of the fire brigade is not within the scope of his assessment, see Gym has all functional links, although it is combined with the fire brigade.

At that time, when the fire brigade was out of police work, it did not affect the orderly and normal operation of the Tangerine Gym. Liang Ren was quite satisfied with the initial assessment of the Tangerine Gym.

After all, it was a well-thought-out and huge organization like Orange Alliance, which took more than two months to organize and establish. Now all the Gyms under its jurisdiction are finished products.

Liang Ren, he just came to check and accept, basically there will be no major problems.

Plus Gym has just opened up, he is still the first challenger, even if there are some minor problems, it is estimated that he will have to experience it before he knows it.

“Russell Gym Leader, the inspection of my Orange Alliance’s temporary appointment of inspector status is temporarily over.”

“Next, I am here to challenge the training of your Mandarin Gym. Home, I hope you can treat me as an ordinary challenger.”

On the playground of the fire brigade training base, Liang Ren put his face away and said to Russell with a serious smile.



“Ok, I understand.” Russell resumed getting along with the police officers. Replied with a relaxed attitude.

“Russell Gym Leader, I am going to formally participate in the mandarin Gym challenge assessment from tomorrow, and then I will find accommodation outside by myself, and then come over at a certain appointment time tomorrow.”


“Or live directly in the police dormitory of your fire base?” Liang Ren asked.

“If you live outside, the time is not easy to arrange, and it is also more troublesome. If the two do not dislike it, then live in the police dormitory of our fire base.” Russell said.

“Okay—” Liang Ren had no objection to Russell’s arrangement, and directly agreed.

“Casey, what about you?” Liang Ren asked while looking towards Casey.

“Of course it is with Liang Ren, brother.”

“That’s OK.”

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