“Captain ~”

“Captain ~”

Russell took the two to the dormitory of the fire brigade officers. The fire brigade officers who met on the way all asked Russell saluted.

As for Liang Ren, because he had already told Russell that he would treat him as an ordinary challenger, Russell did not specifically introduce him to the fire officers and soldiers.

The same is true. Although many fire officers and soldiers have recognized him, they did not greet him because his Captain did not introduce him.

“The person just now seems to be the temporary special inspector of the Orange Alliance: Mumu Liang Ren!”

“Hmm~ It seems to be, I was in the ” I saw a video of him challenging the Mandolin Gym on the Sun Daily, and I remember his appearance. “

“Tsk tut~Celebrity! ! “

“It’s not just Celebrity. Don’t look at each other at such a young age. He is already a five-star urban Stadium professional trainer, a real Elite-level expert. “

“Wow, what about Sri Lanka~”



Although there are many fire fighting The officers and soldiers did not say hello, but after Liang Ren passed by, everyone was talking excitedly.

Liang Ren did not pay much attention to this, and followed Russell to a vacant room. In the dormitory of fire officers and soldiers, the beds have been laid, and quilts, pillows and other bedding are also readily available.

It seems that considering the content of the assessment of Tangerine Gym, a dormitory is reserved for challengers. Gym’s training home is used for accommodation.

“Because our Mikan Gym is a two-day fire safety training, we have specially prepared three empty dormitories for convenience. “

Have heard Russell’s explanation, Liang Ren nodded.

This answer is not different from what he had guessed. He just didn’t expect that the man in front of him was still crude. in most matters, but subtle in some character.

“The two will live here first, and they will start studying fire safety theory at 8:30 tomorrow, and the exam will be held at 7:30 that evening. “

“Before that, for the rest of the day, the two can arrange freely. I have already greeted others. The two can visit the base freely or go out for sightseeing. “

“There are still some things in the team that I need to deal with, so I won’t accompany them. If the two need guides, I will arrange for a team member to come over. “Russell said.

Liang Ren waved his hand and said: “Mr. Russell is also the Captain of the Fire and Rescue Team and the Gym Leader of the mandarin orange. It is normal for him to be busy. “

“We and my friend have no other arrangements for the time being, Mr. Russell, please go ahead and do your business first, don’t worry about us. “

“Well, if you two have any needs, please let me know or call other fire officers and soldiers on the base at any time. They will try their best to cooperate with them. “


After everything was arranged in detail, Russell turned and left.

And drove the whole morning. At noon, I was invited by Lan and Wen Ji’s parents to eat at the Mandarin Hotel. After a while, both Liang Ren and Casey felt a little tired.

After a brief wash, the phone set an alarm clock, The two went to bed with Rest.



The setting sun was in the sunset, when Liang Ren woke up, it was already past four in the afternoon. .

Through the windows of the dormitory, on the flowerbed outside the green belt, two Butterfrees are sucking nectar. The golden light of the setting sun shines on the scaly wings, reflecting a Mew-like halo.



As if to notice someone staring in the dormitory room behind the window, two Butterfrees quickly sucked After the dried nectar, it flapped its wings and flew away shyly.

“Brother Liang Ren, you are awake. “When Liang Ren stared out of the window, he heard the sound of getting up, said Casey.

The golden light of the setting sun shone on the girl’s long eyelashes, and Liang Ren saw God for a while.

“Brother Liang Ren, what are you looking at? “Two red clouds flew on both cheeks, Casey asked a little shyly.

“Of course I was watching the scenery. “Liang Ren showed a hearty smile, and then added, “It’s even more beautiful than the sunset in the sky.” “

“Yeah! ! I hate it, Liang Ren knows to tease and tease people——” Hearing the words of the teenager, Casey’s face was full of shyness.

“What are you doing, Casey? “Liang Ren saw that he had been up for a while, and he asked Casey, who was sitting on his desk with a pink ultra-thin notebook and doing work.

” Sayuri has just been revised and perfected, as well as beautiful training. Planning, and then preparing to choreograph a dance for the demon. “Seeing Liang Ren turning off the topic, the shyness on Casey’s face slowly dissipated.

“Well, I learned from Fuyou the other day the sacrificial dance “Fire God Music” “Song of the stunned waves and the mountain eagle”, I deleted the invalid parts, and then analyzed it into a simplified version of the dance. “

“These three simplified sets of sacrificial dance exercises have better results. I will send them to you on a computer later. You can practice more, Casey. Of course, you can also use them as materials and basis for enrichment and adaptation. “

Liang Ren walked to the desk wearing a pair of slippers, hugged the girl and said.

“Uh, thank you Liang Ren~” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the girl eyes immediately. Liang.

As long as it is about improving the strength of himself and Pokémon, Liang Ren will show extraordinary innate talent.

Compose three sets of inheritance for hundreds or even thousands of years. The ancient sacrificial dances have been deleted from the complex and simplified, and the simplifications have been eliminated, and a set of sacrificial dances with more prominent training effects have been analyzed.

This is not even if you ask Casey who is very innate talent in dance. The way to do it, and it’s only two or three days before I learned the three sets of sacrificial dances.

But for this matter, Casey also overestimated Liang Ren too much. He actually only did some Auxiliary work for rehearsal and data collection.

If you don’t have a Psychic personality to help you analyze it day, night, and sleeplessly, if you want to get a “stripped” version of the sacrificial dance, you don’t know how long it will be.

However, the analysis of the three sets of sacrificial dances of “Fire of Kagura, Stormy Waves Breaking the Shore, and Mountain Eagle Song” has now been completed.

The work that I stopped was to use three sets of simplified sacrificial dances as the basis, and then helped Lucario create a set of cultivation methods that can enhance within the body Aura Force.



After washing her face with half a basin of warm water in the bathroom, Casey stayed in the dormitory to choreograph the dance , Liang Ren took Pokémon to the empty training ground outside for exercise.

Of course, this exercise is only for Lucario, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Monarch Snake and Dratini. They followed Pidgeot for a drive.

“Number two, how about it, are you ready?” On the empty training ground, Liang Ren split a consciousness into the Psychic space.

“I’m ready here, you can start on number one.” The Psychic personality floating in midair cross-legged towards Liang Ren nodded.


Three sets of analysis of “Kagura of Fire, The Storm on the Shore, and the Song of Mountain Eagle” have been analyzed and completed, and the Psychic personality has been transferred and shared Given it to him, what Liang Ren has to do now is let Lucario learn it too.

And in the process of learning, through the ability of fetters and links, cooperate with the Psychic personality to collect the circulation change data of Lucario within the body Aura.

“Lucario, ready to start–“

“ao wai…” Lucario nodded, eyes full of excitement and excitement.

Because Liang Ren told him that as long as the “Aura cultivation method” is successfully created, then it will be unimpeded in the breakthrough Elite level.

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