“Lucario, “The God of Fire, The Stormy Wave, The Song of the Mountain Eagle” these three sacrificial dances with the Refining Qi effect, you have completely mastered the past few days. “

“The next step is to learn three sets of condensed sacrificial dances. I believe that with your innate talent and Aptitude, you should be able to master them in no time. “Liang Ren said.

“ao ao~” Lucario nodded, it really has confidence in itself, after all, he has even learned three complete volume dances, and the simplified version is not have the words at hand.



“The Kagura of Fire-Round Dance, Bi Luo Tian, ​​Sun Red Mirror, Yan Wu, Sun and rainbow……”

“The stormy waves hit the shore—white waves, waves hitting the reefs, broken bones, new waves, whirlpools…”

“Song of Eagles—— Binding, finger-pulling, hammering stones, proud bones, eagle’s whistle…”

After establishing a bond link with Lucario and sharing senses with each other, Liang Ren took Lucario to practice three sets of simplified sacrificial offerings. Dance.

Because there are three complete sets of sacrificial dances, Lucario is indeed as handy as Liang Ren expected when learning three sets of simplified sacrificial dances.

In the end, only used For half an hour, three sets of abbreviated versions, which are also an enhanced version of the training effect, were mastered by Lucario proficiently.

“Lucario, don’t stop, next we will add three sets of abbreviated versions of the dance Disruptive exercises are enough to feel the movement and changes within the body Aura. “

Through the bondage link, Liang Ren’s voice rang in Lucario’s heart.

“ao 嗷——Yes, master big brother~” Lucario nodded and answered complied, dancing a little Not messy.

Open the bond link and practice simultaneously with one person and one pet. Liang Ren transfers and shares his own experience and experience to Lucario, and Lucario also transmits his own experience back.

I don’t know if Liang Ren has the profound Fighting technique cultivation base, and Lucario is the Fighting Type Pokémon.

In the beginning, the one-person-one-pet-dancing exercise seemed to be dancing, but later, The charm and taste of the same dance moves become more and more weird.

It seems that it’s not dancing, it’s more like punching…

When one person is one pet, innate talent The Psychic personality in the space is also continuously analyzed and deduced through the data collected by Liang Ren and Lucario feedback.

Three sacrificial dances and thirty-six dance moves.

During the exercise Which set of dance moves Lucario within the body Aura Force will be more active, and when you practice which set of moves Aura Force will be quieter or even unresponsive.

All data are collected by Psychic personality, which is sufficient The moves that mobilize Aura Force’s activity are retained, and Aura Force moves that do not respond.

Regroup the dance moves that can inspire Aura Force’s activity, and use the moves with obvious and strong effects as the main body, Normal The effect of the move is used as the main link.

With sufficient data, the Psychic personality can fully consider various details when calculating the personality. This is Liang Ren’s own expense. It’s not always possible to be considerate in a long time.

However, with the help of Psychic personality, various problems were quickly solved. Liang Ren and Lucario’s “Aura Cultivation Method” was soon launched. Finished.

“One, you can stop, I will transmit this set of Aura cultivation method to you, and then you and Lucario will practice this set of moves. “The voice of Psychic personality sounded in Liang Ren’s mind.

“OK~” Liang Ren answered complied. A set of’combined punches’ that are very different from the previous style but are very familiar with the small movements. Transmitted into Liang Ren’s mind.

“Is this the Aura cultivation method? “Liang Ren browsed the set of actions that the Psychic personality transmitted to him, and he uncomfortably separated a consciousness and asked about the Psychic personality.

In the innate talent space, the Psychic personality was floating cross-legged in midair, Mysterious Qicai’s eyes are full of various data formulas and feasibility deductions.

When I heard Liang Ren’s words, Psychic’s personality shook the head said: “It can only be said to be a start-up. If you really want to go into it, this It’s not even a start-up. “

“How to say? “Liang Ren hurriedly asked.

“This is just a set of actions, a set of selections and combinations from the three sacrificial dances of “Kagura of Fire, Beating the Coast, and Song of Mountain Eagle” Into the action. “

“The action can guide the Aura Force of Lucario within the body to circulate around the body, and finally realize the continuous growth of Aura Force through the principle and logic of consumption, recovery, and accumulation. “

“But in the future, Lucario Cultivation Aura Force can’t always use this method of punching and dancing. In the words of your previous life on the number one, this is only a foreigner’s skill, a special technique. “

“Practicing martial arts without practicing kung fu, until old futile, “Aura cultivation method” is not a foreign skill, but a set of inner sect kungfu suitable for Lucario cultivation. “

” Therefore, through a set of actions to guide Lucario within the body’s Aura operation and promotion, to arrive at an effective’exercise route’ is the initial creation of the Aura cultivation method. “

“In addition, this set of actions I just transmitted to you is just taken from the three dances of “Kagura of Fire, The Stormy Wave, and the Song of Mountain Eagle”. The sample size is too small. , The set of actions I transmitted to you is not perfect. “

“The exercise route finally obtained through this set of imperfect movements is also simple, incomplete and imperfect. In the future, whether it is the supporting’practice movement’ or the’exercise route’, it needs to be referenced and used for reference. The techniques that have Refining Qi effects are constantly being improved. “

“So in a strict sense, the set of actions I’m transmitting to you now is just a set of techniques combined by patchwork.

After mastering and thoroughly understanding this set of techniques, and summarizing a complete set of luck routes, it can barely be regarded as the start of “Aura cultivation method”. “

Although Liang Ren knew that it was very difficult to create a “Aura cultivation method”, after listening to the explanation of Psychic personality, Liang Ren could not help but sigh:

“The road is long, and I will search up and down. “

However, Liang Ren was not discouraged because of this. On the contrary, Liang Ren was inspired to fight with this Psychic personality.

“Even if it is just a set It is a combination of things that can only stimulate the activity of Lucario within the body Aura Force, which is very precious to Lucario at this stage. “

“The more difficult the “Aura cultivation method” is to create, the more powerful it proves. With this set of Aura Refining Qi method continuously upgraded and perfected, Lucario’s strength will follow as the tide rises, the boat floats. “

“Quasi Elite → Elite, Elite → Champion, Champion → Divine Beast…”

“With Lucario’s innate talent, as long as Aura Refining Qi is used With continuous improvement, the ceiling of its strength will be broken again and again, and the future is absolutely limitless! ! ! “

Liang Ren Consciousness Clone’s passionate voice reverberates in the empty innate talent space. Listening to Liang Ren’s words, even the Psychic personality without emotion and independent thinking seems to be There is a touch of enthusiasm and excitement.

“No. 2, the creation and improvement of “Aura Cultivation Method”, I will ask you next, and I will try to collect the required information and data for you outside. . “

“Okay~” Psychic personality expressionless and nodded, took this laborious task for him.


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