“Weiyang, come here, there are a lot of mimosas here.”

“Wow, the leaves are really shrinking up, it’s funny.”


Strips of green radishes crawled all over the outer wall of the glass greenhouse, pushing the door to enter, and there was a vibrant scene inside.

The rare plants from all regions of the Kanto mainland have been collected and cultivated in this huge mountain-top greenhouse. The entire botanical garden is divided into different areas, and each area creates a natural environment.

The field full of wild flowers, the secluded forest of Camphrier, the rainforest landscape with brilliant flowers and leaves, and the branches of the trees hang down and the roots of the rainforest… You can see so many in a botanical garden greenhouse. Liang Ren’s mouth was so shocked that Liang Ren opened his mouth, speechless for a while.

“Liang Ren, come here.”

Daisuke, who was observing a clump of ferns in a damp and shaded place, saw Liang Ren walking into the greenhouse and stood up to recruit Beckoned and shouted at him.

“Where are the others?” Looking around all around, Liang Ren asked aloud when he approached.

“It seems to be on the other side.” Retracting, patted the moss on his knees, Daisuke said.


The air in the botanical garden is very fresh, but the pollen is a bit heavy. Slowpoke, lying in Liang Ren’s arms, opened his mouth and sneezed. He has lived for a long time. Slowpoke by the sea does not seem to adapt to the environment of the botanical garden.

“Slowpoke, you return the baby ball first.”

Although I don’t know if Slowpoke is really allergic to pollen, but he came out this time, not at all what medicine he brought, this The side hill is also a little far away from the center of Pokémon. After thinking about it, Liang Ren still took Slowpoke back into the baby ball.

The two walked along the cobbled path towards the botanical garden, and soon he found Casey and the others. A group of girls seemed to be discussing something around the clump of plants chirp chirp twitter twitter.

“What are you looking at?” Liang Ren approached, asking everyone with an interesting expression.

“Mr. Liang Ren, my Petilil just smelled the plant, and it turned out to be a little weird.”

Hearing Liang Ren’s voice, he squatted around The girls together also stood up, Liang Ren also saw Petilil surrounded by them, as Casey said, this Little Brat state is indeed a bit weird.

“The plants here are all kinds of strange things, and some are very dangerous. Just look at them. Don’t touch them with your hands or sniff them with your nose.” Liang Ren frowned warned.


All the girls complied, and then gave Liang Ren a way to help him look at Petilil’s situation.


Petilil now has a blush on Pink White’s cheeks, and the grass canopy on his head is shaking, and his body is swaying as if he is drunk. , Looks unsteady.

Liang Ren took another look at the cluster of plants next to it. The slender stems had mint-like leaves growing, but they were bigger and wider, and slightly rounded.

On the petiole of the branch, there is a small green stem with a small white flower blooming on it. Although there is no gorgeous color, it is also very cute.

“Woody plants with small white flowers…”

Liang Ren recalled the “Plant Encyclopedia” he had read before, and soon he found a kind of plant Yes, after a careful comparison, Liang Ren also sighed in relief.

“This is Mutian Liao, Pokémon will feel very comfortable after smelling it.” Liang Ren stood up and said to the women surrounding him.

“Then Petilil is okay!” Casey asked Liang Ren to confirm.

“It’s okay, it’ll be fine in a while.” Liang Ren’s affirmative answer made everyone sighed in relief. If Petilil really smelled an undesirable poisonous weed and then got poisoned, it would be really troublesome.

“Hoo… it’s okay.”

“Fortunately, you didn’t touch that cluster of plants, which would make people and Pokémon impossible to move even a little bit The paralyzed grass.”

Liang Ren pointed to the dark green plant on the opposite side of the path with long leaves.

“Mr. Liang Ren is right. There are many plants in it that are very dangerous to touch without understanding.” A forest in a long skirt walked over to everyone from the other side and said.

“Sister Lin~” the girls shouted sweetly.

“But by the way, Mr. Liang Ren really knows plants!” After warning to the girls, the purple-haired girl looked at Liang Ren again, her eyes full of surprise and feeling. interest.

“No, I just happened to read the book that’s all about plants before.”

Liang Ren laughed back, compared with Linzi, a gardener who deals with plants all year round. So, what Liang Ren knows about plants is undoubtedly much more simple.

Led by Linzi, the crowd visited the botanical garden and listened to the detailed explanation of the purple-haired girl. The crowd truly realized how many rare plants are cultivated in this greenhouse.

When I came out of the botanical garden, it was already past five o’clock in the afternoon. Everyone was sitting on the ground on the hillside, waiting for the sunset.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren, I want to challenge you and have a Pokémon battle with me.”

There is half an hour before sunset, and everyone is sitting on the grassy area. The wind blew on the hillside for a while, and suddenly Shimura Weiyang stood up and challenged Liang Ren again.

“Okay, I accept it.”

This time Liang Ren did not find any more excuses to shirk. Based on his understanding of Shimamura Weiyang, it is estimated that if he does not fight against the tower, This girl probably won’t give up.

Of course, there is another reason. This girl who likes to work against him at school is very outstanding in all aspects. After graduation, everyone got their own initial Pokémon. Liang Ren also wanted to see Shimura. Weiyang’s strength.

Seeing that Liang Ren is going to fight against the chestnut red-haired girl, everyone else immediately became interested. They heard that Liang Ren defeated Pokémon who came out of the second class in a few rounds, but there are some things. Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you feel the shock and shock.

“Next is Mumu Liang Ren vs. Shimamura Weiyang. The rules of the game are one-on-one. Now both sides send their own Pokémon to play.”

The two sides went to the mountain top flat behind. Putting up a posture, everyone stood on the sidelines and watched, and the adjudicating truth Qiaohui announced loudly.

The two looked at each other, took out the baby balls from their pockets and held them in their hands, no one took advantage of them.

“Come out, my sweetheart, Growlithe.”

“Thank you for this battle, Slowpoke.”

The baby thrown together by the two The ball collided in the air, and Pokémon from both sides also appeared immediately on the court.

Reaching out to catch the bouncing baby ball, Liang Ren was interested in the Pokémon from Outcast Island Village Weiyang.

“It turned out to be Growlithe.”

Liang Ren also likes Pokémon of the Growlithe line very much. He has a gentle personality and likes being close to people. Once he is accepted, he is very loyal to the trainer. , And the strength is nothing to say.

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