Growlithe is a Pokémon that resembles a puppy, and is a bit smaller than Slowpoke.

The dark orange fur has Black stripes, a pair of cute ears, a pinch of short flax hair on the top of the head, and the hair on the chest and tail is also flax. The fluffy look makes One couldn’t help but want to reach out and touch it.

The arc of the corner of the mouth is slightly upturned, giving people a feeling of smiling all the time. After being released from the baby ball, the little family is looking at Slowpoke in a ready form, and Black’s pupils reveal Loyalty and bravery.

Even though Growlithe is standing on the opposite side of him at this moment, Liang Ren still does not hide his love for this Pokémon.


Liang Ren swept the Growlithe with the battle bracelet, and the opponent’s Level was instantly revealed.

While observing Growlithe on Liang Ren’s side, the red long-haired girl on the opposite side is also looking at Liang Ren’s Slowpoke, which is different from Liang Ren’s appreciation and love of Growlithe. Cun Weiyang observed for a long time but didn’t find anything dazzling in Slowpoke.

The sluggish gaze, the development of all aspects of the body did not look outstanding, and finally the girl came to a conclusion in her heart, this is a Slowpoke that is too ordinary.

But can Slowpoke fight?

The girl believes that Liang Ren will not subdue an ordinary Slowpoke, but when she meets Slowpoke’s wide and dull eyes, Shimamura still feels angry, she feels herself It’s like being looked down upon by Liang Ren.

“Slowpoke didn’t feel scared. It seems that this Growlithe’s characteristic is not a threat, but a Flash Fire characteristic?” Liang Ren thought to himself.

“The game begins.” Seeing that both of them had released their Pokémon, Majima Qiaohui stepped back for a while, and then raised his hand to announce.

“Growlithe, let the opponent know how good we are, and use Ember when we run.”

In the match at first, the chestnut-haired girl took the lead and directed Growlithe to launch an attack.

“Slowpoke, use Teleport.”

Although I like this Growlithe very much, it does not mean that Liang Ren will Hold Back. After Growlithe evolves into Arcanine, the appearance and strength are both Can squeeze into the forefront of Kanto Fire Element Pokémon, but Growlithe at the current stage can only be used to sell cute that’s all.


Looking at Growlithe running at high speed, Slowpoke’s expression is still relaxed and comfortable, just when Growlithe’s Ember Unique Ability is about to hit it, Slowpoke The air around the body suddenly twisted like water waves.

“Bang…chi chi.”

Ember hit the place where Slowpoke was lying on his stomach. The hot flames burned the wet grass roots on the ground and made the sound of chi chi, but Slowpoke But disappeared in place, not at all being hit by Growlithe’s attack.

“This Slowpoke has mastered the Unique Ability of the Top Rank of Teleport.”

“Slowpoke was originally the Pokémon of Psychic Type.”

“It is indeed Squad leader…”

Hearing the exclamation of the women behind her, Weiyang Shimamura couldn’t help but frowned. She felt the Slowpoke out of the ordinary and her anger disappeared, obviously Liang Ren not at all Contempt her meaning.

“Growlithe, remember the breath of Slowpoke, rush over and use bite attacks.”

The girl with red hair has a serious expression, and her clear eyes are full of wisdom. Weiyang Shimamura in the fighting state seemed quite calm.

“Slowpoke-Yawn, then Teleport.”

Liang Ren wanted to see the girl’s strength, but as soon as the battle started, Liang Ren realized that things were a little different from what he thought. Although this Growlithe was trained very well, it was a pity that it was not at all challenging for Slowpoke.

In the final analysis, I still haven’t learned any dazzling Ability, but looking at his Slowpoke, control, attack, and movement, the Ability he mastered has formed a perfect structure.

In this state of Slowpoke, it is estimated that it is difficult to find an opponent in the same level, not to mention that Shimamura Weiyang, the Growlithe, is two levels lower than Slowpoke.

Thinking of this, Liang Ren suddenly felt a little lack of interest.

“Ya duo——”

Slowpoke opened his mouth wide and hit a big Yawn, and a drowsiness began to dormant and brew in the Growlithe within the body.

It looks like nothing happened right now, but when the dormant sleepiness suddenly erupts, by then, even if Growlithe Willpower is strong, it is estimated that it will not be able to resist the attack of sleepiness and fall into a deep sleep.

“ka ka”

Growlithe is a swoop full of imposing manner, the evil purple gloom on the sharp canine teeth flickers, but unfortunately the air fluctuates, and Slowpoke disappears again. Ground, Growlithe’s attack failed again.

“Growlithe, at the back.”

The frowned girl with chestnut hair, at the moment she feels the difficulty of Psychic Type Pokémon. In the early stage, it was just this move Teleport, which is Unbreakable knot.


The target dodged his own attack on both occasions. Growlithe’s mouth made a wu wu angry sound. Upon receiving instructions, Little Brat jumped and twisted. The body rushed towards Slowpoke again.


Looking at Growlithe who rushed over, Liang Ren and Pidgey didn’t see the slightest mood swing in their eyes, and they were silent in their hearts. After three countdowns, Growlithe’s open mouth was only ten centimeters away from Slowpoke.

Suddenly, Growlithe Black’s pupils suddenly widened, as if losing consciousness to Normal, and his head fell asleep directly.


Slowpoke’s round eyes lit up with blue rays of light, and Growlithe, which hit the Slowpoke by inertia, seemed to hit a block full of elasticity The wall leaped upside down and flew out.

“Resolve it and use a water gun.”

The gap between Growlithe’s strength and Slowpoke’s strength is really a bit disparity, on one side is a novice Pokémon, on the other side, battle strength has taken shape. And Slowpoke with rich combat experience.

This kind of strength Growlithe doesn’t bring any pressure to Slowpoke. If we continue to fight, it is estimated that Shimamura will explode in her mentality, and by then he will be suspected of bullying other girls.


Slowpoke opened his mouth, and a solid water column with a thick arm moved towards Growlithe who fell into a drowsiness in a thunderous manner.


The water gun did amazingly damage to Fire Element’s Growlithe. The petite body rolled on the ground and slid out for a certain distance, and the eyes turned into a dizzy spiral and lost it. combat capability.

“Growlithe can’t fight. Slowpoke will win this game.” Mashima Kouhui raised his hand and announced loudly.

“Squad leader is really strong~”

Slowpoke, who is slow and silly, turned Growlithe round and round. After a few rounds, he gave Growlithe no effort. Defeated, the onlookers opened their mouths and exclaimed.

ding, experience +53

ding, Attribute value of picked up physical strength +1

ding, Attribute value of picked up speed +1

, I found a special attack innate talent worth +1

A group of white mist experience fog rose up from Growlithe body. At the same time, there were three Attribute coins, two white and one red. Liang Ren couldn’t help but flash in his eyes. A touch of joy.

“A red coin came out, and it is to increase the special attack innate talent.” Liang Ren muttered.

Put the three Attribute coins into the backpack, and then Liang Ren called the Slowpoke information panel, without the slightest hesitation, used this special attack innate talent red coin on Slowpoke.

【Slowpoke 】♂

Level: 16

Attribute: Water, Psychic

Character: Naughty, leisurely

< p>Features: Oblivious, (regenerative power)

Stamina: 110

Attack: 70

Defense: 70

Special attack: 55

Special defense: 55

Speed: 15

Comprehensive: 375

Ability: Yawn [Top Rank], Teleport [Top Rank ], Calm Mind [Top Rank], Foul Play [Top Rank], Petrochemical Technology [intermediate rank], Amnesia [intermediate rank], Confusion [intermediate rank], water gun [intermediate rank]

” etc. It seems that the Slowpoke Level has also increased.”

After calling up the Attribute panel, Liang Ren quickly opened the subpage, but the sharp-eyed Liang Ren suddenly noticed something and turned back to the main Attribute panel. In the Slowpoke Level column, the number has changed from 15 to 16.

【Slowpoke 】♂

Level: 16

Stamina: 110【B】Purple

Attack: 70 [C] Blue

Defense: 70 [C] Blue

Special Attack: 56 [C] Blue

Special Defense: 55 [C] Blue

Speed: 15 [D] Green

Comprehensive: 376

Use the special attack Attribute coin you just picked up In Slowpoke, the original 55 special attack talent has also become 56. It seems that the increase arc is not large, but this is not an increase in ability value. This is a fundamental enhancement of Slowpoke’s innate talent.

Higher innate talent will make Slowpoke’s future strength increase faster, comprehend and master the ability more easily, and make a breakthrough in the future less difficult…

The improvement of innate talent, although not at all, has an immediate effect, but in fact the benefits are reflected in all aspects.

“I lost.”

Recovering Growlithe, which has lost the combat capability, into the baby ball, Shimamura Weiyang raised his head and looked at the boy opposite, with a touch of complexity on his face. color.

Competing with this guy for so many years, I haven’t won it once. I stared down at the baby ball in my hand in a daze. The red-haired girl’s eyes flashed with frustration.

“Your Growlithe breed is very good. It will evolve into Arcanine in the future, and it will definitely be very dazzling.”

Seeing the depression on the face of the girl opposite, Liang Ren couldn’t help but speak out Comforted, this girl with a bit of a strong personality is usually fearful and aggressive, but at this time she exposed her weak side, but she couldn’t help feeling pity.

“You said, my Growlithe is of course the most dazzling.” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the girl lifts the head and said, the arrogant color on her face will also be replaced by frustration.

“Don’t stand anymore, come and watch the sunset.”

Mashima Kouhui, acting as a provisional referee, didn’t know when he ran to sit on the other side of the hillside. Just now, everyone was immersed in the battle between Liang Ren and the red-haired girl, and the clouds in the western sky were unconsciously stained with the glow of orange and yellow.

“Wow, what a beautiful sunset.”

Hearing the sound, the girls turned their heads to see, and the excited pretty face was also printed with orange and yellow glow.

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