“Button button!!” After a rest night, the door of the dormitory room was slightly clicked just after dawn.

“Please wait a minute.” Although the alarm clock has not sounded yet, Liang Ren is also about to get up at this point.

Get dressed and slippers, Liang Ren opened the door of the dormitory room. Standing at the door were the mandarin Gym Leader and the mandarin fire rescue team Captain: Russell鈥斺€?/p>

“Morning Okay, Mr. Liang Ren.” Russell said hello to Liang Ren politely. Seeing that he had gotten up so early, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the tall man before him.

“Good morning, Mr. Russell, may I ask what’s the matter?” Liang Ren asked with some confusion. Although he will participate in the fire brigade’s field training today, it seems that the agreement has not been reached yet. Time 8:30.

“I’m sorry to disturb you so early.” Russell scratched his head and said apologetically.

“It doesn’t matter, even if Mr. Russell doesn’t come, I will almost get up here.” Liang Ren shook the head and asked again: “May I ask what’s the matter?”

“Ah~that is like this. The Gym assessment content I set up earlier, the challenger will be in the fire rescue team base for a full day of training with other fire officers and soldiers on the 2nd day.”

“The training start time is set at 8:30 in the morning. This is the time for the fire brigade to officially start training every day. But I thought about it carefully. I want to add the one and a half hour morning exercise from 6:00 to 7:30. In the Challenger鈥檚 2nd day training program.”

“So if possible, I would like to invite Mr. Liang Ren to participate in today鈥檚 morning exercise. Of course, if Mr. Liang Ren is unwilling, you can also refuse. It will not affect the final assessment results.”

“After all, this is also the reason why I temporarily changed the assessment plan.” After explaining his intention, Russell scratched his cheek with his fingers, his expression looked a little awkward.

After all, in addition to the identity of the first challenger of the mandarin Gym, the young man in front of him also has the identity of the inspector of the Orange Alliance. This time he came here to assess the work of the mandarin Gym.

I just finished reporting yesterday, and now he suddenly added new content to the established assessment items.

This is no different from the leader who came to inspect the work and said frankly,’Our Mikan Gym’s work is carried out in a problem.’

If the person in front of him is judged to be unqualified for his job, with the authority granted by the Orange Alliance, Liang Ren can even announce the closure on the spot and ban the official gym qualification of the Mandarin Gym Alliance.

So after speaking, Russell’s expression suddenly became tense after he suddenly understood the stakes.

By observing his words, Liang Ren also saw Russell’s thoughts, but he would not make a fuss about this little problem.

He is not that kind of very demanding person, and at the same time he never thought about holding act high and mighty due to the words of a superior. Although the Orange Alliance gave him great authority, he It’s not from the Orange Alliance after all.

There is a problem with how much Gym’s work is being carried out. At most, he only reported to the Orange Alliance.

I really closed down in person and announced the qualification to ban Gym, Orange Alliance would never miss him, and in the end it ended up with an inhuman end.

鈥淚t鈥檚 okay. The Mikan Gym has just been established, and I am also the first trainer to come to challenge. It鈥檚 normal for the original assessment content to expose some imperfect points.鈥?/p>

“I will take Pok茅mon to participate in the morning exercise for a while.” Liang Ren said with a smile and kind tone.

“Okay.” After receiving Liang Ren’s reply, Russell secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a small problem, in fact, Russell himself was too worried. It may be the reason for the first time as Gym Leader, but Liang Ren is not young and energetic, and he cannot tolerate half of it. The’youngster’ of the sand.

“Brother Liang Ren, what’s wrong?” After Russell turned and left, Casey, who was awakened by the sound of the door closing, asked Liang Ren.

“Mr. Russell asked me to participate in the morning exercises for a while.” Liang Ren sat on the edge of the bed, lowered his head and pecked the girl’s lips.

“Oh鈥?#8221; The girl shyly retracted her little head into the bed, and responded in a low voice, not at all.

Liang Ren didn’t continue to tease Casey’s son. Instead, he woke up Lucario and the monarch snake, let the two pets wash up, and then went to the morning exercise with him.




“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, three of you I鈥檒l do morning exercises by myself, Lucario, the Sovereign Snake, and you two will go with me.”

At six o鈥檆lock in the morning, when the assembly call was sounded in the fire brigade base, Liang Ren also took a few Pok茅mon Go out and downstairs.

“The three of you go to train in the sea off the island.”

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, you two join forces to attack, Slowpoke you defend.” Come to the training of the fire brigade base In the field, Liang Ren said to the three Trump Cards.

“Beep Eagle鈥斺€?諡啜娬? Received!!”

“Kaka鈥斺€旉垗鈼£垗 understand!!”

“Yeah Duo鈥斺€?麓鈼斺€糕棓`) knows to bully me~”

Three Pok茅mons returned to complied without hesitation. Pidgeot Great Roc Spreading Wings, Cloyster Spreading Wings, Cloyster Spreading Wings, and Slowpoke are also like one Only the fat version of Mew disappeared at the end of the sky with a swish blink.

After the three main Pok茅mons were placed, a group of fire officers and soldiers who were’arrive slowly’ came to the training ground. They were surprised to see Liang Ren who had come in advance and the two Pok茅mons under him.

“Everyone, morning.” Liang Ren greeted everyone with a smile.

“Good morning…”

“Good morning, Mr. Liang Ren.”

“Mr. Liang Ren, are you doing morning exercises with us? “

Last night, we had a good chat at dinner, knowing that Liang Ren is approachable and there is no pretension, and a group of fire officers and soldiers also greeted Liang Ren enthusiastically.

“Well, the assessment of the Mandarin Gym 2nd day is to follow you all for a day of training, and morning exercises are naturally included.” Liang Ren did not say that this was temporarily increased by Russell, and It is straightforward to say that this is the original assessment project.



“That’s it.”

“It turned out to be like this.” The officers and soldiers were nodded. Although they were merged together, everyone was not too clear about the matter of the Mandarin Gym.

“But Mr. Liang Ren, the ultimate goal of our training is to fight fires. If Pok茅mon participates in the trainer, it is best to use Water Type Pok茅mon.”

” Grass Type Pok茅mon participated in the training. Some fire-fighting projects may not be suitable for training.” A firefighter reminded kindly.

“Wum–” Being looked down upon, the Monarch Snake proudly lifts the head and glared fiercely at the fireman who had just spoken.

“haha, my monarch snake is quite special, and its fire-fighting ability and so on is still very strong.” Liang Ren touched the back of the monarch snake’s neck and soothed.

“It turned out to be like this.” Everyone was nodded, and didn’t say any more, because Russell also came to the base training ground at this moment.


“Stand up in the queue, Pok茅mon team and trainer team.” Russell blew the whistle and shouted loudly.

Liang Ren didn’t need Russelldo to give instructions, he was directly merged into a team of firefighters, and Lucario and Monarch Snake also found a team of Pok茅mon to join in.

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