Different from the previous life, Earth, the main fire fighting force in the Pokémon world fire brigade is not firefighters, but teams of specially-breed firefighting Pokémon.

Mandarin Fire Rescue Team has two series of Pokemon fire brigade training with six different functions.

1. “Squirtle fire brigade”

Squirtle fire brigade is highly mobile, usually responsible for entering the fire scene when rescuing and fighting small fires in small spaces.

During training, they will train fast climbing on a square frame to improve mobility.

2. “Wartortle Fire Squad”

Wartortle Fire Squad combines the mobility of Squirtle and Blastoise’s super fire fighting ability. It is the most used team in the mandarin fire rescue team. .

3. “Blastoise fire brigade”

Blastoise fire brigade, they usually arrange to use Hydro Pump to extinguish fires when large fires appear, and they can also borrow the super power of Hydro Pump With launching power, Help Squirtle and Wartortle quickly entered the fire to rescue the trapped.

4. “Machop Fire Rescue Team”, relatively petite and powerful, often cooperates with the Squirtle Fire Team to save people in small spaces when fighting small fires.

5. “Machoke Fire Rescue Team”… partner with Wartortle Fire Team…

6. “Strength/Machamp Fire Rescue Team”… partner with Blastoise Fire Team…

Although the size is not the same, but the really strong character, Lucario and the monarch snake still chose to join the Strength/Machamp and Blastoise fire brigade training without the slightest hesitation.

What did Russell and the firefighters say not at all? The one and a half hour morning exercise officially started. As for the content of the morning exercise is running.

[Name]: Mumu Liang Ren

[Gender]: Male♂

[Age]: 13

[Strength] :29 (the average adult is 10)

[Physical Strength]: 22 (……10)

[Intelligence]: 20 (……5)

【Charm 】:16 (……5)

[Number of Pokemons held]: 6

[Attribute points to be allocated]:0

[innate talent]: Mega Evolution wave (awakened)

(——Collected: 23

Steelix, Flame Chicken, Slowbro

Pidgeot, Megalodon, Salamence

Sableye, Glalie, Metagross, Pinsir, Ampharos, Heracross, Tyranitar, Sceptile, Swampert, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Camerupt, Altaria, Banette, Lopunny, Gyapos (not collected) :……)

Fighting technique cultivation has been carried out for a long time. At the same time, as his body grows with age, Liang Ren’s physical fitness has almost reached two to three times that of adults.

at At the first time, a group of fire officers and soldiers were worried that Liang Ren could not stick to it.

After all, with high status, great reputation and strong strength, these all are won by Pokémon. As the trainer himself, Liang Ren, after all, is just a 14-year-old ordinary teenager.

Although there is no contempt for emotions, in general, whether it is Russell or a group of fire officers and soldiers, he does not think Liang Ren can be trained in this way. Hold for too long under the intensity.

However, when the one and a half hour morning exercise is over, a kind of firefighters and soldiers are exhausted to brow beaded with sweat, Liang Ren’s face is not red or breathless, his forehead just blew a little Sweat.

Seeing this scene, both Russell and the fire officers and soldiers blushed a little.

But it is also clear that Liang Ren has stronger physical fitness than them. Russell and the firefighters became more and more admired and awed to see Liang Ren’s gaze.

“Mr. Liang Ren, your professional trainers, apart from breed Pokémon, train Does the home exercise itself? “A fire officer asked curiously while eating breakfast in the cafeteria.

“That’s for sure. “Liang Ren nodded.

“The trainer accompanies Pokémon to train together. Pokémon will be more active and serious and improve efficiency. In addition, it will deepen the tacit understanding and bond between the trainer and Pokémon. “

“In addition, when traveling normally, there are requirements for the trainer’s physical strength and other physical fitness. Otherwise, the Pokémon’s strength will become stronger, and the trainer will be a shortcoming that hinders Pokémon’s performance. “

“Another reason is that although the Alliance orders Pokémon to ban attacking trainers, sometimes some local ruffians, or even the lawless elements in the evil underground organization, will not follow such rules. “

“So in order to deepen the bond with Pokémon without dragging Pokémon’s hind legs, to facilitate travel, and to protect myself in the face of emergencies, I have been carrying out Fighting cultivation. “

Liang Ren didn’t conceal his own powerful military force value. He told the fire officers and soldiers generously.

Of course, after listening to Liang. With Ren’s words, the firefighters were also dumbfounded.

“Where is Sri Lanka! ! “

“Mr. Liang Ren is really good. “



Russell and the firefighters looked towards Liang Ren, their eyes were full of admiration, Given his fame, status, and Pokémon’s strength, Liang Ren’s own military force has made these robust men more in awe.


“Casey, I ask you to supervise Pidgeot’s training today. “Liang Ren handed the little Dratini to Casey, please.

“Don’t worry, Liang Ren, I will take care of them for you. “Casey took Dratini and hugged it in his arms, earnestly nodded.



Place a few Pokémons and rest until 8:30 , Liang Ren and Lucario, Monarch Snake followed Russell and a group of firefighters for training.

Different from running in the morning exercise, formal training during the day requires a lot more events.


On Liang Ren’s side——

Climbing over board barriers at 100 meters, wearing fire fighting suits, wearing air respirators, wearing protective clothing (chemical protective clothing), climbing stairs with two sections, Hook ladder to climb the building, fire hose connection, fire water injection…

In addition to the basic firefighting business training of fire fighting, rescue and rescue, but because it is training with a group of fire officers and soldiers.

Long-distance running 5000, 3000, 1500 meters, middle and short running, office push-ups, sit-ups, horizontal bars, parallel bars, obstacles, leapfrogs, snake running, load-bearing running… These performance trainings are also a lot.

Obviously this kind of training arrangement is not appropriate. According to Russell’s purpose of setting up fire safety training, the 2nd day assessment and training content should be set separately.

The focus is on home fire protection and fire protection. Basic abilities such as appliance use, fire self-rescue and fire escape, instead of training the challenger as a firefighter.

This is just a fire safety training for Gym challengers, and the training time is only limited. In two days, it’s already good to be able to learn the basic self-rescue escape ability.

High-intensity performance training like long-distance running 5000, 3000, 1500 meters, 100 meters over board barriers, and two-stage ladder climbing. The training of firefighters’ professional skills such as climbing stairs and climbing stairs should not appear in the training.

However, in response to these unreasonable ideas and suggestions, Liang Ren not at all immediately put forward it, and he will do it now. It’s just a complete experience of the assessment arranged by Russell, suggestions for improvement and so on after the Gym challenge is over.

Furthermore, these firefighter training arranged by Russell, although the intensity is very exaggerated , But for Liang Ren, it is not impossible.

“Kashima, come on…”

“Mr. Liang Ren, come on”

” ……”


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