After lunch, the training in the fire fighting base in the afternoon had more competition training. At the moment, Liang Ren was competing with the horizontal bar of the fire brigade called Kashima on the horizontal bar.

——Basic pull-ups

——Strength on the bars



Previously, if you still squat Liang Ren from the Celadon City Library all day long, you might be able to do one or two basic pull-ups, and you might not be able to do one or two exercises that test the strength of your arms. .

But now, relying on long-term Fighting skills training, Liang Ren and a firefighter named Kashima next to them take off their shirts and shirtless.

Clear lines and full muscles, because of some sweat from training, Liang Ren’s body like Iron Pagoda reflects bright light under the sun.

Holding the metal horizontal bar tightly with both hands, whether it is the basic body upwards or the strength of the bar, Liang Ren’s speed and movement completion have crushed Kashima, a fire brigade player on the side.

“Mr. Liang Ren is too fierce.”

“This guy Kashima lost.”

“Tsk, Mr. Liang Ren looks like Kindly like a Pokemon Scholar, didn’t expect to take off his clothes and turn out to be a big muscle tyrant!!”

“Sure enough, it is a daoist who is not daoist or daoist.”

< p>“Wow!! From now on, I will change my beliefs, and my first idol will officially change from Shiba master to Mr. Liang Ren.”

“I have fans, only Mr. Liang Ren This kind of man’s trainer is worthy of becoming my idol. The existence of butter noodles and small fresh meat is simply a shame of my generation.”


” ……”

In a horizontal bar competition, after Kashima, the horizontal bar player in the fire brigade, was crushed and defeated by Liang Ren, Liang Ren has thoroughly defeated Russell and a group of fire officers and soldiers. To be impressed.


As everyone was preparing to continue training, a fire sirens suddenly sounded in the training base of the fire rescue team.

The expressions of Russell and the firefighters who were talking and laughing just now suddenly changed.

“The First Fire Rescue Team is ready to dispatch the police.” Russell loudly shouted.





The fire officers and soldiers of the first rescue team on the training ground responded in unison to complied, and then quickly moved towards the garage and ran.

“Mr. Russell, today I joined the First Rescue Team. I am also a member of the First Rescue Team for the time being, so take me with me.”

“I know Rescue and fire fighting is not a trivial matter, but the strength of the few Pokémons I have can definitely play a role.” Liang Ren looked towards Russell, who finished the phone call with Officer Jenny.


Russell is not that kind of indecisive, looking forward and looking forward to things, Liang Ren speaks here, thinking of Pokemon, who has Elite strength under Liang Ren, pull Searle agreed without the slightest hesitation.

“Lucario, Sovereign Snake, you two will come back first.” Liang Ren is also very decisive here, using the baby ball to take Lucario and Sovereign Snake back.

While following Russell to the fire truck driving out of the gate of the fire brigade, he used the bond link to contact the three pets Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Cloyster who are training on Casey’s side.

“Mr. Liang Ren~”

Three fire trucks drove to the outside of the fire brigade. Russell got on the first fire truck, and when the second fire truck passed by, The car door opened suddenly, and a fireman quickly shouted to Liang Ren extend the hand.

“pa ——” Liang Ren was also unambiguous on this side, ran forward quickly to grab the hand passed by the fireman, and stepped on the pedal to get into the car quickly.

“What’s the situation now?” Liang Ren asked the firefighters beside him.

“The fire broke out in the staff dormitory of Blue Ocean Freight. The cause is not yet known. Now the fire has spread significantly. There are currently more than 60 night shift employees trapped in the fire.” The firefighter explained to Liang Ren.

“That’s it.” Liang Ren nodded.

“Although there are fire rescue teams on the other islands I have visited before, they are not as large as Mangan Island. Some even handed over the fire fighting work to the Jenny Police Station.”

“Do you often have fires on Tangerine Island?” Liang Ren asked curiously.

“Well, the economy of Mikan Island relies on cargo transshipment at container terminals and temporary storage in large warehouses.”

“Because of the large quantity of goods and complex characteristics, sometimes some Improper manual operation, or destruction of Wild Pokémon like Rattata, has a higher probability of fire outbreak than other islands.”

“In addition, there are many workers from other places on the island because of the loading, unloading and handling work at the port and dock. And family members live in large dormitory buildings.”

“As there are too many people, there will often be some irregularities in the use of electricity, fire, and steam. Turn off the steam brakes, and some fires appeared.”

“This time the fire broke out in the staff dormitory of the Blue Ocean Freight Company. It is likely that it was caused by high-power electrical appliances, fire or steam. What caused the fire.” The fireman speculated.

“Hmm–“Liang Ren nodded, everyone has their own field of specialisation, because different occupations have different things.

For how to identify Wild Pokémon’s innate talent, how to breed and train Pokémon, how to help Pokémon hone Ability, how to fight…

About Pokémon and professional trainers, Liang Ren can have the words at hand and talk freely, but when it comes to fire safety, fire prevention and disaster relief, he does not have the professional firefighters around him to be professional.

For this, Liang Ren also knows himself well. This time he applied to join the police to fight the fire. Liang Ren did not intend to believe oneself infallible and make claims. Instead, he obeyed Russell’s command.

See and experience firefighters fighting fires. Of course, we can also use our own strength to help reduce the casualties and property losses caused by the fire.


Three fire trucks with dazzling red bodies were driving at high speed, and the sirens of the fire trucks blasted the streets. Very harsh, but also very domineering.

Leaving the fire brigade, the three fire trucks moved towards the port and wharf all the way to the south. Liang Ren sitting on the fire truck soon saw a building with blazing flames and thick smoke. Dormitory building.


When the fire rescue team was first established, it took into account how to get to the fire scene as soon as possible.

Three fire trucks were screaming and screaming. From the time the police came to the scene of the fire, Liang Ren looked at the wristwatch on his hand, and it only took seven minutes in total.

“Russell Captain~” The fire truck stopped outside the No. 1 dormitory building where the Blue Ocean Cargo Company caught fire. As soon as Liang Ren and Russell and other fire officers got off the car, Jenny ran quickly Up here.

“Jenny Sang, how is the situation now?” Russell asked quickly.

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