“It is suspected that a high-power electrical appliance caused a trip. The dormitory management directly resumed the power supply without asking the reason, and then caused a dormitory electrical appliance to catch fire.”

“A few other dormitories seem to be hidden There are flammable items, and now the fire has spread significantly.”

“Apart from the family members of a few employees who went out to buy food, including dormitory managers, more than 60 people were trapped in the fire. “Jenny anxiously explained the situation to Russell.

“Okay, I understand~” After learning about the scene from Jenny, Russell also immediately organized firefighters to put out the fire.



Six Blastoises stood in a row, with two muzzles protruding from the carapace at the shoulders. The quasi-flaming building decisively used Hydro Pump to put out the fire.

The three fire trucks on the other side were also photographed in a row. After connecting the water pipes, three high-pressure water guns were also added to the queue for fire fighting.

“First rescue team, Squirtle fire brigade, Wartortle fire brigade, Machop fire brigade, Machoke fire brigade, put on fire suits and air breathing apparatus, enter the fire scene to save people.”

< p>Although the fire in the building in front of you was very frightening, as Captain of the Mangan Island Fire and Rescue Team, Russell was very calm when he was in danger, and ordered one after another orderly.



“Kami Kami~”

“Wrist— —”


The firefighters of the First Rescue Squad, the four Pokémon firefighting squads all paid a police salute, without the slightest hesitation. moved towards the building surrounded by raging flames rushed in.

If there are no people trapped in the building, they naturally don’t need to rush in like this. It’s enough to stay outside the fire to find a fire hydrant and connect it with a water gun to fight the fire.

But at this moment in this dormitory building surrounded by fire, there are more than 60 people trapped in the fire, so no matter how dangerous it is, even if they are buried in the fire sea, they must rush in. Save people.

This is naturally not to be a hero, but because of their duty. Their duty is to save people and fire fires.

“Compared with Normal, which only requires physical and mental work, this is a job that will cost your life when necessary.”

Looking at the fire brigade base just now The firefighters who trained with him and joked together, at this moment, dressed neatly with their Pokémon and rushed into the fire to save people. Liang Ren sighed in shock.

Although the more than 60 people trapped in the dormitory have nothing to do with him, seeing this team of firefighters rushing into the fire scene, Liang Ren felt a strong emotion in his heart.

“They must be fine, I must figure out a way to get them out of the fire scene safely.” Liang Ren loudly shouted in his heart.

At the same time, at this moment, he also has a strong hatred for the people who caused the fire, whether it is due to negligence or whatever reason.

Because of their fault, the firefighters in front of him have to pay for him. Perhaps even because of them, this team of firefighters is likely to give precious lives.

“Mr. Russell, what can I do?” Liang Ren suppressed his anger, stepped forward to Russell and asked.

Because of Russell’s honorable job with a group of firefighters, Liang Ren, who originally had a higher strength and position than Russell, now uses honorifics.

“Mr. Liang Ren, to be honest because I don’t know what abilities and methods you have with your Pokémon, so I don’t know what tasks I should assign to you.”

“Next, you and your Pokémon can’t enter the fire scene and step into the danger zone. You can use all effective means to help reduce the Little Flame’s potential, and help the rescue team to rescue the trapped people.”

Russell thought for a while and assigned Liang Ren to a mission that was not like a mission.

“Okay, I understand–” Liang Ren nodded, Liang Ren who understood Russell’s meaning replied.

Under the gaze of Russell and Jenny on the side, Liang Ren stepped forward and came to the side of Blastoise and the firefighters, throwing five treasure balls directly with a big wave.

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario, Monarch Snake, all of you come out!!”

“Peng peng peng peng bang……”

“Beep Diao~”

“Ya duo~”


“ao ao~”

“Woo Hmm~”

After a series of sound of the baby ball opening, Pokémon from the first and second tiers of Liang Ren appeared in front of him.

Feeling the horrible imposing manner of the five main Pokémon Liang Ren gathered together, Russell, Jenny, firefighters, and the crowd watching from a distance, can’t help but stretch their necks and throw one after another Curious eyes.

Liang Ren didn’t care about everyone’s reaction. Liang Ren, who was worried about the safety of the firefighters and soldiers in the fire scene, decisively gave his Pokémon action instructions.

“Cloyster, gather snow and clouds to collect water vapor, use Aurora Veil to provide Pokémon in the fire scene with damage reduction Buff~”

“Ticket——”Cloyster who received Liang Ren’s order Dequeue.

The snow-white Cloyster shell and the sparkling ice horns in front of the forehead suddenly flashed white light at high frequency, using the “ice will” to communicate the meteorological authority stationed in the energy crystal core during the breakthrough Elite level.

“chi! !”

Cloyster opened the shell, and a cold Mist escaped from the shell, as if Great Xia Tian suddenly opened the freezing room of the refrigerator.

The flames of the dormitory building in front were blazing, and waves of heat hit, but the frozen gas from Cloyster’s body was not at all dissipated, but suddenly rushed towards sky.

“hong long long……” Sky suddenly heard a muffled thunder, and sky above the dormitory building that was scorched by the fire suddenly appeared a dark cloud.

Mitkan Island is all around the sea, and the fire-burning Blue Ocean Cargo Company’s No. 1 employee dormitory is not far from the port, and the air is full of water vapor.

After a muffled thunder, the dark clouds quickly turned into a mass of dark cloud vortex, the dock, port and sea water vapor were constantly being drawn over, and the dark cloud vortex quickly spread all around.

Liang Ren gave instructions to Cloyster summon to produce the snow cloud vortex, but in the blink of an eye, the snow cloud vortex has expanded to a diameter of 500 meters.

Knowing that Liang Ren let it summon the snow cloud vortex just to gather water vapor, Cloyster not at all controls the snow cloud vortex to consume water vapor for the snowfall under Hail, but summon the aurora.


“Look at…!!!”

When Mew’s colorful and brilliant aurora appeared above the fire dormitory building Sky, looking at the melon-eaters watching the fire brigade fighting the fire from a distance, they couldn’t help but widened their eyes and let out bursts of exclamation.

The Orange Islands are located in the tropics of the equator. The aurora, which can only be seen at the north and south poles, suddenly appeared in front of everyone. These crowds even forgot to fight a fire.

But after Cloyster summon exited the Aurora Veil, the four rescue teams Pokémon, Squirtle, Wartortle, Machop, and Machoke, who rushed into the fire to save people, suddenly felt a chill in their body, and the flames that accidentally burned their bodies seemed to disappear. As vicious as before.

This is exactly the damage reduction buff that Cloyster uses Aurora Veil to apply to a group of Pokémon, although the more friendly Pokémon, the smaller the damage reduction effect.

But Cloyster’s strength is also Elite, and the fire in the building is just ordinary fire, not an attack launched by Fire Element Pokémon, so the effect of reducing the damage buff is still very obvious.

Seeing that Cloyster was done following the instructions, Liang Ren didn’t hesitate, and another instruction came quickly.

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