
After the fire fighting was over, Liang Ren followed Russell and a group of fire officers and soldiers to the fire truck and returned to the fire rescue team.

In today’s rescue of Fire Element, Liang Ren exerted a lot of effort. What satisfied Russell, the fire captain most, was Liang Ren who followed the fire rescue regulations throughout the entire process.

Although his performance is very eye-catching, it is entirely because of his strong ability, rather than believe oneself infallible, and break the rules to be a hero.

The first day of assessment was the study and assessment of fire safety theory knowledge. Liang Ren got a score of 100 points from the old lady Amber.

The 2nd day’s assessment is fire fighting training and safety drills. Liang Ren performed well in fire fighting training. Not only did all the training items not stump him, but even the expert in the fire brigade was beaten by Liang Ren.

However, the safety exercise has not yet started. Didn’t expect a fire broke out in the middle. Liang Ren directly joined the real Fire Element rescue operation.

In this rescue of Fire Element, Liang Ren performed very amazingly, plus the last touching remarks about the “Fire Hero”.

Russell directly told Liang Ren that the previous action to save Fire Element was his assessment today, and Russell gave Liang Ren a full score for his assessment.


The three fire trucks drove back to the fire rescue team. The people, all dirty, went to the bathhouse to take a bath, and waited for Liang Ren to come out of the bathhouse. It’s almost six o’clock.

Everyone did not continue training, and a group of people rushed directly to the cafeteria for dinner.


After dinner with the admiration and praise of the fire officers and Russell, everyone chatted for a while, and Liang Ren and Casey returned to the dormitory.

In the afternoon, Liang Ren participated in the dangerous Fire Element rescue operation. Casey was also very worried. Seeing Liang Ren coming back safe and sound, the girl’s heart finally fell.

“Brother Liang Ren, although I know that when you encounter this kind of thing, your personality will never stand by and ignore it.”

“But please be careful about your safety.” Sitting on the edge of the bed, Casey lightly put her head on the boy’s shoulder and said affectionately and tenderly.

“Don’t worry.” Liang Ren touched the girl’s soft hair, “Even if it is for you, I will definitely protect myself.”

“Well—” Maiden nodded.



After talking to Casey for a while, Liang Ren went to his own business.

Lucario has mastered the “Lite version-Kagura of Fire, The Stormy Wave, The Song of the Mountain Eagle”. Only free time in these two days, Liang Ren and Lucario will practice this set together. Combination boxing’.

Continuously in order to provide data to prove, the efficiency of Psychic personality deduction is getting faster and faster, and it will not be long before the energy circulation path of the Aura cultivation method can be obtained.

At that time, Lucario will be able to exercise Aura Force while rejuvenating through the’Calm Mind’ method like Slowpoke.

Aura cultivation developed the path of movement, the answer from Psychic personality is that it will be available in just two days.

And what Liang Ren has to do now is to search for other cultivation methods with Refining Qi effect in major online forums and communities, or through the bounty Hunter’s Guild intranet and Alliance database.

and other Psychic personality based on the “Fire of Kagura, Stormy Waves Breaking on the Shore, Mountain Eagle Song”, the “Aura Cultivation Method” was created.

To enrich and perfect this set of cultivation methods and improve its training effect, the other cultivation methods collected by Liang Ren will be a very good reference.

Psychic personality: “……”

Mu Mu Liang Ren: “……”

Because tomorrow will formally challenge the Tangerine Gym, Liang Ren looked it up Some information was then stored in the computer’s hard drive, and then as soon as the consciousness asked about the progress of Psychic’s personality, he went to bed and got into the bed Rest.

No words for a night.

The next day, early morning–

When the wake-up sign rang, Liang Ren and the Pokémons got up.

Today, instead of doing morning exercises with the officers and soldiers of the fire brigade, they took a group of Pokémon alone to adjust their status.

“Mandarin Island·Pokémon Center”

“Mr. Liang Ren, your Pokémon has been restored–” At the front desk of the lobby, Joy received a pokémon from his partner Chansey Ball’s tray, then turned and smiled and handed it to him.

“Thank you, Nurse Joy~”

“You are welcome, this is what I should do.” Joy always had a gentle and sweet smile on his face.

After the morning exercise, Liang Ren took Pokémon to the Pokémon Center for a recovery and health check, and then rode Pidgeot back to the Mandarin Fire Brigade.


The drone Rotom follows up 24 hours a day. Liang Ren’s travel information is divided into 12 noon and 18:00 pm and is published on the “Sun Daily.

The second stop of the Liang Ren Gym challenge is Mikan Gym, which is no secret for the trainers who follow Liang Ren’s dynamics every day.

Especially when staying overnight on an isolated island three days ago, I rescued the “St. Peter cruise ship distress” who fell into the sea in a huge storm more than a month ago.

The background of the child is very big, one is the young daughter of the rich and powerful in Unova Region Nimbasa City, and the other is the Little Young Master of the mayor of Kalos Region, Salo City.

The two families offered tens of millions of Alliance coins to offer a reward for clues. In the end, they didn’t expect to be met and rescued by Liang Ren who was traveling.

Because of the two children of Lan and Wenji, Liang Ren not only received a bounty of 20 million yuan, but also made a lot of popularity and attention.

After Liang Ren and his entourage arrived at Mikan Island, the trainers on the island also received the news immediately.

In addition to the “fire in the Blue Ocean Cargo Company’s staff dormitory building yesterday,” Liang Ren and a group of firefighters rushed to the scene to fight the fire and were seen.

Even the ordinary person who doesn’t pay much attention to things in the trainer circle now knows that Mumu Liang Ren, the most popular and sought after Celebrity trainer in the youngster circle, is on their Tangerine Island.

There is a delay in the dynamic update of “Sun Daily”, but the local trainers on Mikan Island have heard through various channels that Liang Ren will officially challenge Mikan Gym today.

Early this morning, local trainers on the island rushed to the Mikan Fire and Rescue Team (Mikan Gym).

Therefore, Liang Ren returned from the Pokémon Center to help Pokémon recover. He was surprised to find that the fire brigade training base was crowded with trainers who came to watch him do Gym games.

“As expected of Mr. Liang Ren, this popularity is really too high.”

“Right, right, when we get along these two days, because Mr. Liang Ren is very easy-going, I almost forgot that he is the big Celebrity in the trainer’s circle.”

“Tsk, do you think we should take advantage of Mr. Liang Ren’s still in the fire brigade, a waterside pavilion gets the Moonlight first, ask Mr. Liang Ren for more autographs.”

“Your idea is good, but let’s wait until Mr. Liang Ren’s gym battle with Captain is over. Now in the past, it will affect Liang. Mr. Ren’s game state for a while.”

“Uhhh…I agree.”

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