“It’s almost done, let’s go to the battlefield.” Liang Ren said to the girl beside him.

“Hmm…” Casey was obediently nodded.

Handing Slowpoke to Casey’s arms, the two walked straight to the fire brigade training base. The exclusive battlefield of Mandarin Gym is in the center of the fire brigade base.

This is a boxing ring, about 1.5 meters higher than the surrounding Ground, but it is not like a boxing ring with a plug-in structure on the edge of the field.

The Mikan Gym and the Mikan Fire Brigade are combined into one, and average persons are usually forbidden to visit inside, but like this moment, when there are trainers who challenge the Gym, it will be open to the audience for free.

At the moment, all around below the battlefield was full of trainers who came to watch, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

Especially when they saw Liang Ren walking towards the opposing battlefield, the on-site trainers became more excited, holding their mobile phones high and moving towards Liang Ren to take pictures.



Said hello to the fans, Casey stayed with the fire brigade officers and soldiers in the appearance match, Liang Ren stepped onto the court from the Third Rank step on the sidelines.

Russell has already played before Liang Ren, and he is standing at the other end of the field.

An orange and Yellow fire brigade uniform, with two sleeves rolled up a few times, revealing a small half of his muscular arm, with his hands wrapped around his chest.

At this moment, Russell is not as straightforward and friendly as the previous two days, nor is it like Liang Ren’s respectful restraint when he came to inspect his work on the first day.

At this moment, Russell is truly like the master of a gym, full of confidence and aura of majesty.

“Russell Gym Leader, the next Gym battle is up to you—” Liang Ren said with a serious face, moved towards Russell nodded.

“I will be spare no effort~” Russell nodded solemnly.

As a mandarin gym leader, if he faces a Normal trainer, he will naturally not be so solemn, but the young man in front of him is enough to make him treat it like this.

“Kashima—” Russell shouted to a firefighter on the side of the court.

“Yes, Captain.” The firefighter called Kashima complied.

Seeing that both sides were ready to fight, he no longer hesitated, and decisively performed his duties as a referee.

“Now we will start the Gym battle between Mikan Gym Leader Russell and challenger Mumu Liang Ren, using two Pokémon…”

With Kashima as the referee After giving instructions, the noisy audience outside the venue quickly quieted down.

“…Now, please send the first Pokémon to be played by both parties.” Kashima raised the green signal flag in his hand and shouted.

“Monarch Snake, the first game is up to you.”

“Strength/Machamp, ready to fight!!”

The referee is ready to issue instructions , Liang Ren and Russell did not hesitate at all, regardless of the Pokémon sent by the other party, they directly released the Pokemon in the first game in the order they set.



Two Pokémon are on the stage, Liang Ren sent a proud and confident monarch snake , And the Pokémon sent by Russell is a Fighting Type Strength/Machamp.

From the perspective of outsiders, the two sides also had speculations when choosing the opening Pokémon.

As the fire brigade Captain, Russell is required to fight the fire first, so he basically has Pokémon of Water Type in his hands. For this judgment, Liang Ren sent the Monarch Snake of Grass Type here. .

However, Russell looks honest and honest, but in fact he still has several points of wisdom, so he predicts the opponent’s prediction. Russell is not at all sending Water Type Pokemon, but not at all. Fighting Type Strength/Machamp restrained by Grass Type.

In the opening Pokémon’s choice, Russell is undoubtedly slightly better, Liang Ren is slightly inferior.

Of course, this is just the opinion of the off-site audience as a bystander. In fact, it is not known whether this is the case.

Liang Ren He doesn’t know if Russell has made a pre-match prediction, but he certainly does not.

This time to challenge the Orange Alliance Winners Cup, Liang Ren intends to take this opportunity to exercise the two main players of the second team, Monarch Snake and Lucario.

This trip to the Orange Islands is a big training for the second echelon.

At the same time, it is also after three multi-stage intensive special training on “Hoenn Riverside Metasequoia Forest, Mt. Moon Yangjiaofeng Valley, and Ice Fire Thunder Sanshen Island”.

The assessment and acceptance of the strength of Lucario and the Monarch Snake, who are fully mature and capable of acting on their own.

Because in a while, Liang Ren’s focus of time and energy will be transferred to Dratini of the third echelon. As a child of the champion Dragonite, Liang Ren can’t waste Dratini’s potential.

“The game begins!!!” The moment of strange and tranquil atmosphere that appeared because Liang Ren and Russell sent the first Pokémon was broken by a start instruction from the sideline referee.

The referee’s starting instruction was to pull the lead, and the next second Liang Ren and Russell gave the two Pokémon instructions to ignite the lead.

As an elite of professional trainers, Liang Ren can give instructions much faster than Russell.

“The monarch snake, use two-in-one tactics.” Liang Ren ordered immediately.

“Strength/Machamp, use Bulk Up.” Russell’s command sound was one beat slower than Liang Ren’s.

“Wum–” The Sovereign Snake held his head proudly, and looked steadily forward to tightly hold the Strength/Machamp opposite Lock On, and Liang Ren’s instructions instantly understood him.

Previously returning from the Mt. Moon pulse experience, Liang Ren formulated three sets of tactics for the monarch snake according to the difficulty of the opponent Attribute.

The first set: When encountering ground, water, and rock such as own attributes occupy an absolute advantage, adopt a brainless attack and high explosive strategy.

The second set: When encountering opponents such as grass, dragons, and steel that have strong resistance to your own attributes, take priority to control the opponent, and then pull it.

The third set: When encountering insects, poisons, fire, flying…this Attribute restrains one’s opponent, adopt the most conservative defense and return flow tactics.

What I encountered right now was Fighting Type Pokemon that had no restraint and resistance effects on grass and Water Type. Liang Ren issued a two-in-one tactical instruction.

It means to use the second set of tactics to control first, and then switch to the first set of tactics for high burst output after successfully controlling the opponent.

From a naturally disabled Snivy abandoned by a trainer on the Hoenn River, to a powerful monarch snake whose strength is approaching the quasi-Elite level.

For the Wild + City Stadium competition, it is not an exaggeration to describe the current monarch snake as experienced. Although there is no bond link with Liang Ren, the tacit understanding is not lower than that of Pidgeot with a bond link. And Slowpoke them.

Immediately upon receiving the instruction, the monarch snake twisted his body, leaned down and glided close to the ground. Normal flew out, as fast as a green lightning.

“Wum~~” The monarch kissed the snake softly, and his eyes were as clear as the pulp of red pomegranate. Suddenly, the pink glow filled with Captivate.

Bulk Up is being used to improve the Strength/Machamp of physical attack and physical defense.

Because of the sudden emergence of the monarch snake, his eyes widened, trying to catch the silhouette of the monarch snake and follow the trajectory of the sudden movement. As a result, he directly met the charming eyes of the monarch snake.


This sturdy macho covered in granite-like muscles instantly fell under the charm of the monarch snake.

The accumulated imposing manner dissipated instantly, Strength/Machamp no longer used Bulk Up, instead collapsed and shrugged, making a shy expression of twisting, staring into the eyes of the monarch snake There was a pink heart out there.

“pa ——”

“Assi~” Seeing this scene, Russell raised his hand and patted his forehead discouragedly.

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