“Although we have now graduated from the Rainbow Primary Rank Pokémon School and have met the age requirement to hold Pokémon, according to the conditions of our family, I want to get a Pokémon…”

” Alas—”The two fat tiger husbands who were following Mu Mu Lei all hung their heads and sighed.

Panghu’s family runs a grocery store. Although there is some income, it is not so easy to help him get the initial Pokémon. The situation in Xiaofu’s family is similar.

Both of them were born in ordinary petty citizen families, and their parents are ordinary persons, and unlike Liang Ren whose parents have Pokémon in their hands, they are really ordinary petty citizens.

“Peng peng…Don’t be frustrated all day, where did the usual turmoil go.” Mu Mulei took out a hand holding the hatchery and patted their heads.

“Sister Little Lei, we…”

“Look at your dull look, not my little brother anymore.” Mu Mu Lei has some hate iron for not becoming steel said.

“Little Lei sister, we…”

“We all entered Celadon City Primary Rank at the age of seven. Your two birthdays are two days apart, and I’m just better than you It’s only a day old, but you called me Little Lei for six years.”

“Who am I? I am your Little Lei sister, I am the best in Rainbow Primary Rank Pokémon School In the class, the student with the best grades, I am so capable, what else do you think I can’t do?”

“Keep on saying Call me Sister Little Lei, keep on saying yes My little brother, don’t you two think my Little Lei sister is for nothing? Can’t you even get your little brother’s debut Pokemon?”

Originally exchanged for Eevee Pokemon eggs, I was very happy The girl who was talking at this moment suddenly changed her emotions, and her eyes were wetted, and her voice also brought a trembling cry.

“Sister Little Lei, we…”

“Today we officially graduated from Rainbow Primary Rank High School and got out of this nasty prison cage. You two just helped Little Lei Sister dragged the dead fly, let Little Lei sister, I successfully got the’Starter Pokemon’Eevee.”

“As the little Lei sister who made you call for six years, I also called you for six years. Little Lei, I also prepared a graduation ceremony for the two of you in advance.”

The girl speeded up and walked two steps faster, and walked to the front of Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, and Kuroki. No Secretly wiped the tears that came out of the corner of her eyes with her sleeves, she didn’t want her little brother to see her weakness.

Drying Mu Mu Bud from tears, he reached into his pocket and took out two Poké Balls to enlarge them, and then threw them lightly behind him.

“Catch it~” Mu Mu Lei walked forward while holding the Eevee egg hatching chamber without looking back, and shouted to the two behind him.

“Sister Little Lei, this is…” stupefiedly to catch the Poké Ball thrown by the girl in front, the mouths of the two teenagers were surprised to become an O shape~

The two fat tiger husbands who finally reacted in a few seconds suddenly reddened their eyes, and their voices became choked and trembling.

“Look at your unpromising look. You are all my siblings. Sister Little Lei, my sister, must be treated equally.”

“I accepted Kuroki. An initial Pokémon moon bear, is it possible that you think I will lose your share of Little Lei?”

“Little Lei, we…” Fat tiger and Xiaofu hold hands Two clear tears were drawn on Poké Ball’s face.

“Kuroki was born in the Great Family. He seems to be polite and courteous when dealing with others, but he actually suppresses his heart.”

“So I have conquered a teddy bear that was as cute as a teddy bear in the early stage, but after it evolves into Ursaring, its character will change drastically, becoming violent and warlike.”

“This process of cultivating moon bears, You can help and guide you to discover your own heart, so that you can take off the disguise and discover your truest self.”

At the beginning, the girl chose and subdued the moon bear as the initial Pokémon with a very tough attitude. Mu thought it was Mu Mu Lei, she was making little temper, and making this choice was just that the moon bear was very cute.

At this moment, hearing the girl say the call in a slightly crying voice, Kuroki suddenly froze in place. After he reacted, his heart was also full of touch.

“Little Lei, I…”

“Shut up, no road race!!” The girl wiped her tears, and said stubbornly.

“Panghu, you have a public personality and like to make troubles. At first, you recognized me as Little Lei sister, because when you first entered the first grade, you wanted to take my position arrogantly, and then my second brother’please go.’ The men’s toilet, let Da Taozi clean up before becoming honest.”

“So your initial Pokémon, what I am conquering for you is a Geodude, Rock Type, two-stage evolution, final evolution type Golem has Species Strength of 495.”

“Rock Type eats stones very well to feed, Species Strength is not low, it can be cultivated with high value, and it can be regarded as the top grade in the civilian Pokémon.”

“I will subdue Geodude to you as your initial Pokémon. One of the most important reasons is to sharpen your temper. I hope you can be as steady as Golem in the future and leave the’Explosion’ in your character to the end.”< /p>

“Sister Little Lei, I…” Hearing the girl’s words, Fat Tiger was so moved that he not only shed tears, but even shed his nose.

But the girl ignored her, stopped and turned her back to the three of them, each minding their own business and continued talking.

“My husband, I gave you Oddish the original Pokémon, Grass Type Pokemon is very easy to feed, Oddish and Geodude are the same two stages of evolution.”

“No matter it is evolved into Vileplume is still Bellossom, and the Species Strength of 490 is not low. It can be said that it is also the top grade in civilian Pokémon.”

“Of course, the reason why I gave you an Oddish as the initial Pokémon, I also consider your personality. Somewhat introverted and timid.”

“Oddish is also a very weak Pokémon in the early stage, but it becomes stronger as you go back. I hope you can grow with Oddish during the breeding and training of Oddish.”

“Since thin body and weak strength are the reasons for your cowardice and introversion, from now on you will grow up with Oddish, and in the process of getting stronger, you will also open up and become cheerful and brave “

“Fathu, Xiaofu, do you two understand–” the girl yelled Normally with a trembling voice with her back to them.

“Little Lei, we understand your painstaking efforts.” The two teenagers replied in tears.


“Usually I take you to skip classes and come to Game Center to mess around. Every time I win, I don’t give you a share and do it for you. Has a savings card been deposited?”

“Well, sister Little Lei, you gave us the card, but we were afraid that we could not control the money we spent, so we didn’t tell us the password. In the six years we went out to eat, drink and spend all your money, Sister Little Lei.”

Panghu and Xiaofu held Poké Ball in one hand, and took out an Alliance savings card from their pocket with the other. Said.

“You graduated from Rainbow Primary Rank Pokémon School and officially debuted as a trainer. Now I can tell you the bank card password.”

“The secret of your bank card, It’s the birthdays of the two of you guys. I have all the share that I gave to you two in the past six years of playing games to make money.”

“I won’t say how much there is, you are free to yourself Go to the bank counter or ATM to check. In the future, as long as you don’t mess around, it is estimated that it will be enough for the two of you to travel about a year, and at the same time shape the initial Pokémon battle strength breed.”

“Little Lei sister, we… …” Hearing the girl’s words, she just stopped her tears and the clear nose with her sleeves, and at this moment she was moved to flow again.

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