“Your family and the teacher at the school all know that I took you to skip classes all day to go to the Game Center to fool around, saying that I caused you to break.”

“But they again How do you know that with your family situation, being a good student in school is the real harm to you.”

“Because knowledge Ability does not have enough economic and resources to support it, yes Knowledge that can’t be realized forever, and knowledge that cannot be realized and applied to the real world, Ability is a piece of waste paper.”

“In the past few years, I have taken you to skip classes and play games, so that you from ordinary families, in The graduated immediately owns Starter Pokemon, and has the capital to continue learning or embark on the path of a trainer to pursue dreams.”

“Sister Little Lei, who has been called by you for six years, has never been’bringing bad’. You guys, in the past six years, I have not given you less tutorials. Although I often skipped classes, which one do you see in the school exam, you have not passed the exam.”

“Little who has been called by you for six years Sister Lei, Sister Little Lei, who has been calling you for six years, and Sister Little Lei, who your parents said to be bad for you, officially announced today and congratulations on your graduation.”

“Little Lei, I… “

“Little Lei sister, we…”

Looking at the girl who is not tall in front of me, whether it is Fat Tiger, Xiaofu or Kuroki, I feel that she The whole person is shining ten thousand zhang rays of light.

“Okay, don’t have tears and nose.” The girl who had been talking for a long time turned around and looked at the three people in front of her with red eyes.

“Sister Little Lei, I, I will go to the remote Unova Region to go to school after the beginning of next year. When the time comes, there will be no way to’bring you’ like before.”

“So you two guys, this winter vacation this year, let me’bring’ you one last time.” The girl said with red eyes.

“Sister Little Lei, you have never taken us badly. Whether in school or in life, you take care of us very much.

My grocery store did not do well in the past few years. Facing the dilemma of closing down, it was you who gave me the money and let me lie in ambush on my mother’s daily grocery shopping, pretending that someone else lost it and let her pick it up.”

“Sister Little Lei, you did a lot of things to help our family. My parents don’t know about it. Just like you did a lot of things to take care of us. If you didn’t say anything just now, it’s just our dumb heads. I will never know.”

“Thank you, Sister Little Lei, I will always be your follower, and you will always be my most admired sister Little Lei.”

“Me too…”



Watching the girl suddenly burst out the emotions that had been suppressed in her heart When they came out, Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, and Black Wood were deeply moved and expressed their opinions firmly.

“Well, since you are still willing to recognize my Little Lei sister, and don’t think I’ve taken you badly, then go back and say hello to your home today, and meet at the old place at 8:30 tomorrow. “

“Heimu and I are going to travel to the Power Plant southeast of Cerulean City and conquer a few Electric Type Pokémon by the way. Fat tiger and young man, come with me.”

“This winter vacation will let me take you again. Before leaving Kanto for Unova Region next year, I want you to have enough self-protection and the ability to take over missions at the Pokémon Center and the bounty Hunter’s Guild to make money.”

“Sister Little Lei, who has been called by you for six years, now you have your own Pokémon trainers. The next winter vacation trip will be regarded as the last thing my Little Lei sister did for you two. Let’s do something.”

“Little Lei, thank you!!!” The two little servants, Fat Tiger and Xiao Fu, bowed deeply to Mu Mu Lei and thanked them formally for the first time.

At the same time, they knew in their hearts that, based on this kindness, this Little Lei sister is estimated to last a lifetime.

“However, we are willing.” Whether it is this moment or several decades later, the old body is about to be buried in the loess, Fat Tiger and Xiaofu always thought this way.

“Om…” While she was talking, the Eevee Pokemon egg in the hatching bin in the girl’s arms suddenly Bzz Bzz trembled and emitted bright light and warm heat.

“Ah! The Pokemon egg is moving.” The fat tiger, with tears and clear nose running to his mouth, had no time to wipe it at this moment. He opened his eyes and pointed to the Pokemon egg in the hatching bin in the girl’s arms. .

“Don’t panic, this is a sign that Pokemon eggs are about to hatch. Let’s find a place to pipe down.” Kuroki said very calmly at the critical moment.

“Oh…well~” The entire group went into an alley, and then came to the small community park on the back of Game Center.

“ka ka ~” As soon as I put the hatching warehouse on the park bench and uncovered the glass cover, the Pokemon egg sought Fissure to open.

Mu Mu Lei, Kuro Mu, Fat Tiger, Xiao Hu, four pairs of eyes held their breath and stared at the hatching Pokemon egg in excitement.

The entire incubation process is not long. In just a moment of effort, the cracked eggshells suddenly turned into shreds and disappeared.

After eyes opened, I looked at the wooden bench in the park. A cute creature with long ears and a small black nose that looked like a rabbit appeared in front of the four people.

The brown hair, neck fluff and the tip of the fluffy tail are cream colored. At this moment, a pair of shiny brown eyes look at the four people around it with three-point curiosity and seven-point cowardice. .

“Porri~” Little Eevee yelled weakly, and the hearts of the four people in front of him instantly became cute.

“Wow-so cute!!”

“Is this Eevee? This is the first time I saw the real Eevee so close.”

< p>“Little Eevee, come here.” The girl squatted down, smiling and opening her arms towards Eevee.

“Porri~” This Eevee is obviously bolder than its peers, and he sniffs carefully.

I noticed that Mu Mu Lei had a familiar and close smell on her body, she threw herself into the girl’s arms with joy, rubbed her chin and cheek with her little head, and sprinkled it cutely Jiao.

“It’s so itchy~” The girl was giggled by Eevee.

“Eevee, I am your trainer Mu Mulei, please advise me more in the future.”


——— —

Liang Ren only knows that his younger sister officially graduated from Rainbow Primary Rank Pokémon School today.

But it is not clear that she came to Rainbow Game Center and exchanged game Integral Points for a precious Eevee egg, and it was successfully incubated as soon as she came out of Game Center.

If he knew this, Liang Ren would also be happy for his younger sister.

At this moment Liang Ren and Casey have just returned from the beach. He is in the lodging room on the second floor of Pokémon Center on Tangerine Island, practicing “Aura cultivation method” with Lucario

Yes, passing by For days without sleep, it is continuously deduced that the Psychic personality has been initially created through the “Kagura of Fire, the Stormy Waves Breaking the Shore, and the Song of the Mountain Eagle”.

Although the effect is not as amazing as Nine Yin Daoist Scripture and Nine Yang God in previous martial arts film and television dramas.

The start-up “Aura cultivation method” can only enhance the Aura Force of Lucario within the body at a very slow rate.

But it is better to have Aura cultivation than nothing. As Lucario evolves to the final form and matures, the Aura Force within the body has rarely seen substantial growth.

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