Froslass (Ice+Ghost)——Features: Xueyin, (Curse body)

Dewgong (Water+ice attribute)——Features: Thick Fat Hydration, (Ice Body)

ice attribute Pokémon are mostly used to fighting in snowy weather, and both Pokémon on the field have the ability to borrow from the weather Ability [Hail].

The characteristic of the former [Xueyin] is to increase the dodge rate in icy weather, and the latter rely on [Ice Body] to continuously recover physical strength and heal injuries in icy and snowy weather.

Look on the surface, no matter which side uses Hail Weather Ability at the beginning, it is beneficial and harmless to both sides, but obviously no one is willing to use the weather Ability first, so as to lose the attack. First opportunity.

“Froslass, use Mist.” Casey gave instructions quickly.

Mary, the red-brown haired girl, responded very quickly, and immediately gave Dewgong instructions: “Dewgong, freeze the field.”

“Mi Lu——”



Two Pokémons on the field tweeted and responded quickly to the trainer’s instructions.

Froslass here seems to be dancing, spinning and flying quickly into the air, fluttering skirts and wide cuffs bring a cloud of fog, and in the blink of an eye the entire venue is shrouded in a thick white mist Among.

“chi… ka ka! !” Dewgong is not at all affected. The short tip of the ice on his forehead shoots out an extremely cold light. After a burst of ka ka sound, right The battlefield instantly became a smooth ice field.

Although the two sides neither used Hail nor directly attacked, both sides immediately transformed the venue into a mode suitable for their own play.

There is no need for the trainer to give more instructions, and the two Pokémon move quickly by themselves.

“Mi Lu——”

“shua shua ——”

Froslass silhouette drifted into the fog like a ghostly Normal, and the Dewgong belly under the court was also against the smooth ice surface, sliding quickly and flexibly.

The first to attack was on her side, Casey raised his hand and said, “Froslass, use Astonish!!!”

“Dewgong, hurry up dodge.” Mary said Bian also gave instructions.

“Li Li…” Mary tone barely fell, an illusory grimace in Mist instantly rushed out, screaming head-on against Dewgong who was sliding fast on the field.

“Niuwu!!” Froslass’ attack speed was too fast, and at the same time too weird. After the ghost face rushed out, Dewgong couldn’t find any room to dodge, and was directly shocked by the ghost face. And the color of pain.

“Dewgong, use Ice Shard to fight me back.”

“Girlwu~” Dewgong shook his head, after adjusting his condition, he opened his mouth and whistled out pieces of ice and rocks. Then moved towards the direction where the ghost face rushed out in the fog.

Casey didn’t dare to be careless, he hurriedly issued an instruction to Froslass: “Froslass, call me back with Light Screen.”

Light Screen turns into an energy film covering the side of the brain It has a structure that looks like long ears and arms.

The’arms’ danced quickly, and the Ice Shard who came on the face was knocked back by Froslass.

“xiū xiū xiū xiu… ”

“peng peng peng peng ……”

Blocks of Ice Shard shot into the fog, the appearance of the game Although the tourists in Japan can’t see the situation inside, the sound of’peng~ peng~ peng~’ can still be heard.

The next second, Dewgong shot into the Ice Shard in Mist, and was hit back intact.

“Niuwu!!” Dewgong was startled, and hurriedly twisted his body to dodge into hiding.

“Dewgong, don’t panic, aim at the place just now and fight back.”

“Use Aqua Jet!!!” Mary shouted loudly across the field.

Froslass who can be judged by Liang Ren as not losing to Casey, Dewgong is excellent in both hard power and combat literacy.

“Girl wu~”

“hua hua ……”

Dewgong, who received the instruction from the trainer, flicked his tail, his snow-white elegant body The group was wrapped in turbulent water, and then moved straight towards the fog like a rocket launcher and hit it.

“Froslass, after launching into the dodge, use Icy Wind to counterattack.” Casey also quickly gave Froslass instructions.


“hua hua ……”

Dewgong was engulfed in the water and soared into the air, and the fog that enveloped the stadium was also washed out a big hole .

After that, although the off-site tourists could not see the real situation inside, the fog kept tumbling like milk being boiled. The fierce battle can still be felt by everyone on the outside.

However, Liang Ren shared Lucario’s vision of Aura through the bond link, and the battle in the fog is simply invisible to him.



Dewgong relied on the direction in which Ice Shard was counter-attacked just now. Liang Ren’s Aura felt that Dewgong The speed is surprisingly fast, obviously it often uses this move to deal with enemies flying in the air.

But Froslass is also extremely flexible here, like dancing, twisting his body dangerously and dangerously dodge, and then quickly lifted off.

Dewgong rushed into the fog with the power of the mountains and seas, so fast and the direction was so accurate, but there was no immediate feedback of the Tackle sound. Mary had already had bad guesses in her mind.

But she didn’t feel any frustration at all, guessing that the opposite Casey was a little relaxed at this time, and the corner of the girl’s mouth was curved.

Mary resolutely and quickly gave instructions: “Dewgong, use waterfall climbing!!”

“Peng——hua hua ~”

Originally quiet A huge explosion sounded in the thick fog at an instant, and then a turbulent waterfall went up the Milky Way for nine days.

Froslass thought that one of Dewgong’s Tackles did not make any contribution, no matter how stockpile was to launch a second attack, he didn’t expect it to use Water Type Ability to climb the waterfall, just borrowing in midair. Hit it more quickly.


“Mi Lu!!” Lax and unprepared, Froslass was knocked upright, and his body was even pushed out to hide. Heavy fog.



Hiding in the fog for a long time, the first time I saw Froslass being shot out of his real body, the audience was excited There was a burst of warm cheers.

The support wind of the audience also appeared to one side, falling to the red-brown-haired girl Mary and Dewgong, the situation on the court became unfavorable for Casey.

Aqua Jet + Climbing the waterfall, this water type combo really caused Froslass a lot of damage, but it is obviously not that simple to defeat Froslass.

For an instant, Casey, who cleared the comprehension of the situation on the court, quickly organized a counterattack.

“Froslass, use Payback!!!” Casey cried out loudly.

“Dewgong, rush into the fog.” Mary, who longed for the fruits of Protect’s victory, also hurriedly ordered Dewgong.

There are two Pokémons on the field. One of them has not recovered from the attack, and the other is in an embarrassing situation that the old force has just gone to the new force after the “Aqua Jet + waterfall climbing”.

Faced with the instructions issued by their respective trainers, which party can take the lead depends on the strength and combat literacy of the two Pokémon.

“Mi Lu~” in midair Froslass frowned tightly. Obviously, it suffered a serious injury just now, but with the help of tenacious Willpower, Dewgong recovered first.


Froslass spread his arms and turned into a huge bat with wings spread out, like the snow demon in Blizzard, screaming in anger towards Dewgong Past…

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