
Froslass let out a scream, enveloped in the dense Grudge black air, and flew down like a giant bat, with two’arms’ with drooping ears. , Fiercely drew fiercely to Dewgong who was stagnant in midair rotation.

“Bang~” There was no accident. Dewgong, who was in an embarrassing situation where the old force had just gone and the new force hadn’t been born, had no time to dodge. As a result, Froslass’ Payback was beaten up.

“Niu woo!!” Dewgong opened his mouth and let out a painful tweet.

Dark Type moves: [Payback], is a counterattack ability similar to [Mirror Coat, Avalanche, Counter] such as [Mirror Coat, Avalanche, Counter], which counterattacks the opponent with double damage after being attacked.

Just now Dewgong’s [Aqua Jet + Waterfall Climbing] caused a lot of injuries to Froslass, but at this moment Froslass used Payback, which can be said to return all the damage suffered just now to Dewgong, and still Doubled it back.

If you compare the injuries suffered by both sides right now, Dewgong’s injuries are much heavier than Froslass.

Off the court, Mary didn’t expect Casey’s counterattack to be so fierce. Knowing that she didn’t get any advantage in this round of confrontation, she didn’t dare to be careless, and hurriedly fell to the court. Dewgong gave the order.

“Dewgong, use Hail soon.” Mary loudly shouted.

“Niuwu~” Dewgong, who fell on the court, let out a long hum, and the dark clouds gathered on the sky in an instant, and the vortex of snow clouds that diverged and expanded like a huge canopy.

In order not to lose the opportunity, she has been dragging and not using Hail. Now Mary finally can’t help but use this ability first.

“Chacha…” The dark clouds gathered on the top, and the sky soon played ice marbles.

“Niuwu——” Ice Body was activated by the Hail weather, and fell back to Dewgong on the field. The snow-white body was rippled with green energy, the physical strength consumed and the injuries were all at the moment. continuously recovered.

Compared with Liang Ren Cloyster’s [Cold Body], Dewgong’s [Ice Body]’s recovery speed is simply the turtle speed, and the difference between the two is not a little bit.

Mary obviously also knows this. Seeing Froslass hiding in the wind and snow, she seized the opportunity and quickly added an instruction to Dewgong: “Dewgong, use the liquid ring!!!”


“Froslass, use Double Team.” Casey also gave Froslass an order.



Dewgong on the ice, Froslass in the wind and snow, the trainer gave instructions, on the field The two Pokémon also responded quickly.

After Dewgong leaned forward and uttered a whine, two light blue Aqua Rings instantly condensed and formed, and then interlaced around Dewgong’s elegant snow-white body, continuously recovering the lost physical strength.

[Ice Body + Liquid Circle], Dewgong’s resilience instantly rises to a level. If Casey’s side cannot do it quickly, I believe the advantage just established will be wiped out or even overtaken. .

However, the Hail weather also activated Froslass’ [雪隐] feature. At this moment, with the Double Team, watching the overlapping and erratic silhouette of the ghost in the snow screen Normal, Mary and Dewgong also felt very tricky.

Casey didn’t give Mary a chance to think about tactics and Dewgong to continue to regain her strength, she launched an offensive without the slightest hesitation.

“Froslass, use Confuse Ray!!!” Casey shouted in a clear voice, heroically.

“Mi Lu~” Casey sub-command sounded, and a Froslass voice came from the wind and snow.

Dewgong kept turning his head vigilantly, searching for traces of Froslass’ silhouette. At this moment, one after another dim-blue monster rays of light appeared in the snow curtain of white mist.

Dewgong didn’t know, so, staring wide-eyed towards the light source, Mary, who saw this scene outside the scene, hurriedly stopped Dewgong and said: “Dewgong, close your eyes and don’t look at it. “

“I’m only alert now, it’s too late–“

The corners of Casey’s mouth raised slightly, and he drank and issued an offensive command to Froslass, “Froslass, use Hex!” !”

“Milu~” In the wind and snow, Froslass quietly returned to complied.

[Hex] is a Ghost Type attack Ability, the initial base damage of Ability is only 65, but if the opponent is hit while falling into the Status Condition, the formidable power is directly doubled.

“Girlwu~” Dewgong watched Froslass’ Confuse Ray. At this moment, Dewgong was in chaos on the field.

His sight is full of overlapping, distorted and changing phantoms, and the sounds heard by ears have become ghosts. I can’t see where the opponent is, and I can’t hear the instructions from the trainer. Dewgong’s mood gradually changes. Got anxious.

Standing still and becoming a living target that won’t dodge, Dewgong was also attacked by Froslass ruthless.

“Bang——” Froslass got out of the wind and snow, and slapped Dewgong’s cheek fiercely with his drooping ear-like’arm’, and Dewgong was staggered.

“Dewgong!!!” Mary shouted anxiously.

But Confuse Ray, as Froslass’s master of Ability, is so easy to break free. Dewgong is still trapped in the illusion of overlaps and weirdness and has not recovered. This also gave Froslass the opportunity to continue to attack. opportunity.

“peng peng peng peng……”

No need for extra instructions from Casey, Froslass shook his’arm’ like dancing and jumping to a climax, slap continuously on Dewgong’s cheek.

The sound of peng peng’s beating is endless. At this moment, Froslass seems to be performing the exclusive Z-movement [Let’s Snuggle Forever] that mimics Q. Dewgong was dizzy and unable to fight back after a fast attack by Froslass.

In the state of [Chaos], [Hex] with an initial damage of only 65 can hit 130 double explosion damage with each hit. At this moment, even with [Ice Body + liquid circle], Dewgong can’t keep up with it. Suffered.



A continuous fast break, no matter how Mary shouted, she couldn’t immediately wake up Dewgong.

In the face of Hex whose damage is doubled by Froslass every move, Dewgong didn’t hold on for too long, and soon fell to the ground and lost the combat capability.

“Dewgong can’t fight, this game was won by Casey’s Froslass.” Seeing that the two sides have already divided the victory, Liang Ren, who served as the referee on the sidelines, also decisively announced the result of the game.

“bang bang bang bang ……”

“bang bang bang bang ……”

Watched a wonderful Pokémon battle, passengers off the court He also gave his warmest applause to the two trainers and two Pokémon on the field.

“It’s really a wonderful battle. Your Froslass is very strong. I’m convinced to lose.” The fog cleared on the field, and Mary looked at Casey and Froslass across the field with a sincere sigh. One sentence.

“There.” Casey shook the head.

“Your Dewgong was also well-breed. The Aqua Jet + waterfall-climbing combo just now is really beautiful.” Casey said politely.


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