After a battle was over, Liang Ren asked Slowpoke to help Casey’s Froslass and Mary’s Dewgong heal.

“Slowpoke!!!” Seeing Liang Ren’s Slowpoke, the girl named Mary widened her eyes and exclaimed in a low voice.

I looked at Liang Ren up and down, and then at Casey. Although they were wearing masks on their faces, the effect of disguising their identities was obviously Normal.

The average person may not be recognized, but if you meet someone with a heart and release your iconic Pokémon, it is reasonable to be recognized.

After looking up and down a few times, and then at Slowpoke, Mary’s face also showed a clear comprehension expression.

“You are Inspector Mumu!!!” Although Mary asked, her tone was very determined.


“Brother Liang Ren, Mary Young Lady Foresight is your identity.” Casey said full of smiles.

“No way.” Liang Ren shrugged, his expression rather helpless.


“At first, I didn’t even think about it here, but Inspector Mumu, this Slowpoke is too recognizable.” Mary also smiled stand up.


“The identity of Mary Young Lady is probably not simple.” Liang Ren changed the subject, smiling and looking towards the girl in front of him.

“Even if I don’t say my identity, I believe the two will know soon after they arrive at Trovita Island.”

The girl shook the head and made a new self introduced: “Re-recognize. My name is Mary. I am the younger sister of Yuzu Gym Leader Dayton.”

“I am Casey, please take care of me.”

“Mary Young Lady Don’t be so polite, just call me Liang Ren, I am just an ordinary trainer that’s all who came to challenge Trovita Gym.” Liang Ren also said politely.

“Liang Ren, Casey, then you two will also call me Mary directly.” The red-brown-haired girl in a cool shirt said with a faint smile.



The game ended, even Casey was not defeated, Mary did not challenge Liang Ren again , Bought a few bottles of drinks at the cabin bar, and the three returned to the deck to blow the air.

The cool sea breeze moved the hair, and the three of them held soda pops with straws in one hand, while leaning on the white-painted railings of the deck leisurely and comfortably.

Listen to the sea breeze and watch the waves dance. At the distance between the sea and the sky, a small black spot where Trovita Island is faintly appeared.

“Liang Ren, Casey, you have a coincidence this time. Tomorrow will be Trovita Island’s annual [Whale Festival], when the time comes, I will take you to have fun on Trovita Island——” Suddenly thinking of something, Mary said happily.

“[Whale Festival]?” Casey looked confused.

“Well, it’s the Whale Festival. This is the most lively festival on Trovita Island every year. You see, the tourists on this boat are basically to Trovita Island to participate in the annual Whale Festival. Yes.” Mary explained.

“I still don’t understand, Liang Ren, do you know?” Casey turned his head and looked towards Liang Ren and asked, because just now I heard Mary said that during the Whale Festival, Liang Ren’s face was not at all at all The color of doubt, obviously he knew something.

“Hmm~” Liang Ren nodded.

“Wailord, as the only ocean Pokémon that is expressly prohibited by the major Pokémon Alliance, is rarely seen.”

“But every July to December, there will be thousands Head Wailord swims from the icy Antarctic to the warm Sea Territory such as the Orange Islands and Alola Islands at the equator, courting, giving birth, and reproducing offspring.”

“These huge monsters with an average length of 15 meters are on the sea. ‘dancing lightly and gracefully’, attracting many tourists to come to watch.”

“And the coast regions or islands all over the world will regularly hold Celebrate [Whale Festival] due to the migration of cetaceans, especially oranges The tourism industry of the archipelago and the Alola archipelago makes full use of this best season for whale watching, holding a’Whale Festival’ every year at this time and welcoming whale watching tourists.”

See Casey’s unknown situation , Liang Ren explained to him patiently.

“It turned out to be like this–” Casey was nodded.

“Yes, the Whale Festival is a grand traditional festival in the Orange Islands. Many islands have the custom of Celebrate Whale Festival, but the time of the Whale Festival is different depending on the route of the Wailord migration.”

“And tomorrow is our annual Whale Festival on Trovita Island.” Mary added Liang Ren’s words from the side.

“It turns out that this is the case, it seems we did have a good time.” Casey took a sip of soda and said with a full of smiles.


“It is said that people who see Wailord’s tail will be very lucky.” at first because Liang Ren’s identity is still a bit restrained, but After getting acquainted, the girl in front of her also opened the chatterbox.

“Huh huh—” Liang Ren couldn’t deny Mary’s words, but even Ho-Oh has seen it. The good luck in him is absolutely unimaginable.



“The liaison ship departing from Dagan Island has now arrived at the port of Trovita Island…”


“Now Trovita Island is preparing to host the annual Whale Festival…Thank you again for taking this contact boat, and I wish you all a pleasant stay on the island.”

” A holiday celebration is being held!!”

“It’s so interesting, let’s go see it.”

“Ah~~It’s finally here. It took three days to take a boat from Johto came to Azure City and I almost vomited.”

“I brought the Dive equipment, this time I must take the best Wailord photos.”

“… “


Twenty minutes later after meeting Mary, the contact boat finally docked at the pier of Grapefruit Port, watching the excited tourists around him, Liang Ren and Casey’s mood also became excited.

“Let’s go down too.” Liang Ren said.

Liang Ren, who has a system backpack and does not need to carry luggage, looks very chic and comfortable.

“Okay—” Casey helped Liang Ren to hold Slowpoke, and nodded followed Liang Ren to get off the boat.

“I guess Liang Ren, Casey, you haven’t booked the hotel yet. If you book now, I am afraid it will be a little late. Do you want to go to my house.” said Mary who got down to the pier.

“I didn’t expect to meet the Whale Festival before I came here, so I didn’t book a hotel in advance.” Liang Ren put down his mobile phone reluctantly and said.

Just now he took a look with his mobile phone, whether it is the rooms in the center of Trovita Island Pokémon or the major hotels on the island, they are now all full.

“Then go to my house. We said just now. I will take you to play tomorrow.” Mary invited again.

“Then I will trouble you.” Liang Ren said politely.

“You don’t need to be so polite, I just called my brother, and he will drive over to pick us up soon.”


< p>I didn’t wait too long, and soon a red cabriolet parked outside the port of Trovita Island, one with red mid-point perm, black casual trousers shirt, and an ash-gray jacket outside. The young man who looked like a rich Young Master got off the sports car.


“Mary–” the young man yelled out of joy, and then greeted him with a quick walk.

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