“The two should be Inspector Mu Mu and Casey’s Young Lady.” After greeted his younger sister, the handsome young man in front of him turned his head and looked towards Liang Ren and Casey’s side.

“It’s us—” Liang Ren said kindly to the other side nodded.

“Hello, Ombudsman Mumu, I am Dayton, a gym trainer from Trovita Gym. Welcome two of you to visit Trovita Gym for coaching work.” Dayton greeted them warmly.

Although he looks young, he looks more like a dude and rich Young Master brother. Even Liang Ren remembers that in the original book Ash challenged Trovita Gym, Dayton also confessed to Misty.

In general, the impression that Dayton left on Liang Ren in the original plot is nothing more than two points of being arrogant and arrogant and narcissistic.

But now Ash has won Alola’s first Alliance Conference Champion, and now he and his new partner Xiaohao are working as special research investigators at the Sakuragi Professor Laboratory in Vermilion City.

Ash challenges Southern Cross and Liang Ren. He now challenges Orange Alliance. The timeline is nearly eight or nine years apart.

Even Mary, the little girl who used to play with Seel and fell into the water, was finally rescued by Misty. She has grown into a slim and big girl. Dayton, the big brother, has a stable personality, but Bulldoze is really down. It makes sense.

“Dayton Gym Leader, you’re welcome. Casey and I may stay at Trovita Gym for two or three days. If you disturb, please bear with me—” When we first met, Liang Ren was also very polite. .

“Inspector Mumu, you are too polite. Just now Mary said on the phone that Trovita Island is preparing for the Whale Festival in the past two days. Most of the hotels on the island have been booked by tourists.”

“However, Ombudsman Mu Mu came to inspect the coaching work. As the host, there is no reason for the two to stay outside in a hotel.”

“Inspector Mu Mu and Casey son Young Lady, you two can stay at Trovita Gym with peace of mind. Before I went out, I told the mediocre to clean up two rooms for both of you.” Dayton said respectfully.

“Okay, I will trouble Dayton Gym Leader.”

“No trouble, no trouble.” Dayton shook the head, and then turned sideways in a gesture of asking,” The car is parked outside the port. Please come with me for both of you.”


Follow Dayton and Mary Siblings in the car, this wine red The convertible sports car is fast, avoiding the crowds of tourists on the island and then drove into the spiral island road next to the sea cliff.



Liang Ren was sitting in the co-pilot and chatting with Dayton about Trovita Gym and Pokémon breed.

Casey and Mary sat in the back row, chatting about the beauty and dance topics that girls are more interested in, and the Whale Festival Celebrate event to be held on the island tomorrow.

The speed of the sports car is very fast, and it did not take ten minutes to successfully reach Trovita Gym.

During the dayton driving the sports car into the underground garage, Mary also introduced the situation of Trovita Gym to Liang Ren.

Dayton and Mary’s mother died of illness when they were very young. Father also worked in Kalos Region all year round. In addition to the two siblings and the servants who took care of the siblings, there were There are only a few Gym staff.

Liang Ren and Casey simply responded to the reply, and curiously looked at the Southern Star Gym among the four Gyms of the Southern Cross Star Alliance, the orange alliance in front of them.

Trovita Gym looks a bit like a “convex” character from the front, with a huge column in the middle and two right-angled trapezoids on the two wings. The outer wall looks like a halo of gouache, and the color is not shaded. All gray blue, light purple.

Above the door lintel is the Alliance Gym logo plus the automatic sensor door that slides to both sides. The overall look does not look like an Alliance Gym, but rather like a hospital or a Pokémon center.

Dayton, who parked his car, came over quickly and took the two into Trovita Gym. While introducing them to the internal structure, they talked about the changes in Trovita Gym after the establishment of the Orange Alliance.

“After the establishment of the early Orange Alliance, although the creation of the new Gym wanted to take into account the regional characteristics of the Orange Islands, the four Southern Cross Gyms and the Orange Alliance are planning to ban it. “

“Even if the gym trainers of our four Southern Cross gyms jointly petitioned the Orange Alliance Council, this resolution has not been changed.”

“Afterwards, Director Mu Mu gave The motion proposed by the Orange Alliance was adopted, and our Southern Cross Gym was not banned, but was transformed.”

“And after the transformation, the status of our four Southern Cross Gyms has not declined, but instead It has risen to the lofty four patriarch Gym among the eleven Gyms under the jurisdiction of the Orange Alliance.”

“So, the four Gym Leaders of the Southern Cross are very grateful to Director Mu Mu for the original reform proposal. If it weren’t for Director Mu Mu, maybe Trovita Gym doesn’t exist anymore.” Walking into Trovita Gym, Dayton moved towards Liang Ren sighfully and thanked him.

“Dayton Gym Leader made a serious statement.” Liang Ren shook the head.

“The Southern Cross Star Gym and the Orange Winner Cup have a history of hundreds of years and have become one of the traditional cultural symbols of the Orange Islands.”

“As far as I know, After the Orange Alliance announced that it would ban the Southern Cross Gym, many Scholar researchers in the Orange Islands are striving for the four Southern Cross Gyms to retain this traditional cultural symbol.”

” The Orange Alliance has just been established, and it is bound to open up on these big decisions. I believe that after hearing the opinions of a group of Scholar researchers, the Orange Alliance will eventually choose to retain the Southern Cross Gym, and my proposal is just the right thing. Every time it meets that’s all.”

“Director Mu Mu, you are too humble. If it weren’t for your proposal, the final outcome of the four Southern Cross Gyms would be really hard to say.” Dayton shook the head, he I feel that Liang Ren still underestimates the weight of his current Alliance.

Dayton is also a professional Pokémon trainer himself. He was born in a family of ordinary citizens without any background. Within a year of his debut, he relied on his strength of oneself breed to produce two Pokémons with Elite-level strength, and were awarded by the Alliance. Appointed as the head of the Pokémon Inspectorate, he knows what it means.

(After the Saffron City City Stadium professional five-star promotion tournament, Liang Ren’s Pidgeot and Slowpoke have broken through the Elite level news. It is no longer a secret in the professional Pokémon trainer circle——

However, Cloyster came to the Orange Islands this time to break through during the Mikami Island special training, and has not revealed his strength in public so far, so it is not clear to the outside world that Cloyster has also broken through to the Elite level. Liang Ren is now under his team. Possess three Elite Pokemons)

I have such strength at the age of 14 years old. You must know the myths in the circle of professional trainers: Yulongdu, Zvuki Steven, Leon, Wallace, these young Alliances The champion is not as strong as Liang Ren at this age.

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