Kanto Alliance has entrusted Liang Ren with a heavy responsibility, as if he was cultivated as a future Alliance champion, so Liang Ren originally proposed [Southern Cross Gym Reconstruction, Big Dipper Gym Creation]. The Orange Alliance is here Very important.

If it weren’t for this reason, even if Liang Ren’s proposal was amazing, it would be impossible for the Orange Alliance to adopt his proposal, which has many differences with the established proposal. Proposal and authorized him to inspect and assess the gym under his jurisdiction.

In the final analysis, it’s all about his strength, identity and potential.

It’s just the authorities, fans and bystanders. Dayton understands this very well, but Liang Ren usually focuses on his Pokémon training. He doesn’t notice that’s all at this level.

But it’s not hard to understand when you think about it. If Kanto Alliance didn’t take him seriously, then Yulongdu would not send out such precious items as Dratini eggs and dragon teeth one after another, and Shiba would not be the same. He said that brotherhood is almost a relationship.

Everything is because his innate talent is too high, the growth rate is too fast, and the Kanto Alliance attaches too much importance to his innocent, well-rooted genius.


Liang Ren is not that kind of happy character. When Dayton saw that he didn’t want to talk more about the proposal, he didn’t say much, but he told Liang Ren’s gratitude did not diminish at all, but it became stronger.

Then Dayton and Mary Siblings led Liang Ren and Casey, strolling and visiting Trovita Gym.

Like the exterior of the’Hospital, Pokémon Center’, the Trovita Gym has its own unique style inside. There is no battlefield in Trovita Gym, even if it is temporarily used for casual battles. .

The first floor is divided into two areas, one is a huge venue for dance training, the next door is a beautifully decorated restaurant, and the second floor is the accommodation area.

After a round of visits, Liang Ren felt that this is not so much an official Alliance Gym, as it is a dance training center.

But Gym trainers are also humans, and they have their own hobby. As long as it does not affect the normal operation of Gym, whether it is the official Alliance or the trainer who came to challenge Gym will not care too much, just if it is The style of this gym that’s all.

After visiting the Gym, the siblings led Liang Ren to the guest room upstairs and took a look. Then Casey followed Mary to her room and talked about the whispers between the girls, and Liang Ren also Did not forget his official duties.

“Dayton Gym Leader, when a trainer came to Trovita Gym to do challenges, how did you arrange the qualification assessment of challengers?” Talking about work, Liang Ren also Become very serious.

When Dayton heard Liang Ren’s question, his expression also paused for a while.

“Trovita Gym is one of the four patriarch gyms of the Orange Alliance. According to the instructions of the Ombudsman Mumu in your original proposal, the rules of the Gym competition behind Trovita Gym are not only adjusted to 3v3, but also for challengers. The difficulty of the assessment has also increased.”

“The tacit assessment of Pokémon and the trainer, the assessment content item I set here is to let the challenger select in advance the three Pokémon to be played in the gym battle. , And then the trainer cooperated with different Pokémon and presented three different dances.”

“As for the content of the assessment of resilience, my side is integrated into the gym battle behind, and the actual 3v3 battle The above is that the challenger first releases Pokémon, and then the gym trainer sends out Pokémon with the same Attribute as the challenger. 3v3 is actually a 3v3 battle with the same Attribute…”

Faced with Liang Ren’s question, Dayton He also explained and reported the assessment content of Trovita Gym in detail.

[Tacit Appraisal, Resilience Assessment], although it seems that there are only two assessment items, in fact there are more.

Take an assessment of tacit understanding, the challenger has to cooperate with three different Pokémons, and then present three different dances. If you look at it separately, this one alone can be regarded as three assessments.

Furthermore, Trovita Gym is one of the four patriarch gyms of the Orange Alliance Southern Cross. The assessment is very different from Big Dipper’s seven gyms.

In the past, whether it was Fuyou [Mandolin Gym]’s dance and music test, or Russell’s fire safety test, the challenger was first conducted for a period of time. After training and learning, on-site assessment will be conducted.

The Trovita Gym of Southern Cross and Southern Star does not have this process of training and learning. They directly use their own project methods to test and assess the competence of challengers.

There is no need for two or three days of training and learning. The four Southern Cross gyms will directly conduct gym battles after the on-the-spot assessment, and the Badge will be issued directly after the gym battle is won. From the time point of view, it is true that the efficiency is higher. The time-consuming is shorter, but the difficulty has also increased a step.

Liang Ren can see the doorway very clearly.

“Is there any requirement for the number of Badge held by the challenger to participate in the assessment of Trovita Gym? Also, if the assessment fails, do you have a second chance to participate in the assessment?” Received the document from Dayton Information, Liang Ren, he asked his doubts again.

“The four Southern Cross Gyms, as the main Gym in the Gym under the Orange Alliance, have a unified requirement for challengers to have three Gym Badges.”

“As for the challenge If you fail, the gym trainers of the four Southern Cross gyms will make rules after consultation.”

“Whether it is the failure of the assessment or the subsequent Gym challenge, there is always a chance to participate in the assessment and challenge again, an Alliance During the Conference season, challengers are given three challenge opportunities. The interval between challenges is 3, 5, and 15 days respectively.”

“If the challenger is defeated in the Gym battle at the back, then the front can be waived when challenged again. If you fail the previous assessment, you need to try again.”

“In addition, if the challenge fails and the Pokémon that was playing during the challenge changes, then the challenger Also need to re-assess, and then participate in the Gym battle.”



The contact boat arrived at Trovita Island at 2pm , Liang Ren entire group arrived at Trovita Gym at 2:20, Liang Ren did not leave in the second half of the afternoon, and stayed in Gym to listen to Dayton’s report on Trovita Gym’s work.

As one of the four main Gyms under the jurisdiction of the Orange Alliance, Trovita Gym’s work is a bit heavier than Big Dipper’s seven Gyms, and the assessment of challengers is also more stringent.

This is true for ordinary challengers, but for Liang Ren, there is not much difficulty, especially the Gym battle in the latter part.

However, Liang Ren still needs time to prepare for the dance assessment project in front of Trovita Gym, otherwise it is really possible that he will not be able to pass the assessment.

After listening to Dayton’s work report and giving some suggestions of his own, Liang Ren’s tight face relaxed.

“Dayton Gym Leader, my job as an inspector has come to an end. Then I am an ordinary challenger who came to challenge Trovita Gym, so please give me more advice!!” Liang Ren’s face Recovery and Yue said with a smile.


“Mr. Liang Ren and Casey’s Young Lady are on the boat fatigue. Tomorrow is the Whale Festival. Both of you take this opportunity to relax and take a break. The day after tomorrow We will do the assessment again.” Dayton said.

“Okay, just listen to Dayton Gym Leader’s arrangement.” Liang Ren nodded said.

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