“It turned out to be a Shellder!!!”

With so much strength on the other end of the fishing rod, Liang Ren thought it was Tentacruel, Poliwhirl, megalodon… this kind of big guy, didn’t t expect turned out to be just a Shellder as petite as Pidgey.

Shellder looks like a scallop. There are two spikes on the gray and purple shell. The eyes are located on the Black soft part in the shell. Because it always likes to stick out the tongue, it was named Shellder by the academic circles. .

Whether it is at this stage or through the evolution of Water Stone into Cloyster, the appearance is very high.

Shellder has excellent physical defense capabilities. When it evolves into Cloyster, the double-layer shock-resistant carapace will not explode even the rockets.

“Judging from the great strength just now, this Shellder estimates that Aptitude is good, should I take it for training.”

Liang Ren thought about it, and soon made it With the decision, whether Shellder cooperates with Slowpoke to evolve to the next First Rank or independently evolves into Cloyster, it will make up for his lineup.


I swept the battle bracelet against it, and the Shellder’s level immediately appeared.

“Pidgey, there is a battle.”

Soon Liang Ren made a decision in his heart, and the fishing rod carried Shellder and flicked towards the shallows behind him, while turning his head up and hovering in Pidgey from Sky above yelled.


Although the two days have been very easy, Pidgey battle awareness not at all regressed, hearing Liang Ren’s voice, his eyes swooping fast Flew down.

“Liang Ren, are you trying to subdue this Shellder?” Daisuke said with a surprised expression.

Liang Ren has always been very cautious on the issue of accepting Pokémon. Before he accepted Machop and tried to soothe him day after day, Liang Ren remained unmoved.

After a trip to Cerulean City, the second Pokémon I received was also a Slowpoke with a Teleport and outstanding battle strength.

The Shellder in front of him is ordinary. Daisuke looked at it for a long time but he didn’t find anything dazzling. However, since Liang Ren was ready to accept it, he could only choose to believe that this Shellder had him. No advantages found.


Looking at the Shellder falling on the shallows, Piddey didn’t slack off, immediately used Agility to speed up, and then waited for Liang Ren’s instructions.


Shellder was the first to attack. Pink’s tongue spit out, and a jet of water aimed at Pidgey and struck straight over.

“Pidgey, Air Slash.”

I don’t need too many instructions from Liang Ren. I saw the water gun shot by Shellder, and the white light burst out from my body. A flicker easily dodged Shellder’s water gun Unique Ability, and at the same time Liang Ren’s instructions were passed on in time.


Pidgey, who appeared in midair behind Shellder, moved decisively and neatly. His sturdy pectoral muscles pulled two wings and waved forward fiercely. Zhan azure’s moon arc wind blade cut through the air fiercely and moved towards Shellder and cut the past.


The difference between the level 7 Shellder and Pidgey is too great. Air Slash slashed the Shellder away directly. The sharp-eyed Liang Ren passed half of the The shell, the soft body of Black in the Shellder, narrowed his eyes with pain, and the pink tongue twitched and retracted into the shell.


Liang Ren hesitated. Next, he should completely defeat Shellder and lose the combat capability and then conquer, or just lose the ball to conquer. At this moment, he fell When the Shellder flew out and landed on the shallows, a bright light beam suddenly blasted from the Black body in the shell.


The strong counterattack of Shellder made Liang Ren and Pidgey unexpected, and the colorful cold beam hit Pidgey’s body.

“Pidgey, let’s have another Air Slash.”

The ice power carried by Aurora Beam has a great restraint effect on Flying Type’s Pidgey, but fortunately, Shellder Level Pidgey is much lower, and Aurora Beam not at all hits Pidgey as it should be, which allows Liang Ren to counterattack quickly.


Not caring about the frost condensed on the wings and feathers, Pidgey bowed and waved, another azure moon arc wind blade moved towards Shellder Cut the past.


Shellder wants to jump up and dodge, but the wind blade is too fast. Air Slash perfectly shows the characteristics of Flying Type’s fast speed and high damage, azure The arc of the moon slashed fiercely on Shellder’s leaping body.

Only hearing a bang, Shellder’s body was hit again on the shallows, and the defensive power’s amazing gray and purple shells were cut out with a white trace.


Shellder sticks out his tongue, making a noise in his mouth unconsciously, but this time he can’t get up again.

“Go, baby ball.”

In addition to simply enjoying the fun of fishing, it is also very happy to subdue the Water Type Pokémon that was caught. , Seeing Liang Ren playing against the Shellder caught up here, all the girls were not at all surprised.


Looking at the baby ball on the shallows swaying constantly, Liang Ren’s whole heart was also unreliable. .

One has only mastered the Unique Ability of Aurora Beam such as Top Rank, coupled with the powerful strength of Struggle when he was hooked just now, and withstood Pidgey’s Air Slash, after landing, very ruthless decisive counterattack. .

If at first Liang Ren wants to subdue this Shellder because of his confidence in his own ability and cheat, then he really likes this Shellder right now and wants to subdue it to cultivate it carefully.



Finally, the baby ball no longer shakes, there is a clear and pleasant sound, Liang Ren’s heart was really at ease.

This Shellder is the longest Struggle in the process of conquering Pokémon so far.

“Shellder, please give me more advice in the future.” Liang Ren picked up the baby ball that was submerged in the shallows and said softly.

“Congratulations, I received another Pokémon.” Seeing Liang Ren successfully subduing Shellder, Daisuke was very happy for Liang Ren as a good brother.

The number of Pokémon in this world is many, many times the number of humans. In any forest in Kanto, you can find many Pidgey; and by the sea, there are also many Slowpoke and Shellder.

There are many trainers who subdued these three types of Pokémon. Kanto almost 70% of the previous Rookie trainers would take a Pidgey as a companion when he debuted, but in the Celebrity trainer that Daisuke knew well, But not at all, one person breeds Pidgey very well.

Kana Young Lady, the ice queen in the Kanto Alliance Elite Four, breeds a Shellder. After it has evolved into Cloyster, its powerful strength can even fight against Dragon Type Pokémon’s powerful Dragon Type Pokémon.

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