However, Daisuke is very confident in Liang Ren, because they knew each other at a young age. Daisuke knows more about his friend than others.

I took a Pidgey from the field. I didn’t train for two days. I had a wooden jersey with abundant resources at home. I had an extraordinary natural talent. Dratini, who had mastered Dragon Rage in advance, did not leave under Liang Ren’s hands. After a few rounds.

In the eyes of Daisuke, Liang Ren until now is a person with his own ideas. He believes that whether it is Pidgey, Slowpoke, Shellder, Liang Ren can breed them very strong.

“Attribute Panel.”

Holding Shellder’s baby ball, Liang Ren said silently in his heart, and suddenly a light screen glowing with a light blue light appeared in front of his eyes.

【Shellder 】♀

Level: 7

Attribute: ice, water

Character: bold

Features: shell armor, dustproof

Stamina: 30【D】Green

Attack: 75【C】Blue

Defense: 110【B】Purple< /p>

Special Attack: 45[D]Green

Special Defense: 25[D]Green

Speed: 40[D]Green

Comprehensive :325

Ability:Tackle (low level), water gun (intermediate rank), shrink shell (intermediate rank), Leer (low level), Aurora Beam (low level)

“It’s not bad The material defense innate talent has reached 110, and the attack innate talent is as high as 75 than the average innate talent of the race.”

Although the abilities of other items are very Normal, Shellder is a Pokémon. As long as the physical defense is good enough, Liang Ren will be satisfied with the existence of serious partial discipline.

“Although the Ability pool is not as Contest as Slowpoke, but this trick Aurora Beam is enough to cover up other problems.”

A glance at the Ability pool under the Shellder, Liang Ren is still okay. It is quite satisfactory. Although this Shellder is not as genius as Slowpoke, it is much better than when Pidgey was first captured.

“Wait, am I dazzled, how can Shellder’s Attributes show as ice and water? Before Shellder evolved into Cloyster, wasn’t it a pure Water Type?”

Liang Ren noticed the gender of Shellder. When he was about to close the Attribute panel, suddenly his eyes swept to the Attribute column of Shellder. Liang Ren was stunned.

Liang Ren reviewed the Shellder’s information panel from start to finish. In addition to the Attribute column showing ice and water, he found that the Shellder characteristic column, in addition to the first characteristic: shell armor, was actually activated Implicit Characteristic: Dustproof.

“Awaken Ice Type ahead of time. Both features are successfully activated. This Shellder is not simple!!”

Liang Ren was surprised and delighted at this time. Just now, he complained that no Pokémon had been hooked in a long time. He didn’t expect to catch some such enchanting Shellders as soon as he fished.

He suddenly remembered that he was still hesitating just now as to whether or not to subdue Shellder. If he chose not to subdue it at the time, it is estimated that he now—don’t know what he missed.


Liang Ren took a heavy breath and calmed down, then opened the baby ball and released the Shellder.

“hua hua ……”

After conquering such a Shellder, Liang Ren was not in the mood to continue fishing anymore. He put the fishing rod away and put his shoes off. , Roll up your sleeves and pick up Shellder, and put it on the flooded gravel beach by the River.

Hold up the cool river water with your hands and pour it on Shellder.

“hua hua ……”

The people who didn’t care about fishing, at this time Liang Ren was wholeheartedly taking care of Shellder, and the cool river water poured on him , The closed shell slowly opened.


He looked at Liang Ren with wide-eyed eyes. This Shellder who was hit by Pidgey Air Slash just now, endured pain and very ruthless fought back. At this time He didn’t make any drastic actions. This made Liang Ren sighed in relief.

“Shellder, we will be companions in the future.”

Liang Ren showed a gentle smile and met Shellder’s eyes with sincere eyes, but this Little Brat is not at all Pay attention to him.


Liang Ren didn’t care. Slowpoke was so intimacy with him. Shellder’s indifferent performance at the moment is the most normal. At the time of Pidgey, Little Brat was not even wary of him.

But Pokémon are not ordinary beings. Most of them have no low intelligence, and because of their purity of mind, Pokémon has a keen sense of sincerity. Liang Ren believes that he only needs to be sincere. Shellder, it will soon recognize him as a trainer.

“Hoothoot ~”

Slowpoke was still fishing squatting on the rock over there, and after a while he caught a Magikarp. Fishing with its tail is more efficient than other girls using Fishing Rod is much higher.

Pidgey, who helped Liang Ren to win, a dive, flapping his wings, landed firmly on Liang Ren’s shoulders, tilted his head to look up, and was sticking out his tongue to enjoy Liang Ren’s pouring. Shellder of water.

“Pidgey, I did a good job.”

“Hoothoot ~”

Liang Ren touched Pidgey’s head, and Little Brat squinted happily He raised his eyes, and when he felt the water on Liang Ren’s hand, Little Brat stepped back and called him Hoothoot very upset.

“Ah~ I’m sorry, I forgot to have water in my hand.”

Seeing Pidgey’s reaction, Liang Ren apologized quickly, and then took a dried fish from the [backpack] and delivered it Give it to it, which makes this Little Brat happy.

“Why, Shellder, do you want to eat too?”

Seeing Shellder sticking his tongue out and looking at the dried fish caught on Pidgey’s paw, Liang Ren laughed asked.


Of course, Shellder was impossible to answer him, but Liang Ren could still see something in his eyes, and took out a dried fish from his backpack with his hands. Break it into small pieces and place them next to Shellder’s tongue.


Little Brat glanced at Liang Ren, and finally rolled up the dried fish with his tongue and put it into his mouth, and then ate it with keen interest pleasure.

The dried fish farm in the outskirts of Cerulean City Dongcheng. The dried fish was originally sold to some factories and used to make Water Type Pokémon food. See Shellder likes to eat dried fish, but Liang Ren Not surprised.

The sun gradually rose to the center of the sky, and the people who had been fishing on the River for a whole morning walked slowly up the mountain with their fishing rods.

hu hu The mountain breeze swept across the hillside, setting off one after another rolling green waves.

The mountain breeze is still cool, but at noon, it unconsciously has brought a touch of sunshine, from the neckline and sleeves to the inside of the clothes, so that the skin on the chest and stomach also feels the sun kiss.


Pidgey flapped its wings, soaring in the blue sky above his head, then plunged into the white clouds, and then flew behind him with a trail of clouds. After coming out, the energetic Pidgey is having fun at the moment.

“Let’s come to Sing~”

Mashima Kouhui, who led the front, saw that the atmosphere was a little quiet, and raised his hand to suggest. In the past, this young girl was responsible for the recreational activities in the class. She was famous for her singing and dancing, and her versatility.

“Good, good.”

Clear sky ten thousand li, bright sun and a gentle breeze, if there is a group of girls Sing next to you at this time, it feels very good Yes, Daisuke patted the hand and shouted.

“Okay, since Daisuke Hongu, you are so active, please give a sample to everyone!”


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