“I’ll go out.”

After lunch, Liang Ren is going to the town to visit the dean of academia: Professor Oak. Of course, let him treat Shellder’s injury by the way. Side not at all Pokémon Center.


The daughters complied, the daughters who had lunch took Daisuke and Asahi to play Truth or Dare, and they didn’t know what happened to them. Will agree, it seems that no lesson was learned last night.

“Is it possible that you are addicted to playing games without naked?” Liang Ren shook the head thoughtlessly.

Coming out of the house, the afternoon sun shines on the body warmly, and looking at the greasy green grass on the hillside makes people want to lie down and take a nap.

Of course, he just thinks about that’s all. He will also take Shellder to Professor Oak’s Laboratory for treatment. As a Pokémon trainer, the health of his Pokémon is something he needs to pay attention to at all times.


Walking down from the hillside, in a sloping field on the side of the road where spring wheat has just been planted, a few Pidgey cleverly used their paws to remove the floating soil, while When the farmer returned to the town for his lunch break, the group of Pidgey happily buried their heads in Pluck.

Seeing Liang Ren stopping by the roadside to watch curiously, the group of Pidgey screamed twice, flapping their wings and flying away.

But this group of Pokémon not at all stayed away and landed on another slope not far away, staring at this human teenager with a pink doll in his arms, as if waiting for him to leave. They will fly back again.

“Let’s go.”

Liang Ren laughed not at all, then continue to hinder the group of Pidgey from eating, holding Slowpoke and walking towards the town below the mountain.

With the advent of spring and the rapid rise in temperature, the farmer who had been roasted by the sun all morning returned home to take a nap at this noon.


Coming to the town, Pidgey, Liang Ren, and Slowpoke in his arms, two pets and one person walk along to the northwest. Go to the Professor Oak’s Laboratory on the mountain bag, while looking at the scenery of the town curiously.

Growing up this way, Liang Ren has never left Celadon City. Although he has not seen what the town is like, he has never seen it in the travel videos shared by other trainers in the forum post. Few, there are many peaceful towns like Pallet Town, Kanto.

The customs of all kinds of strange things, various cultural symbols, each attracts Liang Ren.

“When the strength is enough, I must go out for a trip.” Liang Ren thought secretly in his heart.

“ding dong ……ding dong ……”

After walking for seven or eight minutes, I came to the northwest-facing hill of the town, where a building with white walls and red roofs is located. It is the famous Professor Oak’s Laboratory.

“Here is here…who.”

A few minutes after Liang Ren rang the doorbell, there was an answering voice in the yard.

“Hello, I came from Celadon City for a spring trip with a friend. I got a Pokémon injured. Because there is no Pokémon center nearby, I want to ask you to help me treat it.”


Hearing the sound of footsteps in the yard, Liang Ren also explained politely.

“Well, please come in!”

An old man wearing a white researcher coat and hair grey-white helped Liang Ren open the courtyard door.

“Good noon, Professor Oak.” Seeing the man standing in front of him, Liang Ren was first taken aback, and then a look of reverence appeared on his face.

“haha, youngster, do you know me?”

The old man reached out his hand and gestured to him to invite in, and he pulled the courtyard door closed, with a touch of kindness on his face Said with a smile.

“I have read a lot of Professor’s books in the library before. I think that in the entire circle of Pokémon trainers in Kanto Region, no one does not know about you.”

“haha… …” When said by a junior, the old man’s face was also full of happy smiles.

Following the old man, walked towards the laboratory inside. The old man in front of him is one of the leading developers of Pokémon Pokédex. Liang Ren’s respect for the kind old man in front of him is not fake.

In the era when people still knew little about Pokémon in the wild, there was no uniform name for the life of Pokémon in the wild. Which Pokémon has a mild personality and which Pokémon is very dangerous. Trainers should not rashly approach… , This information is still only by word of mouth.

It is the man in front of him called Oak Syracuse who took the lead in organizing a group of researchers and developed the electronic Pokémon Pokédex, letting trainers out to help record the pictures of Wild Pokémon they saw.

Then their behind-the-scenes Scholars and researchers have spent several decades studying the Pokémon recorded on Pokédex, studying their personality, abilities, habitat… and giving them uniform names.

Let the trainer see the life of golden hair and serrated tail, and know that they are a kind of electric mouse Pokémon, the official scientific name is Pikachu.

Timid personality, they will use electric current to attack strangers who rashly approach them. If they are subdued to cultivate, the trainer lightly strokes the electric sac on their cheeks, they will feel very comfortable.

The garlic-headed frog with the green grass on its back is not called the garlic frog, their official scientific name is Bulbasaur, and the blue bald turtle is not called…

Oak and the researchers at the time , Is a group of glorious pioneers who have promoted the prosperity of the Pokémon trainer profession.

As people’s understanding of Pokémon deepens, and the power that Pokémon masters is used in today’s life, human civilization is ushering in rapid development, and the old man in front of him is indispensable.

Compared with many people who have a little bit of credit and honor, they will publicize it, for fear that other people do not know their greatness. The old man in front of him has countless auras of honor, but he still sticks to his heart after he is famous. , Continue to do what a researcher should do.

However, he is such a great person who is standing three steps away from him. He also talked to the other party just now. Thinking about Liang Ren, I feel incredible.

“It’s two steps away now.”

Liang Ren holding Slowpoke and Pidgey squatting on his shoulders, took another step forward and watched Liang Ren’s small movements , Slowpoke and Pidgey looked at him puzzledly.

The two Little Brats naturally don’t know Liang Ren’s mood at the moment, nor do they understand the greatness of the old man in front. If it weren’t for this old man to name them, now they are not allowed to call them two.

“In a certain logic, this old man is your’father’!!!” Liang Ren thought to himself.

“Oh, I cooked instant noodles!”

Suddenly, the old man in front of Liang Ren wailed and ran into the laboratory in a panic and saw this. Professor Oak, Liang Ren couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.

A dean of academia, a great man sitting high in the altar, at noon of this sun shone brightly, bright sun and a gentle breeze, because he is busy doing research and can’t afford to have lunch, he is actually in the Laboratory Cooking instant noodles, the greater the person, the more adorable.

“Hoothoot ~”

Pidgey tilted his head and glanced at the old man, as if to say: Where is this strange old man?

“It’s rude, he is your father.”

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