“Which one of your Pokémon is injured, let me treat you first.”

The old man picked out the cooked instant noodles with a paper cup and bowl, and then set the bowl aside Not at all to eat, but walked towards Liang Ren and said.

“No need to Professor, you tell me where Potion is, I can come by myself, you can eat noodles first!”

Seeing such amiable Oak, Liang Ren thought Feeling more respectful, and taking a look at the steaming instant noodles over there, Liang Ren rejected Oak’s kindness.

“That’s it, okay.”

Seeing the young man’s tone, Oak finally agreed, went into the research room and took out a medicine box and handed it to him.

“Come out, Shellder.”

Nodded to the other party, Liang Ren released the Shellder that had just been conquered in the morning.


Shellder opened the shell, sticking out his tongue and looked at Liang Ren, still looking cold.

“Shellder, bear with me, I’ll help you heal your body injury.”

For Shellder’s indifference, Liang Ren doesn’t care, he doesn’t think he is attractive It is obviously unscientific to be so big that a Pokémon that has just been conquered can be more intimate with him.


Shellder glanced at the medicine box in Liang Ren’s hand, and stayed in place obediently, which made Liang Ren do it with confidence.

Use tweezers to clean the soft body of Shellder by holding a cotton ball, and then use Potion spray to operate it. Because he has experience in taking care of Pidgey and Slowpoke, Liang Ren seems to be very skilled in his movements.


Oak, who is eating instant noodles with his cup and bowl, observes Liang Ren’s movements with bright eyes, focused eyes, meticulous and skilled Operation, Oak couldn’t help nodding secretly.



Oak observes Pidgey and Slowpoke who are obediently on the sofa, although they are not visible from the outside Too many things, but the two pets are taken care of very healthy.

The look in the eyes of the boy who is helping Shellder to heal is full of indescribable intimacy. This makes Oak’s heart even more clicking one’s tongue in wonder. Looking at the age of the boy in front of him, it is obviously still a Rookie.

“Alright, Shellder, how do you feel now.”

Helping Shellder deal with the injury, Liang Ren asked with a gentle smile on his face.


Feeling the tenderness and sincerity of the young man, Shellder looked towards his eyes were a little closer than before.

“youngster, you are a Rookie trainer who just debuted, is this Shellder just received?” Seeing Liang Ren’s treatment of Shellder’s injury, Oak took a bite of instant noodles and asked .

“I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mumu Liang Ren. I just graduated from Celadon City Primary Rank Pokémon School. This Shellder was picked up by my friends while fishing on the river in the town in the morning. “

Shellder is different from Slowpoke. It will run out of water after staying outside for too long. After dealing with the injury, Liang Ren took it back into the baby ball.

“Then I will call you Liang Ren directly. I think you have an innate talent as a breeder. Are you cultivating with a breeder as the target?”

Sucked another bite of instant noodles, Oak expression asked him with appreciation and curiosity.

“No, my goal is to become an excellent Pokémon trainer.”

If you can hear from Oak that he is an innate talent, Liang Ren also appears Very happy, after all, this is also a kind of praise.

“Well, you Shellder has just been taken, and I am free at noon. When I finish eating the noodles, I will help it to do a full-body health check.”

Oak Enthusiastically said that this moved Liang Ren very much. Although the people in Pokémon World are relatively simple and kind, there are really few people like Oak who are enthusiastic.

“Thank you Professor Oak.” Liang Ren slightly smiled and thanked him.

“Professor, there are no other assistants in your laboratory. Are you busy doing research alone?”

Liang Ren held two pets and looked curiously at the laboratory Things, all these equipment and instruments seem so novel to him.

“Of course I can’t be busy alone, but at this noon, I let them go back to their home in the town to rest.”

Oak swallowed the last bite of instant noodles, While throwing the cups and bowls into the trash can in the kitchen, they replied towards Liang Ren.

“Okay, you bring Shellder over to the research room, let me do a health check for it.” After drawing a piece of paper on the coffee table and wiping his mouth, Oak said to Liang Ren.

“Oh, good.”

Liang Ren replied to complied, followed Oak to the research room, released the Shellder, and put it on the instrument pointed to by Oak .

“By the way, Liang Ren, do you know how Slowpoke evolved?” As he was operating the instrument to help Pidgey perform a physical examination, Oak suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and asked Liang Ren.

“I have read the paper “On the Evolution and Symbiosis of Slowpoke and Shellder” published by Professor Nishino Mori before. It seems that the tail of Shellder Bite Slowpoke is needed, and then they evolve into Pokémon called Slowbro together. “Liang Ren thought for a while and answered truthfully.

“Ya Duo——”

Hearing what Liang Ren said, Slowpoke, who was in his arms, raised his head and glanced at him curiously, as if he didn’t even know it. Only in this way can I evolve.

As for the evolution of Hippo King, Liang Ren not at all said, after all, this information from a Rookie trainer is really unreasonable.

If it were placed in ancient times, if he did this, Liang Ren had no doubt that he would be judged by a witch as possessed by evil spirits, and then hung up and burned to death by ignorant townspeople.

Although this situation will not happen in modern civilized society at the moment, it is still more or less suspicious. If it attracts some caring people’s attention, it will be harmful to him.

“Really a youngster who loves to learn. You subdued Shellder, do you want it to evolve into Slowbro with Slowpoke?”

Hearing Liang Ren’s answer, Professor Oak smiled on his face Growing up, Oak has always been very fond of youngsters who love to learn.

Rookie, who just graduated from Primary Rank school like Liang Ren, can read academic papers. Oak also has a general understanding of the young man’s knowledge reserves, so he appreciates it more and more in his heart.

“I have plans to let Shellder and Slowpoke evolve together, but this still depends on Shellder’s own wishes. If when the time comes it doesn’t want to, let it evolve into Cloyster independently.” Liang Ren returned.

“Really a youngster with his own ideas. He knows how to respect his Pokémon’s wishes. I believe you will become an excellent Pokémon trainer in the future.”

Hear Liang Ren’s answer, Oak nodded, who is operating the instrument, said with appreciation.

Besides his identities as Scholar and researcher, he was also a powerful trainer with outstanding results when he was young. He has lived for most of his life, and he thinks that he is very accurate.

“Thank you Professor.”

Being able to get Oak’s affirmation, Liang Ren also seemed very happy. You must know that this ordinary-looking old man in front of you is a Pokémon world leader. Characters, even if the other party is low-key and amiable, this is a fact that cannot be concealed.

“Well, this Shellder is in good health, there is nothing wrong with it, it’s just—”

“Just what happened?”

Liang Ren was a little worried Asked, this is a Shellder that has awakened dual Attributes and possessed the power of Ice Type in the first Rank stage of evolution. Liang Ren attaches great importance to this Little Brat.

“It’s just a little strange. Shellder is obviously a pure Water Type Pokémon, but within the body there is actually an Ice Type power, and the Ice Type power is even stronger than the Water Type power. It’s really strange.”

After Oak checked Shellder with the instrument, he looked at some data on the computer screen that Liang Ren couldn’t understand, and said with a slap on his face in surprise.

“Maybe my Shellder innate talent is very good. I awakened the power of Ice Type ahead of time.”

Liang Ren didn’t care about Oak’s surprise, Liang with the system information panel. Ren has known this information for a long time, and it is precisely this way that Liang Ren knows that his Shellder does not look better than other Shellders, but it has an unusual innate talent.

“It should be like this.” Oak’s explanation of Liang Ren cannot be denied.

“By the way, Professor Oak, can I ask you a question?” Putting Shellder back into the baby ball, Liang Ren said to Oak again.

“You don’t need to be so polite, if you have any questions, can you ask?” Oak had a good impression of the young man in front of him. Seeing Liang Ren had questions to ask him, Oak laughed back very kindly.

The two came out of the research room and sat opposite each other on the sofa outside.

“I want to know, after Slowpoke and Shellder are evolved together, will Shellder’s original power be shared with Slowbro?”

This is after receiving Shellder in the morning, Liang Ren thought The question that he has been thinking about is that his Shellder has Ice Type at this stage. If it is combined with Slowpoke to evolve, can the original Ice Type power of Shellder be retained.

The evolved Slowbro or Hippo King will be water, Psychic Attribute, or the three Attribute powers of Water, Psychic, and Ice. If the Ice Type power of Shellder cannot be transferred after evolution, it will be shared with Slowbro or Hippo King , Then this evolution Liang Ren feels a bit uneconomical.

Instead of being wasted after evolution, it is better to evolve into Cloyster alone, so that the ice attribute power will be further improved due to evolution.

“I have to say that your question is very valuable. After Professor Mori Nishino studied the evolutionary symbiosis of Slowpoke and Shellder, the research topic turned to this side.”

“After Slowpoke and Shellder evolve into Slowbro together, although Slowpoke’s body occupies a dominant position, and the snail body that Shellder transforms into a subordinate position, the two are in a symbiotic relationship. The latter is still a living Pokémon with its own Awareness and ability.”

“In order to verify that Shellder’s original power can be shared with Slowbro after evolution, Professor Nishino Mori took a lot of effort to let Shellder learn a trick to exceed the Top Rank ice attribute Unique Ability: Blizzard, after the joint evolution of Shellder and Slowpoke, Slowbro also immediately mastered the ability of Blizzard.”

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