“Normal Slowbro cannot comprehend Blizzard Ability, but the Slowbro in the experiment did. From this example, Shellder’s power should be shared with Slowbro, but Pokémon’s power is not only Ability, but there are many others. The thing.”

“Whether this sharing is partially shared or fully shared, two Pokémon evolve into Slowbro, whether their respective powers are simply superimposed and then the overall evolution is improved, or whether each has been greatly evolved Upgrade and stack up, or something else.”

“After the two pets evolve into Slowbro together, can the snail on the tail launch an attack? After the snail falls off, will Slowbro degenerate into the original Slowpoke With Shellder, these all are to be further studied…”

After Liang Ren asked Oak a question, the old man at first looked at him as if explaining to him, but said With Oak, he was completely immersed in his own world, and Liang Ren could only quietly be a listener because his speech was fast and slow.

That’s exactly what happened. On the contrary, Liang Ren felt awe and respect for Professor Oak, who was only 50 years old and had gray hair.


Liang Ren originally thought he was not a person keen on learning, but in the face of various Pokémon knowledge, he suddenly realized that he had such a strong Curiosity.

With an encyclopedia like Professor Oak in front of him, Liang Ren suddenly found that he had a lot of questions to ask. Other researchers in the Laboratory returned to work in the Laboratory soon after the lunch break.

Liang Ren did not leave at all, but wore a researcher’s white coat, and spent an afternoon of free labor at Professor Oak’s Laboratory. He took this and handed that to the researchers, like an internship He worked tirelessly as he did, so he asked Professor Oak and the researchers about various questions in time.

“For this curiosity and research effort, Liang Ren, it would be a waste not to be a Pokémon researcher.”

In the evening, everyone who had been busy all afternoon sat down. Taking a break, a middle-aged researcher sitting next to Oak laughed and said to him, his tone full of regret.

“Liang Ren, if you want to be a researcher, I can recommend it for you. I believe that any laboratory in each region will accept you. Of course, my Professor Oak’s Laboratory is the same.”


Oak looked towards Liang Ren’s gaze, which was also full of appreciation. Although he knew that Liang Ren’s goal was to become an excellent trainer, Oak still threw an olive branch at him. When he was young, he still The trainer was the target of cultivation, but in the end he chose to become a researcher.

“Thank you Professor Oak.”

Seeing Oak admiring him so much, Liang Ren was really flattered. He stood up and bowed solemnly to Oak in thanks. There is Oak. With this sentence, if Liang Ren wants to, he believes that his future will be a smooth road, but he knows that he will not choose this path.

The researcher has a high status and is very popular, but it is not suitable for him.

He likes freedom, the pursuit of strength, and seems to like to study and take care of Pokémon, but in fact it is limited to his own Pokémon that’s all.

I know the son and don’t know the mother. Before, Mother Liangzi said that Liang Ren looks good and obedient. In fact, this is all appearance. Liang Ren is not as honest as he looks.

After sitting in the Laboratory for a while, seeing that the time had already reached more than six o’clock, Liang Ren got up and left.

For the question of Slowpoke, Shellder, and evolution, Professor Oak’s explanations, Liang Ren’s thoughts are also clearer, whether they evolve together or individually, there is an amazing innate talent in ice attribute. Shellder, the next training direction, mainly to learn more ice attribute Ability.

“peng peng…”

After coming out of Professor Oak’s Laboratory, Liang Ren released Pidgey and Slowpoke again, rubbing Slowpoke’s naive head in his arms, I don’t know how long I can hold it like this.

Liang Ren feels like a daddy. Pidgey, Slowpoke and Shellder who have just taken over are all his adorable babies. These Little Brats are very cute. From a perceptual level, he is reluctant to let them. Evolution, but he can’t stop them from growing up because of some of his feelings.

Sometimes people who are troubled by the troubles of growing up are not only the “parties”, but also the “outsiders” who care about themselves.

“Ah Duo——”

“Are you hungry? I’ll prepare food for you later.” Touching the Slowpoke who was shrinking in his arms, Liang Ren A smile appeared unconsciously on his face.

These Little Brat always make people feel healed.

Slowly returning to the house on the mountain, when Liang Ren walked into the yard, Potter was busy moving the pots from the yard back to the greenhouse, and Liang Ren glanced at the pot like a sword. Clusters of dark green plants.

After bathing in the sun for a day, the plump leaves are still dull, showing dark green, but the golden ribs in the middle of the leaves look brighter than in the morning.

“By the way, Brother Potter, what’s the name of that pot of plants?”

Standing at the gate of the yard, Liang Ren pointed to the pot of dark green that he couldn’t name. When the plant asked, his eyes were full of curiosity.

“This pot of plant is called Succulent Bonegrass. It is a precious medicinal herb that has disappeared from the outside world. Why, Mr. Liang Ren is interested in it?”

Don’t wait for Potter’s answer , A girl with purple hair walked out of the room and explained to Liang Ren.

“It is not only interested, but I have been asking people to find news about it during this period.”

I heard the village Yulinzi say that this plant is called Succulents. Liang Ren was stunned for a second, then his face showed ecstasy.

“Oh, does Mr. Liang Ren need Succulent Bonegrass for anything?” The purple-haired girl came down from the steps and walked to the courtyard to ask Liang Ren curiously.

“I got an ancient medicine recipe from Teacher before, and through some rare medicine ingredients, I can make potions that enhance Pokémon’s strength. One of the main medicines is Succulents.”

Liang Ren didn’t hide it, and directly told the other party the reason.

“That’s it!”

The purple-haired girl is just a gardener. She is not a Pokémon trainer. She is not too keen on helping Pokémon improve.

But seeing that Liang Ren really needs this medicinal herb, the village Yulinzi also made a decision in his heart.

“Sister Lin, can you sell me this medicinal herb? Although it feels a bit abrupt to say that, this medicinal herb is really important to me.”

Liang Ren looked at the purple-haired girl and asked sincerely that in a modern society where the Internet is so developed, he didn’t find any effective information about Succulents and Strong Boneweed on the Internet, which shows how rare it is. If this time He missed it, and he didn’t know if he could find it again in the future.

“You have called me Zijie Lin. What else did you say to buy? Since Liang Ren you need it, when you leave the next morning, you can take it away. Anyway, it is just A slightly rare medicinal herb that’s all.”

Lin Zi laughed even directly gave this pot of medicinal herb to Liang Ren.

“No, it’s too precious…”

“Well, do you look like I am short of money? Just accept it, just like you last night Thank you for saving Gloom.”

Liang Ren was originally thinking about finding the wooden sweater to borrow money to buy it, but Lin directly interrupted him and said, taking a look at this quaint house in front of him. There is also the huge Cunyu Botanical Garden, Liang Ren said nothing.

Thinking of the conditions of Weiyang Shimamura’s family, Yulinzi is the cousin of Weiyang Shimamura. How could this purple-haired girl in front of me be short of money? It makes people laugh when she says buying.

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