“Okay, thank Sister Lin, then I will accept it.” Liang Ren said in a thoughtful way and thanked him.

Just as he thought, the rarity of Succulent Bonegrass is really beyond people’s imagination. In ancient times, this was the precious medicine ingredients of ordinary people’s unheard-of.

In the ancient book on the fourth floor of the Celadon City Library, Liang Ren discovered the secret medicine recipe of Bone Quenching Cream from a piece of yellowed paper that fell out.

Although it is called bone quenching cream, in fact, in addition to tempering skeleton, which makes Pokémon’s bone texture hard, Pokémon’s tendons, flesh, blood, internal organs…have a strengthening effect.

It can be said that any Pokémon who has taken the ancient secret medicine of bone quenching cream can improve the overall physical fitness. Of course, the core function is the tempering skeleton that’s all.

The three main medicines for bone quenching cream are Marowak’s Bone Club, keel, and succulent bone. Liang Ren thinks keel is the most precious, but in fact it is not, succulent bone. Grass is the most precious and rare of these three main medicines.

“Huh… now the Succulent Bonegrass has been found. The Mushan family has something to do with Johto’s Long Family. It is not impossible to get the keel. Marowak’s Bone Club is in the Hunter’s Guild internal mall. There are some for sale, and the next most important thing is to make money.”

Bringing the two pets back to the guest room upstairs, Liang Ren thought carefully while preparing dinner for the three pets.

At first Liang Ren thought that it would take a long time to find the medicine ingredients needed for the secret recipe. Actually Mrs. Smith thought so too. Didn’t expect not at all Liang Ren from a family background, chance Coincidentally, all the three main medicines are available.

Now I have obtained the succulent bone plant that Old Lady thinks is the most difficult to find. I have to say that the illusory things of chance and fate are really hard to understand with common sense.

“Shellder, when I go back the day after tomorrow, I will buy you special food. Now you can make do with Slowpoke food.”

Dump half a pot of water in a basin. , Put the Shellder in the water, Liang Ren fed it with Slowpoke food.


Shellder is not picky, Liang Ren feeds the past food, Shellder rolls it with his tongue and brings it to his mouth with keen interest pleasure. .

After the food was chewed and swallowed, Little Brat spit out his tongue again. This little habit of Shellder gave people a natural cuteness.

Since the acceptance of Shellder in the morning to now, Liang Ren has been taking care of him gently, Shellder has a lot of affection for him, which makes Liang Ren very happy.

Shellder has a similarity with Pidgey and Slowpoke. The three pets seem to be ordinary in appearance. It can be said that it is difficult to find out if they are mixed in the same kind, but the three pets actually have very high Of innate talent and strength.

“Shellder is not suitable for combat at this stage. It seems that the focus of early training is still on the ability to master.”

Professor Oak said when he helped Shellder do physical testing, Shellder The power of Ice Type within the body is stronger than that of Water Type, so Shellder ice attribute innate talent should be very high.

Shellder now masters five abilities, Tackle, Water Gun, Shrink Shell, Leer, Aurora Beam, among which Tackle and Leer can be ignored directly, so in Liang Ren’s eyes, Shellder actually only masters: Water Gun, Shrink Shell Shell and Aurora Beam three abilities.

“The proficiency of water guns and shrinking shells is good, and has reached the intermediate rank, but the mastery of Aurora Beam is still too low. This is the focus of the next training.”

Feeding the Shellder in the water basin, Liang Ren also made some arrangements for the next time.

Then everyone spent another day at the Cunyu Botanical Garden. At 8:20 in the morning on the fourth day, Linzi and Potter were on the road outside the town and sent a group of people to the car.

“Sister Lin, Brother Potter, goodbye.”

Everyone lay on the car window and waved goodbye to the two people who were standing next to the road, snuggling behind.

“Goodbye, next time I have a chance to play again.”

The purple-haired girl waved to everyone sadly and shouted, Potter, who doesn’t like talking, said nothing. Fadi stood beside the girl, but he was still quite reluctant to tell from his expression.

The tourist bus with colorful rainbow printed on the plain white body drove into the distance snoringly.

Several farmers hoeing the ground on the hillside, and Tauros following by their side, also stopped their movements, took off their straw hats and fanned them on their hips, watching the tour bus drills that everyone was riding. It disappeared after entering the Viridian forest.


The farmer uncle spit on his hands, rubbed his hoe, and immersed in his work, as if nothing had happened. .

On the other hand, on a balcony in the town, the woman who was watering the flowers looked around, slightly sighed.

“As soon as these children left, it felt like it was no longer lively. The town is quiet and uncomfortable.”

Leave by the tourist bus at 8 o’clock in the morning. In Pallet Town, everyone looked at the scenery when they came, and the tourist bus didn’t enter the Celadon City Western District Passenger Terminal until one o’clock in the afternoon.

“Mumu, elder sister is leaving first, remember to miss me when you have time!!”

“Let’s go too…”

Everyone We broke up at the station, and then went home separately. As classmates for six years, everyone has graduated from Celadon City Primary Rank Pokémon School for more than half a month. At first Liang Ren, I didn’t feel much.

This time I went to Pallet Town with everyone, climbing mountains, fishing by the river, picnicking in the wilderness, sitting on the grassy slopes and watching the sunset together.

For these girls who are usually noisy with chirp chirp twitter twitter and always like to crack a joke with him, now that they are separated again, Liang Ren feels really uncomfortable.

In the future, everyone will go to different schools, maybe some of them will move to other regions to live, maybe this is the last time to get together to play together, they will have new classmates, friends…< /p>

“Let’s go, too.”

I found a place where no one was looking and put the Succulent Boneweed into the [Backpack], and clicked on the three Pokémon balls in the pocket. , Liang Ren took a deep breath, and then said softly, not knowing whether it was talking to himself or talking to Pokémon in his pocket.

I really hope to find something that will never change–

“Good afternoon.”

I waited for the Normal bus at the platform outside the Western District Bus Terminal In the car, he looked up and saw the familiar bus master, Liang Ren took out the student card from the wallet and swiped it, smiled and greeted the other person.

“I’m back, how are you enjoying the spring outing?”

“Very good…”

After a few exchanges, he held the backpack in his arms Inside, I went to the back and found an empty place to sit down. The afternoon sun shined through the car window, and the print on the cheek was warm and comfortable.

Only three days after leaving, the branches and leaves of the street trees on the side of Celadon City have become more luxuriant. A gust of wind blows over, the fresh green leaves crash-bang, and the wax on the surface of the leaves shines in the sun. The oil was bright, like a gust of wind coming by the river, and sparkling waves in the river.

“I’m back.”

Get off at the platform beside the asphalt road and walk into the courtyard of the house. Liang Ren shouted inside.

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