
“ka ka ——”

Pinsir was paralyzed, and was unavoidably hit by the Dragon Rage shot by Dratini He was right, and he took the damage of Ability in a real way, and the pain caused Pinsir’s face to make a ka ka sound.

Dragon Rage is a very terrifying ability in the early stage of Dragon Type Unique Ability. As long as you use this ability and can hit the opponent, it can cause fixed real damage.

But at the later stage, many trainers will give up this ability. The fixed real damage that seems to be fatal in the early stage, at the later stage and the Unique Ability of Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath, Dragon Rush, Draco Meteor In comparison, the damage of Dragon Rage is not enough.


Through the broadcast on the screen in the waiting room, Dratini’s Dragon Rage trick made Pinsir seriously injured. Liang Ren could not help but hold the breath cold air. In the early stage, Dragon Rage’s Ability injury is really scary.

The reason why Dragon Rage was abandoned by many trainers in the later stage is not so much because the fixed damage of Dragon Rage is too low in the later stage, but it is more difficult for them to use the true formidable power of Dragon Rage’s ability. .

Like Spark’s flash, the essence of Dragon Rage lies in the “flash”. The anger in Pokémon’s heart can greatly enhance the formidable power of Dragon Rage Ability.

Like a wild history that Liang Ren read before, it recorded a short story. A furious Gyarados attacked Dragon Rage and burned a small town to ashes. This kind of lethality is simply Appalling.

But this thing about emotions is too elusive and controlled. Anger includes ordinary anger, anger, rage…, these anger emotions must be real anger, not anger for anger.

Emotion is to double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can generate infinite power. If you don’t use it well, you can also hurt yourself. However, in fact, few trainers can take advantage of this unstable factor. .

“Pinsir, rush over and use the snip.”

Seeing that the opposite Dratini started Stockpile Dragon Flame bombs and Tucun was complexion changed again, he hurriedly directed Pinsir to launch a counterattack.

“ka ka…”

Suffering from the damage of a dragon fire bullet, the pain of the body dilutes the effect of the paralysis, Pinsir stood up tremblingly and received training After the home’s order, moved towards Dratini rushed over.

The two ferocious giant tongs on the top of the head make the sound of ka ka together, which makes people no doubt that if Dratini is killed by everyone’s tongs, it is estimated that it will be seriously injured without being shot.

“Dragon Rage, attack.”

“Get down.”

The two sides issued instructions at the same time, and saw that the dragon fire bomb Stockpile had reached its previous size. A smile came up at the corner of his mouth and gave Pinsir an unexpected order.

“Bang… ”

Pinsir had a good understanding with Tucun. Upon receiving the instruction Pinsir without the slightest hesitation, he fluttered forward and lay directly on the ground.

Dragon Rage is very fast, but Pinsir was given to dodge by Pinsir, flying overhead and hitting a solid battlefield not far behind, exploding a big hole.

“It’s now, Pinsir, rush over and use snip.”

“Dratini, take the distance.”

Dragon Rage has a high damage, but For Dratini at this stage, the burden and consumption are very terrifying. Having already displayed persistence with Dragon Rage, how much energy does Dratini still have.

Tecura Kenji looked towards the opposite Dratini. Sure enough, this Little Brat was already gasping for breath, which made a triumphant smile on his face.

“A rookie is a rookie after all.”

Chu Mushan did not care about the sneer on the opposite face, and still calmly directed Dratini to flash away, with Agility’s speed-up buff, Pinsir But not as flexible as Dratini.

Sure enough, Dratini’s body was winding and crawling after receiving the instruction, so slippery that the smile on Kenji Domura’s face unconsciously froze.

“Dratini, pay attention to saving energy.”

As a trainer who has been in the Stadium for a long time, he has a lot of experience in battle. He has a big advantage here, didn’t Expect the other party unconsciously wiped out most of his advantage and made him feel a great pressure.

Dratini’s stamina was exhausted a bit, Chu Mushan was secretly vigilant while looking for opportunities, as long as the paralysis effect on Pinsir was activated again, then he dared to attack again.

“Pinsir, rush forward and attack.”

Dratini’s stamina is already a bit exhausted. Although Pinsir took a stroke of Dragon Rage’s damage, the actual damage was still able to withstand Within the range.

Dratini didn’t dare to let Pinsir get close. He only had to let Pinsir chase him a little bit, and then Dratini who was just opposite would be exhausted. In a few rounds, Dratini would be completely exhausted.

“Dratini, don’t be afraid, wait for the other person to approach.”

This is a scheming plan. Chu Mushan knew the plan of the opposing trainer in his heart, so he ordered that he wanted to retreat. Said Dratini.


Suddenly, Pinsir rushed towards Dratini. On his slender body, a golden electric Ember burst out suddenly, paralyzed. The effect is activated again.

“Now, Dratini, use Flamethrower.”

Seeing the paralyzing Ember on Pinsir’s body, Kenji Tsuchimura had a dismissive expression. The reason why he dared Let Pinsir chase Dratini, betting that Dratini does not have enough physical strength to launch a big Unique Ability like Dragon Rage.

However, when the opposite boy shouted out the instructions, Kenji Tsumura’s expression suddenly changed. He still underestimated him too much. He did not expect that Dratini would have mastered the Unique Ability of Flamethrower such a Top Rank.

In fact, Kenji Tumura was right. The Unique Ability of Dragon Rage is indeed very expensive for Dratini at this stage, and it can’t be used several times in a battle.

However, Dragon Rage is Genetic Unique Ability. The Dragon Rage that he has mastered early consumes a bit lower than he thought, and of course it’s not much lower. After both sides released Pokémon, the wooden jersey was already done. Good plan.

“Dragon Rage is a guise, and this trick is Flamethrower’s hidden killer trick.”

Liang Ren holding Slowpoke in the waiting hall, watching the broadcast on the screen Here, the proud silhouette on the court, with a hearty smile on his face, muttered in his mouth.

“This kid is so strong.”

A kind of trainer in the waiting hall looked at the boy holding Slowpoke, and then looked at the battlefield. The Rookie trainer, everyone couldn’t help Pidgey being speechless.

The fighting styles of the two are very similar. Both are people who like to use their brains. However, Liang Ren’s rigor is more reflected in the private training than the plan and consideration in the battle. In the game, he has to be a lot of wanton.


The electric Ember on his body made Pinsir look uncomfortable. There was not much pain, but he straightened his knees and stood up under the muscle twitching. Can’t do it.

I looked up at Dratini and was greeted by a fiery pillar of fire.


Compared to Dragon Rage, Flamethrower’s double damage made Pinsir miserable, the flames faded, and the charred Pinsir was lost on the battlefield. Combat capability.

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