“Pinsir can’t fight. The winner of this game is a talented wooden jersey.”

The referee on the sidelines looked at Dratini and a wooden jersey in surprise, then raised his hand and announced loudly Tao.

“roar roar……”


In this world where Pokémon battles prevail, even Wild Pokémon in the wild They have also formed a value. Only when the trainer dignified rightly defeats them in the game, can they be subdued and recognized by them.

At the moment, the audience enthusiastically cheering for Dratini and out of the wooden shirts, most of them are regulars of Stadium. Buying a ticket every day in their leisure time to watch the Pokémon battle has become an indispensable in their daily life a part of.

Get used to seeing these old faces on the battlefield, suddenly a powerful Rookie appeared. The audience was very willing to see. Before Liang Ren defeated Taguchi Shiro’s Fearow with a Pidgey.

For those fans who heard this news, many people bought tickets in recent days and wanted to watch Liang Ren’s game. Unfortunately, he went to Pallet Town for spring outing in the past two days, which made a lot of enthusiasm. The audience returned in disappointment.

Liang Ren and Taguchi’s competition was not at all as high as expected, but because of the gimmick, Piddey won the match against Fearow. A rookie Rookie defeated the training with a three-game winning streak. Home, this made Liang Ren famous.

Perhaps this is the benefit of being younger! !

“Dratini, thank you, you were very dazzling in this game.”

The referee announced the result of the game and praised Dratini from the shirt. The exhausted Dratini took back the baby ball, did not pay attention to the cheers of the audience, and left the battlefield with his head held up like at first.

“You guy, you hide quite deeply. Dratini has actually learned the top rank moves of Flamethrower.”

Looking at the Mushan who came out of the exit channel, Liang With a smile on Ren’s face, Ren said that there is no cheat like him in the wooden sweater. Buy a TM and join the [Backpack], and then click to use it to learn.

I don’t know what kind of effort this guy has put in behind, or that there are things that he, a poor man, could not guess.

“That’s not right, there are so many things you don’t know!!” Chu Mushan raised his eyebrows at the young man in front of him, and a stern smile appeared on his face.

“haha ~” Liang Ren couldn’t help but smile.

The wooden jerseys who had just finished the game did not leave immediately. The two of them found a place in the waiting hall and sat down. After all, Liang Ren hasn’t played yet, and he rested for three days. Also have to be active.

“In the next match, Mumu Liang Ren will play against Yamazakihara, please prepare for the training of both sides.”

Because the two signed up together, they did not have a wooden jersey after the game. After waiting a few minutes, Liang Ren heard the staff call his name.

“Yamazaki, this kid is very strong, you should pay attention.”

After taking a look at the Slowpoke in his arms, he walked towards the entrance channel without saying a word. When Liang Ren went, the waiting hall became lively again.

Several acquaintances stood up and said to the man in a blue shirt after being called.

In every training home that hopes to be eye-catching through individual dress and hairstyle, this man with a class of people dressed up in a gentle manner can really be regarded as a clear stream.

“Okay, rest assured, I won’t be careless because of the other person’s age.”

The man in the blue shirt loosened his tie and greeted his friends. Followed into the entrance passage.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

When the waiting hall staff announced the list of trainers on the field, they were already on the huge screen of the battlefield. The names of the trainers on both sides are shown.


Slightly stopped at the opening on the other side of the aisle, and heard the enthusiastic cheers of the audience outside, Liang Ren could not be as confident as a wooden sweater , Calmly, after taking a few deep breaths and calming his emotions, Liang Ren walked out of the entrance tunnel.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

Before that, the audience who complained that the tickets were not worth buying today, they all shouted with excitement. Liang Ren’s name, many people are looking forward to Liang Ren’s game today, whether he can continue to defeat opponent.

“I have watched this video of Mumu Liang Ren playing the game. To be honest, his Pidgey is just as capable. The reason why he was able to win was mainly due to Pidgey’s dexterity. The opponent Fearow also There is no remote output Ability, and Yamazakihara is different.”

A man in the front row of the audience did not blindly support Liang Ren like the people around him. Instead, he rubbed his chin and sat down calmly. A friend on his side analyzed.

There were a lot of audiences shouting Liang Ren’s name at the scene, but there were also many people who were not optimistic about him. The audience who did not support Liang Ren, most of them had the same views as this man.

“The trainers from both sides, please send their Pokémon to play.” The referee put the trainers on both sides of the battlefield in position, and announced directly without delay.

“This game is up to you, Quagsire.”

“Come out, Slowpoke.”

After entering the fighting state, Liang Ren seemed to have earplugs Like cotton, I cut off the shouts of the audience outside the field, and looked at the man dressed as the worker on the opposite side, and both sides released their Pokémon together.


When he was in the waiting hall just now, Yamazakihara heard his friend say that the boy opposite, he thought he would send that one to defeat Pidgey from Fearow, didn’t expect it turned out to be a Slowpoke.

“Can Slowpoke also fight?” The man in shirt is frowned, but he still doesn’t dare to relax.


Liang Ren was also slightly surprised when he saw Pokémon released by the man in the shirt opposite. Didn’t expect it was only available in Johto Region. Quagsire.


Liang Ren raised his hand and scanned it with the battle bracelet, and saw the level information “20+” displayed, Liang Ren was stunned and suddenly reacted The upper limit of the strength that his combat bracelet can detect is only Level 20.

“But probably a reference is enough.” Liang Ren felt a little bit, not at all disappointed, lifted the head, and turned his gaze to the Quagsire opposite.

This is a fat Pokémon, with purple and dark green stripes on the back and tail section, a pair of peasy eyes and a smiling arc formed under the mouth. It looks as laid-back as Slowpoke.

“Ah Duo——”

Glancing at the other’s peasy eyes and smiling face, Slowpoke’s sluggish eyes became more sluggish, Liang Ren knew this was Slowpoke When you encounter an opponent, prepare to look like spare no effort.

“——The start of the game——”

“Quagsire, use Amnesia.”

“Slowpoke, Yawn.”

Referee Announcing the start of the game loudly, both sides wanted to seize the opportunity, and immediately gave instructions to their Pokémon.

Amnesia, who has greatly improved its special defense capabilities, will also be on Slowpoke, but Liang Ren, who is more offensive than defensive strategies, likes to use Yawn Unique Ability to control the opponent first, and then activate the howling wind and torrential rain-like attack.


Slowpoke opened his mouth wide, hit a Yawn, and a strange sleep-inducing force went silently into the person using Ability In Quagsire’s head, he hung up and waited for the time to erupt.


On the other side, Quagsire also moved very quickly. Upon receiving instructions from his trainer, his fleshy hands waved unconsciously, and the slippery skin Under the light of the battlefield, suddenly another layer of defensive film was saved.

“Slowpoke, use Confusion.”

The battle has officially begun. Liang Ren has completely ignored the audience outside the field after entering the fighting state. At this time, there is only opponent in his eyes. There are two Pokémon on the court.

Quagsire’s characteristic may be Damp, or it may be immune to Water Type attack damage, and it can also restore 1/4 of the physical strength of the water storage characteristics. No matter which kind, use Water Type Unique Ability to attack Water Type Pokémon, this is not a wise move.


“Throw it up high.”

Yawn Unique Ability Slowpoke is very skillful. Once the Ability is cast, Liang Ren took the lead in launching the offensive here.

“The marsh~”

The 75kg Quagsire was directly lifted into the air under the restraint of Slowpoke’s Confusion.

“Quagsire, use mud bombs.”

The battle has just begun. Quagsire has already fallen into a passive situation. The shirt man’s face is not very good. On the opposite side, this kind-looking boy , His calm and wise performance has begun to make him feel the pressure.

“Puff pu…”

Slowpoke has a rich combat experience. When I met Quagsire on the opposite side, he was ready to attack it. Under Confusion control, he directly turned Quagsire upside down, muddy The bomb moved towards the direction of the dome of the battlefield.

“peng peng…”

The stadium dome is very strong, and a few mud bombs only left a few mud marks on the metal beams, not at all causing any damage.

“Smash it down.”

Slowpoke is much stronger than Pidgey. With the time bomb of Yawn, Liang Ren can let go of his hands and feet to attack without giving the opponent a little bit. Room to fight back.

As soon as the mud bomb was transferred away, Liang Ren’s instructions had been passed to Slowpoke’s ears. This Slowpoke, who had been motionless on the ground since the beginning of the battle, had a surging Psychic in his round eyes .

With his stomach upturned, Quagsire was imprisoned in midair. Under the influence of the invisible big hand mimicked by Slowpoke Psychic, he smashed fiercely towards the battlefield below.


The fat body smashed into the opponent’s battlefield firmly, even if the defensive power of Quagsire is not weak, it was thrown into confusion and dazed for a while. .

“Quagsire, use mud bombs.”

Quagsire Level is much higher than Slowpoke. I was hit by Confusion and not at all. I lost the combat capability like this. I shake my head and crawl again. He got up, and the man in the shirt with stern expression commanded Quagsire to launch a counterattack towards Slowpoke.


“boom~ boom~ ……”

Slowpoke has very rich combat experience. Liang Ren’s command has not been fully issued yet. Distorted and swayed like a wave, his body instantly disappeared in place, and the mud bomb on Quagsire fell through once again.

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