
The smoke from the explosion has not dissipated. Liang Ren didn’t care that Slowpoke moved there. After counting for two seconds in his mind, he decisively spoke again to Slowpoke again. Instructions.

“Be careful, it’s behind you. Use a mud bomb.”

The air was distorted not far behind Quagsire, and the shirt man’s eyes instantly noticed a touch of pink, without any hesitation. This gentleman with a shirt and tie, with his mouth like a gun, gave instructions to Quagsire with extremely fast speech.


“Ya Duo——”

Unfortunately, compared to Liang Ren, it is still a bit slower. One person and one pet are extraordinary. The tacit understanding, coupled with the super wisdom hidden by Little Brat’s simple appearance, made Slowpoke’s execution so efficient that pressure-filled sweat could not help but burst out from the forehead of the gentleman in the shirt.


Quagsire, who was grasped by Psychic’s invisible hand, was preparing for Struggle, suddenly the pupils in Doudou’s eyes suddenly widened and became distracted. The look in the eyes was followed by a deep sleep.

“Ah duo——”

Quagsire, who was originally stiff, suddenly slumped down. Slowpoke who noticed this had no Hold Back, and Confusion’s hands lifted Quagsire up high. I got up, and then caught a leg fiercely and moved towards the lower side and hit the battlefield.



Seeing Quagsire who is limp, the man in the shirt reacted instantly, and for the first time in the fight For Slowpoke, it was also the first time he deeply experienced the overbearing of Yawn Unique Ability and the hypnotic effect of you can’t guard against it.

“Slowpoke, Confusion.”

Liang Ren’s cold voice seemed like a heavy hammer, fiercely hitting opponent’s hesitating heart, the boy on the court did not The tall silhouette at this moment seems to be a mountain that is difficult to cross in Yamazakihara’s eyes. It is cold and indifferent, making people feel that the heartbeat has become several points of depression.

The burst of drowsiness caused Quagsire to fall into a state of hypnosis. Liang Ren did not keep his hands at all, seizing the opportunity to command Slowpoke to launch an attack again.

Slowpoke now has a lot of abilities, but offensive abilities only have three of water gun, Confusion, and Foul Play.

Foul Play is a Unique Ability that takes advantage of strength in close combat and returns to the other’s body. In this case, water guns can’t do much damage. Confusion is the only thing that can do good to Quagsire. Unique Ability of injury.

Confusion, as the most basic Ability in Psychic Type, does not seem to have too powerful formidable power, nor does it have the weird effects of other Psychic Type Ability.

But in fact, Confusion Unique Ability is very strong. Spirit Attack, physical imprisonment, and a small probability of opponent dizziness and confusion… Psychic’s various unfathomable abilities seem to be mixed into Confusion, an unremarkable Basic Abilities. in.

In other words, other Psychic Type Ability with various abilities are all extended and evolved from the Basic Abilities of Confusion.

As Slowpoke within the body Psychic becomes stronger, the formidable power of Confusion Ability can also be continuously enhanced. This is a Unique Ability with unlimited growth space.


There is no Kadabra and Alakazam that can help them accurately control Psychic, but at this moment, no one dares to underestimate this Slowpoke Psychic. attack.

Liang Ren, who cuts off all sounds from the outside world, seems to have reached the same frequency with Slowpoke on the field at this moment. Slowpoke’s eyes are round, and Liang Ren stares openly as he is roughly dragged by Psychic. Quagsire in midair.

Slowpoke waved a meat claw, and moved Quagsire fiercely towards the solid ground. Liang Ren also unconsciously wiggled his fingers.

Liang Ren didn’t know whether he would convey more of his mind and strength to Slowpoke besides verbal instructions, but at this moment he felt like he was sharing the perception of Slowpoke’s body.

In the ocean of consciousness, Psychic set off a heaven overflowing giant wave, and the weak body becomes so flexible and excited at this moment. A single thought body can react without any delay, staring at it with wide eyes. With opponent, it seems that a single thought can manipulate the life and death of opponent.



At this time, Liang Ren could not hear the panic shout of the trainer on the other side. He could only Seeing the other’s panicked expression from his own skipped frame of sight, Liang Ren gave no instructions.

Liang Ren feels that he has become the brain of a certain lifeform, and the lying Slowpoke on the court is his new body, just a single thought, and the Psychic in the eyes of Slowpoke on the court swells.

One pampering unconsciously but raising hands at the same frequency, moved towards Quagsire, who was slammed on the ground by fiercely. Quagsire, whose racial average weight reached 75kg, was once again turned into invisible by Psychic The big hand pulled in midair.


Quagsire’s fat and fat body was fiercely blasted to the ground. A pair of peasy eyes had turned into dizzy spirals at some point. It seems that the combat capability has been lost.

“I…give up.”

Yamazakihara opened a somewhat dry mouth, confessed after yelling it several times, and yelled at the opposite boy again, on the sidelines ‘S referee has blown the warning whistle several times.

However, the gentle-tempered youth opposite, seemed to be caught in a demon. No matter how recklessly he launched an attack over and over again, his indifference to everything made him an adult feel shuddering.

“If the trainer of one party submits to admit defeat, the game is over and the other party can no longer attack.” The referee’s expression looked over and warned.

“Quagsire loses the combat capability, Liang Ren won the match.”

The reason Liang Ren was a novice, after the referee warned him, he did not wait for Liang Ren to do it. In response, he directly announced the result of the game. As for the punishment of Liang Ren’s violation, the referee has nothing to do.

Ding, experience +93

ding, picking up physical Attribute coins +2

ding, picking up attack Attribute coins +1

ding , Picked up the defense innate talent coin +1



Liang Ren exhaled heavily and waved his hand Put away the four Attribute coins spattered from Quagsire, three white and one red. At this time, Liang Ren was not happy.

Dizziness and fatigue, as if it was not only Slowpoke who was fighting on the field just now, but the trainer Liang Ren also participated in it himself.

If it weren’t for this pair of battlefields, Liang Ren would want to fall to the ground and sleep.

“Slowpoke, I did a good job just now. Come back first.”

Liang Ren raised an ugly smile on his pale face and praised Slowpoke for a while, and then gave Little Brat Take back the baby ball.

His ears were noisy to Bzz Bzz by the cheers of the off-site audience, Liang Ren handed an apologetic expression to the man in the gentle shirt opposite, and then dragged his tired body directly to the outside.

Looking at the vain footsteps and exhausted expressions of the opposite boy, Yamazakihara, who was left on the battlefield, took back Quagsire, who had lost the combat capability. If you don’t listen to the names shouted by the audience, no I knew it and thought he had won this game.

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