
“Are you okay.”

I noticed something wrong with the jersey early in the morning, and was waiting outside the exit aisle after the game was over After seeing Liang Ren walking out with a look of fatigue, he hurriedly supported Liang Ren’s shoulder and said.

“It’s okay, but I feel a little tired.” He said with a relieved expression.

“Congratulations on your two-game winning streak. The 4000 bonus has been deposited into the crystal card. You can use this crystal card to withdraw cash at any bank counter or ATM machine under Alliance.”

“Okay, thank you.”

Receiving the identity crystal card from the staff at the passage, Liang Ren left after saying thank you.

“Are you sure it’s okay?”

Looking at Liang Ren, who was obviously a little languid in front of him, he came out of Stadium and walked to the cultural square and said with some worry. After all, Liang Ren’s state in the game just now was a bit weird.

Opponent shouted a few times to admit defeat, Liang Ren still attacked deaf ears, even after the referee blew the warning whistle and forcibly beat Quagsire to lose the combat capability, Liang Ren and Slowpoke stopped. attack.

“It’s okay. Let’s go to the Pokémon Center first and help the two Little Brats do a recovery.”

This time Liang Ren is not in the mood to walk, and he comes out of the Cultural Square on the road. He gave up his wooden shirt and stopped a taxi, and hurried directly to the center of Pokémon.

As for what happened in the battle just now, Liang Ren himself was a little unclear, as if suddenly he had some resonance with Slowpoke.

He can perceive everything that happened to Slowpoke, even without verbal instructions, a single thought can command Slowpoke to attack.

In that state, Slowpoke’s Psychic seems to have become stronger, and the overall battle strength has been qualitatively improved.


Sitting in the taxi, Liang Ren reached out and rubbed the temple, let out a deep breath, leaning his head on the seat, feeling I recovered a little bit of strength.


The taxi was waiting for the traffic light to clear at the intersection, and Liang Ren called the system panel silently in his heart.

【Slowpoke 】♂


Attribute:Psychic, water

Character: naughty, leisurely

< p>Features: Oblivious, regenerative power

Stamina: 110【B】Purple

Attack: 70【C】Blue

Defense: 70【C】Blue

Special Attack: 55【C】Blue

Special Defense: 55【C】Blue

Speed: 15【D】Green

Comprehensive: 375


(Yawn, Teleport, Calm Mind, Foul Play, Confusion) [Top Rank]

(Petrochemical work, Amnesia, water gun )[Intermediate rank]


Looking at the Attribute panel of Slowpoke, Liang Ren was silent for a moment. After a battle, he jumped two levels in a row. Level 16 has been upgraded to 1Level 8.

Implicit Characteristic: The regenerative power has also changed from dullness to the first characteristic: Oblivious Normal, which is the same as the highlighted state. Obviously, this means that Slowpoke’s Implicit Characteristic has been activated.

After being replaced, the regenerative power feature allows Pokémon to passively restore the physical strength of one third. This is just a setting in the previous game.

In reality, according to a series of papers published by Professor Birch, who studies Pokémon’s characteristics and abilities in the Hoenn continent, the regenerative power characteristics can allow Pokémon to maintain physical strength in a small amount of per second mode in a non-combat state. restore.

Liang Ren’s understanding of this non-combat state is that when Pokémon’s body and mind are in a relaxed state, both the regenerative characteristics can play a role.

If Pokémon can keep the body and mind relaxed during battle, Liang Ren suspects that the regenerative properties can also restore Pokémon’s physical strength.

However, Liang Ren has a clear concept for this small amount of not at all per second. After all, this description is too vague. Perhaps Oda Juan, who is a characteristic researcher, is also very troublesome about this. It is not easy to obtain numerical information in this area.

“Didn’t expect Confusion’s proficiency has reached the Top Rank.”

Looking at the light screen in front of him, Liang Ren’s pale face finally showed up. A smile.

After a game, Slowpoke Level jumps for two consecutive levels, Implicit Characteristic is activated, and the proficiency of Confusion Unique Ability gets breakthrough.

Previously Liang Ren speculated from Slowpoke’s Ability proficiency that Little Brat should have a solid foundation. This sudden increase in strength is also a testament to a solid foundation and has accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly .

“But what’s the matter with the state just now?”

After leaving the Stadium, I have already told him about it. I gave up at the opponent and the referee warned him many times. Under the circumstances, he still launched an attack on the opponent, it is difficult for him to believe that he would do such a thing in peacetime.

“Forget it, don’t think about it if you can’t figure it out.”

Liang Ren, who feels exhausted, really doesn’t want to think about these things at this time.

The taxi stopped steadily outside the Pokémon Center. He got out of the car and just leaned on the seat to take a rest. Now he feels a little more refreshed, not as dizzy as at first. Dizziness and fatigue.

“Nurse Joy, please recover these two Little Brats.”

When they came to the front desk of the Pokémon Center, the two of them will experience the battle just now. Some serious Slowpoke and Dratini are handed over to Joy.

“Don’t worry, they will recover soon.”

Joy has a gentle and sweet smile on his face. Although it is not as healing as Pokémon, it still makes people feel Feeling relaxed a lot like a spring breeze.

“Thank you Nurse Joy.”

After thanking him, Liang Ren went to the leisure area to sit down, and when he came out of the wooden sweater, he went to the vending machine on the other side to buy water. Up.

“Here, spirit soda.” Chu Mushan lost a bottle of water and said.

“gu lu gu lu…”

After taking a few sips of spirit soda, Liang Ren really felt that he had regained some energy.


“I think you are a little tired. You should go back and rest early. I will leave first.”

After Pokémon has recovered, The two chatted for a while before leaving the wooden sweater.

Go to Pokémon Stadium at four o’clock in the afternoon. After the battle, I will come to the Pokémon Center to recover the two Little Brats. At this time, I will come out of the Pokémon Center.

On the walls on both sides of the door, two old Kalos-style wall lights were quietly lit up at some point.

A few delicate vine plants in the corner of the wall emerged from the adjacent green belt. The new tender vines stood on the white wall in the center of Pokémon, as if they wanted to climb upwards.

In the morning, it was the Morning Sun in Pallet Town, but after dark, it was Celadon City’s beautiful night.

I don’t know if it is a psychological effect. As far as I can see, the colorful neon lights are unconsciously more than the past.

“peng peng”

The two Pokémon were released, Pidgey flapped his patted wings, and happily stopped on Liang Ren’s shoulder, rubbing Liang Ren with his small head His cheeks and small eyes are full of intimacy.

“Let’s go, go to Feeding Street to buy food for Shellder, and then we will go home.”

Bent over and picked up Slowpoke on the ground, and touched Little Brat’s meat Huhu’s head laughed and said.

“Hoothoot ~”


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