As night fell, the world that was supposed to be quiet, but it became more and more noisy, holding the two pets and walking towards the feeding street.

At this time, there are not many trainers with Pokémon like Liang Ren on the pedestrian street, Pikachu in the arms of the girl, Persian behind the lady, one with a motorcycle helmet, sitting in a mechanic Ampharos behind the worker…

Liang Ren didn’t hang around, and walked directly to the small shop that he had visited many times before.

“Ding Ding~”

“Welcome, may I ask what you want to buy.”

Heard the bell on the door of the store, and he was lying on the counter The girl who counted the running water in the shop, lifts the head and said with a warm smile on her face.

“Good evening.”

Seeing that the girl’s face was tired, Liang Ren returned a smile and said hello to the other party.

“Do you still buy Pokémon food for the two cute Little Brat this time?”

Liang Ren has taken care of her shop a lot of times, and saw someone entering the door holding Slowpoke Liang Ren, the girl’s smile was less deliberate, and she asked sincerely.

“Well, Pidgey and Slowpoke food, both flavors come for a week, and is there any food that Shellder likes in the store?” Liang Ren asked.

“Oh, have you taken over the new Pokémon again? There are a lot of foods that Water Type Pokémon likes. You can ask Shellder to try it for specific tastes.” The girl said, helping him with paper bags. Pidgey and Slowpoke need food.

“That’s it, Shellder, come out.”

Liang Ren was not polite. He released the Shellder, and then made several flavors more popular with Water Type Pokémon’s favorite foods. I gave Shellder a taste, and then I also picked two.

“Well, Pidgey wants insect bait flavor and Salac Berry flavor, Slowpoke favorite Charti Berry flavor and fish flavour, all four are for a week.”

In Liang When Ren helped Shellder choose food, the girl put several kinds of foods that Pidgey and Slowpoke needed in paper bags and put them on the counter outside.

“This fish flavored food and sour pear flavored food are also served for one week respectively.”


With the increase in Pokémon, the daily food consumption is also very large. If there is no stable source of income in normal times, it is estimated that three Pokémon will be enough to cultivate.

“…please go slowly.”

After receiving the savings card handed back by the girl, three Pokémon’s food for a week cost Liang Ren 4200.

If you don’t often take bounty tasks, you will also get a lot of bounty in the Stadium competition. Raising these three Pokémons is really a headache for Liang Ren.


Leaving this Pokémon feeder’s shop, Liang Ren didn’t stay longer, and he was ready to go home with a few large bags of food from his three pets.


At night, there is a lot of people on the feeding street, and Liang Ren just and honorable take the bag back into the [backpack]. Seeing Liang Ren’s lifting a bit hard, Slowpoke waved his paw and used Psychic to help Liang Ren lift up the bag in his hand.

“Really good.”

Feeling the light weight of the bag in his hand, Liang Ren laughed and praised Little Brat.

After the afternoon’s battle, Liang Ren felt that Slowpoke’s Psychic had become stronger, and his use of Psychic was more handy, but the Attribute panel not at all showed changes in Slowpoke Psychic.

However, the level of strength is increased by two levels, and the breakthrough of Confusion Ability proficiency can be regarded as a reflection of the strengthening of Slowpoke Psychic from the side.

Walking by a small park outside, and seeing no one around, Liang Ren took the bag back into his backpack.

Now in the backpack, in addition to the Attribute coins that I usually collect, the five big bags of dried fish I bought in Cerulean City, and the succulent grass and keel are also stored in the backpack.

These two things are too important to him. If something goes wrong, then he really has no place to cry.


Liang Ren, who felt that tiredness in his body was surging again, did not wander in the street and waited for a bus at the bus stop on the street , Rushed directly to the house with two pets.

Through the car window, the high-rise buildings outside slowly disappeared, the colorful neon lights were replaced by dark street trees, and they got off at the familiar platform.

The bus drove into the dim night again, and the platform was more than ten meters away from his yard. Liang Ren looked towards his home.

The lights in the room are already on, and Mu Mu Lei, who seemed to have played games all afternoon, has now returned.

“I’m back.”

Walking into the courtyard, Liang Ren shouted into the room.

“second brother ~”

Sure enough, when Liang Ren entered the door, he saw Mu Mu Lei curled up on the sofa watching TV. School is about to start in more than a month. Liang Ren said that time is still a bit tight, but in Mu Mulei’s opinion, the holiday is still long.

“Second brother, Dad is back today.”

Seeing Liang Ren preparing to go upstairs, Mu Mu Lei’s eyes never left the TV screen, and she waved the remote control suddenly towards him Said.

“It shouldn’t be the weekend today, why did Dad come back?” Liang Ren stopped and asked with some confusion.

“The past few days when you went out to travel, father Mother made preparations for opening the shop, and then officially resigned today.” Mu Mulei explained, Liang Ren also immediately understood the reason.

“As expected of Mother, work efficiency is high.”

Liang Ren secretly admired, two weeks ago, after Mother got the Primary Rank professional qualification certificate for feeder, I have been preparing to open a shop.

Mother does swift and decisive, but in fact it is still very safe. Since father resigned and returned, it is estimated that their store will be opened in the past two days.

“You brat are back, go to wash your hands and get ready for dinner. Today is your mother’s cooking.”

I heard the two siblings talking in the living room outside, a figure The burly and full beard man walked out of the kitchen.

But at this moment, I was holding a handful of water spinach in my hand, and I was surrounded by a strawberry-patterned apron. I couldn’t help but look at it.

“Dad, did Mother also resign?”

Seeing the old man dressed up and looking tired, Liang Ren couldn’t help but smile and asked. .

“Quit, clean up the store tomorrow, and officially open the day after tomorrow.”

Speaking of this, the old Mu Mu Yiren Liang Ren also showed a smile and was busy. For most of my life, not only did my three children grow up with frugality, but now I have opened a store in Celadon City, a first-tier city, which is indeed a major event worth celebrating for their ordinary family.

Be aware of the family behind the house. The couple recently quarreled because the man drove the delivery to Pewter City and did not find the goods when they came back.

It is also an ordinary family, some days can be more prosperous and prosperous, and some live as if there is only chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

The ordinary days wear away the enthusiasm and hope for the future life, and a little trivial matter can cause a family dispute.

Fortunately, Hui Zhilan’s Mother Ryoko is an artist, and a pair of skillful hands can make this plain life and business flourish.

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