“Hey 噫~”

In fact, there are too many things that they need to do in the store. During the preliminary preparations, the purchased equipment has been debugged.

Daddy released Machoke and tested that the instrument can work normally, there is no big problem. They mainly clean up the store.

This kind of nursing and health care stores are basically distributed in every feeding street. This is a job that relies on craftsmanship and technology, and most of the equipment used is auxiliary.

The decoration in the store is fresh but not out of style, and the warm-toned wallpaper makes the overall environment of the store very warm.

Turn on the speakers that are hidden on the wall within the body in the store. The sweet light music gives Liang Ren a feeling of being surrounded by Heal Bell. I have to say that Mother Ryoko is very good in store management. mind.

The family has been busy in the store all morning, tidying up some subtle cleanliness and hygiene. During the period, there was a beautiful woman dressed in fashionable clothes. I saw this newly opened shop while shopping. After the shop, I took Pokémon in to take a look.

“…, the store will officially open tomorrow, when the time comes, please come and take care of the store’s business.”

“Okay~ Slightly.”

At the warm invitation of Mother Ryoko, the beautiful woman sat down on the sofa in the store and took a tour. Liang Ren, who was very eye-catching, made a cup of black tea in the lounge at the back of the store and brought it out. A decent smile made The customer who entered the store had a very happy smile on his face.

“Peiluchan, let’s come back tomorrow.”


The beautiful woman greeted Pokémon next to her with a smile, and then at Mother Yoshiko In a warm greeting, she wrapped her arms out of the store elegantly.

The Persian behind him also followed, with gentle and elegant steps, and the soft muscles on the soles of his feet, making Persian walking without making any noise.

This Persian is not a Persian native to Kanto, it is a Persian only found in the remote Alola Islands.

Kanto Region Persian has a slender and powerful body, and its fur is milky white, while Persian in Alola Region has light gray fur, and its hair is softer than the top rank velvet.

The jewel on the forehead is no longer orange and red, but becomes a seductive blue. The figure is not as slender as Kanto’s native Persian, but rather round and cute, but it is exactly the same. , But a touch of wealth.

“Okay, everyone, take a break.”

The sun gradually rose to the center of the sky, and after taking care of the sanitation in the shop, Ryoko greeted the three of them to sit down Rest awhile.

“Ah, I’m exhausted.”

After Mu Mulei complained, she took out her mobile phone and leaned on the sofa to play the game again. What kind of character is this girl? Clearly, I didn’t criticize her.

“By the way, Mother, our shop will officially open tomorrow. Would you like to invite people to distribute flyers or something?”

Liang Ren is not very concerned about opening a shop. Understand, this is also the reason why he didn’t participate in helping out during the preliminary preparations.

Receiving the black tea from Mother, Liang Ren looked around the neat furnishings in the store. In addition to a machine that helps to check Pokémon’s health parameters, there is another machine that specifically detects the texture of Pokémon’s fur.

The most important thing in the store is a massage bed inside. The specific care and health care are all manually operated on it.

“No, the Feeding Family will start a business and open a store. The Feeding Family Association will help promote it through some channels. TV Station will also give a Hiroshi position. I have already ordered a few flower baskets for opening tomorrow. It will be delivered.”

“That’s it.”

Different from other novice breeders who started their businesses, Mother Ryoko worked in the breeding house for more than ten years. Operation and management seem to be very familiar.

The things that should be done in the early stage have been done, but he does not need a child to worry about these things.

“Well, for the Celebrate store to open tomorrow, let’s go out to eat at noon today.”

After finishing the trivial matters in the store, they I found a shop outside for lunch.

“By the way, son, how is Pokémon’s training recently? Since I have my Pokémon on hand, I seem to be busier than your mother and me every day.”

Family at lunchtime Talking about each family member habitually, looking at Liang Ren who was immersed in his meal, Mother full of smiles asked.

“Pidgey, Slowpoke, the two Little Brat’s strengths have improved very quickly. The latest arrangement is mainly to go to the bounty Hunter’s Guild to pick up some tasks, and then go to Pokémon Stadium to participate in the competition, and strive to let this before the school starts. The strength of the two Little Brats will go to the next level.”

Thinking of the New Student Enrollment in a month, Liang Ren has a sense of urgency. The Saffron City intermediate rank Pokémon school is owned by Kanto. intermediate rank The most dazzling existence in the school.

I believe there are many talented students in it. Liang Ren doesn’t want to suddenly become obscured after he enters. This is something he cannot bear. So he has to improve Pokémon’s strength as much as possible before the start of school. Rookie strives for amaze the world with a single brilliant feat in the entrance examination.

“Second brother, have you started participating in Pokémon? I heard that Pokémon Stadium is cruel to Rookie.”

With a meatball in his mouth Mu Mulei said vaguely.

“The trainers in the Stadium are indeed very strong, but it is precisely this way that allows Pokémon under them to exercise, and only when pressure is required can they improve.”

Rookie is indeed not too friendly. Many Rookies who have just got Pokémon mostly find opponent in the battle hall of the Pokémon center to do combat training. There are also those who enter Stadium like Liang Ren, but the rookie used to basically give other old oilers. Send the record.

Liang Ren He likes to challenge continuously. He doesn’t pay much attention to winning or losing. Coupled with training hard in the back, coupled with the knowledge in his head, the strength of his Pokémon has improved rapidly.

In the face of Damien’s opponent, Liang Ren had to make a heavy hand and let him lie down in the hospital for a period of time to give him plenty of time to improve his strength.

Now facing Damien, Liang Ren is confident that he can easily defeat opponent within a few rounds. This is the confidence that strength brings him.

“Working at Stadium, losing the game is fine as long as you can withstand the psychological pressure, but will it be too dangerous to accept the bounty task.” Mu Mu Yiren said with some worry.

“Dad, don’t worry, I know in my heart that I usually take on some small tasks, and dangerous tasks are at my level. I can’t take them even if I want to.” Liang Ren laughed and said with relief.

“Well, the child is so old, he has the ability to make his own decisions, so don’t worry about it. You don’t know the character of your own son.”

Compared with my father’s worry, when Liang Ren said that he had registered for Bounty Hunter, Mother Ryoko seemed indifferent. While serving two siblings, he said to her husband next to her.

“I am not concerned about this.”

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