“By the way, second brother, have you ever lost in the Stadium?” Mu Mu Lei asked again after drawing a piece of paper and wiping his mouth.

“It didn鈥檛 take long to participate in the Stadium competition. Up to now, I have only participated in two matches. Now it鈥檚 two consecutive victories. If you lose, you won鈥檛 have it.”

“It really is. The second brother, my eldest brother participated in Stadium for the first time, but in the end he lost miserably鈥斺€攈aha~.” Hearing Liang Ren’s record of his record, Mu Mu Lei said happily.

“Just say you don’t need to worry about it, your son is also called a genius at school, and he is very innate talent as a trainer.”



Life is not always vigorous. When a family is together, they usually talk about the trivial things that happen in life, but this makes people feel very happy.

After lunch, Father and Mother are back in the shop. They will officially open tomorrow. There are still some things to be dealt with, but both siblings can’t help.

“Second brother, let’s go to the Stadium and have fun!!”

The two siblings wandered in the street idly. Liang Ren wanted to get rid of the brown candy and go to the bounty. Hunter’s Guild to see if there is a suitable task to do.

There is still 200,000 yuan on hand. If you put it before, it would be relatively ample, but now he wants to buy Marowak’s Bone Club, and suddenly found himself still very short of money.

“What’s so fun about Stadium, it’s so noisy inside.” Liang Ren hu hu took a sip of the milk tea in his hand and said with a flat mouth.

“I don’t care, second brother, if you don’t take me to the Stadium to play, I will be pestering you this afternoon.”

Mu Mu Lei is unearthly character, how could she see Without Liang Ren, he wanted to get rid of her and go to work on his own.

“Come on, I’m really afraid of you.”

Liang Ren glanced at this younger sister who was holding his arm, but was only half a head shorter than him. Said somewhat helplessly.

“You agree!!” Mu Mu Lei said with a successful smile on her face.

“Let’s go, go to Stadium.”

Although he is very uncomfortable with a small tail around him, his arrangement in the afternoon is not to go to the Stadium to fight or to pick up the bounty. The mission is to make money, and it鈥檚 okay to go to Stadium with the little girl right now.

The afternoon time is still long. After watching the game with Mu Mulei for a while, he can also take exercise on the court.

In recent days, there have been battles where Slowpoke is basically on the court. He also has to give Pidgey some opportunities to exercise himself. In the morning, Pidgey had a breakthrough on the Ability of Agility, and he is also active right now. , Try the knife.

“Liang Ren, Little Lei, where are you two going?”

Passing by an ice cream shop, the two people who were driven by Mumu Layla to buy cones, I didn’t expect to meet an acquaintance.

A Casey with creamy mushroom head and short hair, looked at the pair of intimate siblings in front of him, laughed and asked.

“Casey son elder sister, my brother took me to the Stadium to play, do you want to come with me too.” enthusiastically took a double ball cone from Liang Ren and looked at the girl in front of him Asked.

“Stadium? I haven’t been to it yet.” Casey put her hands on her cheeks, blinked a pair of bright eyes, and said with a slight movement on her face.

“That’s not right. We can go to watch my second brother’s game later.” Mu Mu Lei let go of Liang Ren’s arm, ran over and took Casey’s hand and headed directly towards the Cultural Square In the direction of

“When did I promise to play the game?”

Looking at Mu Mulei who is adept at advocating, Liang Ren said with a dazed expression. Even if I want to play, I have to Send this tag-a-long before you go.

Usually I go to the Stadium to exercise, and I lose if I lose, but if my younger sister sees the scene of my defeat, I feel ashamed and lose my head, and now there are more women Classmates are nearby.


However, the two women simply ignored what he said, and walked forward hand in hand each minding their own business, not knowing what interesting topics they talked about. The two women giggled and laughed like silver bells.

“Well, when I came out just now, I should have sent this brown candy away.” Liang Ren shook the head muttered helplessly.

“peng peng”

Pidgey and Slowpoke’s baby balls were taken out of their pockets, and the two Little Brats were released.

“Hoothoot ~”


I ate outside at noon. The restaurant also prepares food for Pok茅mon, which is occasionally changed. The taste and the improvement of the food, the three pets are still very happy.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the Stadium.” Liang Ren bent down and picked up the lazy Slowpoke, Pidgey flapped his wings and landed firmly on his shoulder.

“Hoothoot ~” Hearing Liang Ren said that he was going to Stadium, Pidgey suddenly came to his energy, and hurriedly called to Liang Ren, for fear of being preempted by Slowpoke.

“Okay, let you play later.”

He stretched out his hand and stroked Pidgey’s beautiful crown and said, Agility had a great breakthrough during morning exercises. This Little Brat also Anxiously want to play some on the court.

“Hoothoot ~”

Pidgey looked very happy after receiving Liang Ren’s permission. His dark eyes narrowed into a pair of meniscus.

“Ya Duo鈥斺€?#8221;

Slowpoke not at all in Liang Ren’s arms competed with Pidgey, staring at Liang Ren’s milk tea, sucked his nose, stretched out The fleshy claws scratched the milk tea in Liang Ren’s hand.

“Slowpoke, would you like to drink milk tea?” Liang Ren laughed when he saw Slowpoke’s little gesture in his arms.

“Ah duo鈥斺€?#8221;

“Okay, here you are.”

Pass the milk tea to Slowpoke and see the two women in front unconsciously have gone far away, Liang Ren also quickly followed along.

The Cultural Square is a little far away from No. 8 Feeding Street in Beicheng District. Seeing the two women in front of them strolling slowly and not intending to take a bus, Liang Ren also fell far behind.

This wise little move allowed him to avoid the fate of shopping with the two women.

Passing a flyover, the three of them kept walking towards the cultural square. The afternoon sun was just right. Liang Ren watched the urban landscape of Celadon City in the afternoon and turned his head to tease Pidgey on his shoulders from time to time.

Slowpoke held in Liang Ren’s arms, two fleshy paws holding a cup of milk tea, squinting his eyes and drinking gu lu lu.

From time to time, he bit a soft black Pearl. Little Brat spit Pearl out of his mouth mischievously, and then looked at it curiously.

Use Confusion to hold Pidgey on Liang Ren’s shoulder and yell happily, as if to say: Please eat! !

“Second brother, hurry up, we are here.”

“Hmm~ I know.”

Looking at the little face is full of excitement. Mu Lei, Liang Ren sighed reluctantly, hoping that you won’t encounter any too strong opponent today. If you accidentally lose, it would be really shameful.

“Second brother, Casey’s elder sister and I went in first. Please tell me which battlefield you will be assigned to after signing up.”

“Little Lei, you know Quite a lot, you are sure this is the first time to come to Stadium.”

Celadon City Pok茅mon Stadium, except for the main battlefield that is only open at Normal night, there are 24 branch fields inside.

Liang Ren also thought about deliberately not telling them where they were assigned after being signed up. Didn’t expect Mu Mulei, a ghost girl, actually asked.



Without answering his question, Mu Mulei made a grimace at him and pulled Casey Zi ran towards the audience passage, leaving him with a string of crisp laughter like silver bells.

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