“Let’s go, let’s go in too.”

Liang Ren shook the head, taking the two pets into the Stadium from the other side of the passage.

“The boy who often holds a Slowpoke. Hey, Okamoto, look at that boy with a white shirt and a little short hair over there. Is it because the boy you just told me has won two consecutive Sheng’s novice Mu Mu Liang Ren.”

At the Stadium’s initial registration office, a tall young man with golden hair wearing earrings, Bingblue’s deep eyes with some unruly eyes looking around, the corners of his mouth With a smug smile at all times, I can see that this is a person who is very confident in himself from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing Liang Ren walking into the Stadium holding Slowpoke, a tall young man with blond hair leaning on the counter sideways, he turned his head and asked the teenager who was registering.

“Kaki Lei Senior, where is the boy you mentioned?”

Received the identity card from the staff behind the counter, and was called by the blond youth to be the boy of Okamoto Turning around, his brown eyes looked into the battle hall and said.

“You guy, he’s at the registration office.”

Looking at the Junior Brother, a clumsy club next to him, the blond-haired young man raised his chin and stroked his hair, with a tape around his mouth. Said with a scornful smile.

“Oh, Shi Lei Senior, that boy, I heard that he has participated in two battles so far, and his results are two consecutive victories.”

This boy named Okamoto , Glanced at Liang Ren who was paying the fee at the registration office, and then turned to explain to the blond young man beside him, docile’s posture was an indescribable admiration for the blond young man, but also a touch of fear.

“It doesn’t look great. At his age, I’m almost winning ten consecutive victories at this Stadium.”

The blond young man cast his eyes and glanced at it. Liang Ren at the registration office said in a very flat tone. His eyes were neither surprised nor underestimated. He seemed to be quite bored and narrated a fact to the people around him. He wanted the Junior Brother beside him not to make a fuss about. nothing.

“Yes, Shi Lei Senior is the best powerhouse in the third grade of our Celadon City intermediate rank school……”

Different from the plain narration of the blond youth, Okamoto’s tone is admired It was a bit too much, and his eyes were full of admiration.

However, when he noticed that the blond young man cast his gaze over, the young man suddenly lowered his head as if frightened, as if he was too scared to look at him.

“haha ~ let’s go, today is your first time to participate in the Stadium match, as a senior club, I just came to show you around, you know I am still in the Stadium suspension period, is it right? Can participate in the competition.”

“Yes, Shi Lei Senior——”

When he noticed that someone was watching him, when Liang Ren turned his head and looked over, it seemed that the other party was already not in No, not at all find that sharp gaze.

“pa da da…”

Liang Ren didn’t care too much either. After receiving the identity card handed over by the thin middle-aged man, Liang Ren held the Slowpoke to the other side. While walking in the waiting hall passage, while tapping the screen with his finger, texting Mu Mu Lei with his mobile phone.

“Casey’s elder sister, the second brother texted that he was in branch 16.”

“Then let’s go over!”

Casey is still The first time I came to Stadium, my eyes were full of curiosity, and I looked around glanced around.


Different from the clumsiness of the girls around, Layla Mumu walked towards a passage with ease from the girls around.

“Wow, it’s so lively.”

Casey, who walked into the War Zone by Mumu Layla, is full of excitement on four pretty faces, although this time I watched how many people were sitting in the battlefield, but the girl who came here for the first time still had an eye-opening feeling.

“Let’s go, let’s sit in front and cheer on the second brother later.”

Although I have been here many times, I think of my favorite second brother later. In the game, Mu Mulei looked particularly excited.

“Oh oh~”

“Primeape can’t fight, Hitmonchan won this game.”

Liang Ren came to the waiting hall on the 16th battlefield At that time, it was broadcast on the wall inside the TV, and the last game just ended.

“The next step is Dansha’s fight against the talents of the wooden jersey. Please prepare for the two trainers.”

“Have you come to Stadium for the wooden jersey?”

Following Mu Mu Lei to the front row of the spectator stand, Casey found a seat and was muttered when he saw the names of the two trainers who were about to play on the electronic screen.

“It’s Kuromu, his big brother, eh, didn’t expect that he has also come to the Stadium to participate in the competition.” Mu Mulei also said with surprise in his eyes.

In the waiting hall, the trainers were whispering and pointing fingers, Liang Ren inadvertently found a place to sit down, and saw that the two trainings that were about to be played were displayed on the electronic display on the battlefield. Liang Ren couldn’t help but froze for a moment.

“This guy Chu Mushan is also there.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

“roar roar ……”

Liang Ren just sat down, and the two trainers were already on the field during the TV broadcast on the wall. From the left, a young woman entered the field. Light Yellow’s hair in a short ponytail looks as rough as the feathers on Fearow’s neck.

The appearance of young women is not outstanding, but the heroic spirit on her body makes people think she is very attractive. In the circle of Pokémon professional trainers, there are many boys and girls. The family is already a big beauty.

“roar roar……”

As one of the few Rookie to win the Celadon City Stadium, he drew a lot of cheers from the audience when he came on the field.

It was still the posture of keeping away from strangers and being cold. After going on the field, he directly looked at the female trainer named Dansha and waited for the referee’s instructions.

“The trainers on both sides, please send their respective Pokémon to play.” The referee did not delay, and quickly issued instructions after the trainers on both sides arrived.

“Mitsumi, it’s up to you for today’s game.”


“Come out, Dratini.”


The actions on both sides were swift. After the referee gave the signal, both sides threw the baby ball together, and two Pokémon also appeared immediately on the opposing field.

He has two Pokémon in hand, but the Vulpix Level is lower than Dratini, so this time he still sent Dratini, who had won him a victory yesterday.

And the female trainer here is an imposing manner Dodrio, with thick, long and powerful bird feet, and a brown body like a pompon. After coming out of the field, it leads the neck and makes a penetrating scream. After the sound, three bird heads representing joy, anger, and sorrow, all stared at Dratini who was sent by the wooden shirt.

For Doduo to evolve into Dodrio, the required level is not low. Even if you only see this Dodrio through broadcast TV, Liang Ren can still feel the compelling imposing manner of the opponent.

“This battle is probably not easy to fight.” Liang Ren secretly replaced the wooden shirt with anxiety.

“The game begins!!” The referee raised his hand and shouted.

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