“Mitsumi, Agility.”

“Dratini, use Agility.”

As soon as the referee’s instruction was issued, the trainers on the court immediately gave instructions to their Pokémon .

The calm and steady female trainer and Dodrio on the opposite side put a lot of pressure on the jerseys. He wants to take the initiative here, but he speaks faster than peers. On the other side What are the advantages of not at all in front of professional trainers.

The first command on both sides is Agility, but the reactions of the two Pokémons after receiving the command are quite different.


Dratini uttered a whine with milky noises, and his slender body was in the same place. Stockpile used Agility, but the opposite Dodrio was–


Dodrio, who has the title of sprinter, sprints on the court while performing Agility. It does not immediately launch an attack, but running fast is also considered After allowing himself to finish warming up in the shortest time, and entered a state of combat.

“Dodrio, use Sword Dance.”

Different from the male trainer, the offensive is very strong. The female trainer on the opposite side, named Dansha, behaves very calmly and very deeply. Feeling angry, even though her Dodrio is far more powerful than Dratini, she still didn’t attack immediately.

She did not show the slightest contempt and carelessness when she came out of the wooden sweater, she was fighting completely at her own pace, which made Liang Ren sitting in the waiting hall, a professional trainer of combat literacy. , And got a clearer understanding.

“Dratini, use Thunder Wave.”

With a frowned head in a wooden sweater, the female trainer on the opposite side has not officially launched an offensive yet, but huge pressure has assaults the senses on him. .

Compared to the velvety body, Dodrio’s two legs are staggered and run fast on the field.

Agility not only makes Dodrio lighter, but the bright blue water film on his body reduces friction with the air to the greatest extent, so that Dodrio’s speed is raised to a limit.

“This Dodrio has amazing control over Agility.”

Although the light film on Dodrio’s body is not as solid and smooth as Pidgey’s display, it is almost the same. Liang Ren felt very surprised.

At this time, a little red light appeared on Dodrio’s body covered by the blue light film, which made Dodrio’s imposing manner even more compelling.

“Step on~”

Dodrio ran tirelessly around the battlefield. The three heads kept watching Dratini’s movements and saw Dratini receiving instructions from the opposing trainer, a golden The current moved towards me lasing over.

At this time, Dodrio not only didn’t retreat, but rushed toward Thunder Wave, but at this time, the female trainer’s instructions were finally passed.

“Mitsumi, jump up and dodge, and use Mirror Move.”



Dratini’s use of Thunder Wave is very flexible. Other Pokémon are very rigid and attack like normal Thunder Shock, but it uses a swinging head to make Thunder Wave run horizontally like the lasso of threw away when hunting animals. Strangled towards Dodrio.

However, when the off-field spectators were too late to applaud Dratini’s beautiful Thunder Wave for this move, Dodrio squatted over and leaped like a hurdle, easily dodge the Thunder Wave attack.

Danza’s counterattack came very fiercely. The three heads of Dodrio leaping up screamed penetratingly. At the same time, a Thunder Wave came from the head of the bird that represents the angry mood. Moved towards the lower Dratini shot out.

“Dratini, hurry up to dodge.”

The Mushan did not expect that the opponent Dodrio would have mastered the Unique Ability of Mirror Move, and he hurriedly shouted when he saw the rush of electricity.

“What…zi zi.”

Dratini is not fast, and Agility is not as proficient as the counterpart Dodrio, let alone the Ability of Spark, and suddenly facing Dodrio Counterattack.

Dratini’s body has not rushed out, a golden electric Ember has already stiffened its body to the spot.

“Mitsumi, chaos.”

Seeing Thunder Wave hit Dratini, the female trainer on the other side named Dansha still did not fluctuate too much. One who landed on the prancing Dodrio In an instant, her instructions just came.


Dodrio has a beak no weaker than Fearow, and there are still three.

Dodrio, who was only four or five meters away from Dratini, landed a violent kick, and quickly rushed towards Dratini. The three heads pointed at Dratini’s body and it was a peck.

“Dratini, use Thunder Wave again.”

“Mitsumi, use Jump Kick.”

In the early stage, Dansha was very calm and Agility increased the speed , Sword Dance greatly enhanced Dodrio’s physical attack, and he didn’t kill Dratini in a chaotic move behind him. Dratini is already considered to be outstanding and well-trained in a wooden shirt.

“chi chi ~”

The chaotic formidable power after Sword Dance is very terrifying. Dratini was not immediately defeated at this time, but the state is not far from losing the combat capability. , Dratini is not as proficient as at first when he is weak.

Golden’s electric Ember was lingering around him, before he had time to shoot at Dodrio, a powerful Jump Kick had already kicked Dratini’s body.

“Dratini, use Dragon Rage.”


Dodrio’s long-term practice of sprinting and sprinting exercised leg strength, although not as good as kicking Ghost Sawarang, but it is not bad compared to Fighting Pokémon such as Primeape and Machoke.

Dratini was kicked by Dodrio. His slender body flew upside down in an instant, hitting the ground hard and making a heartbreaking noise.

“chi chi ~”


Dodrio wants to continue chasing here, didn’t expect the fluffy body at this time Suddenly a golden electric Ember appeared. Aggressive Dodrio’s body suddenly stiffened, and the three bird heads screamed uncomfortably.

“Dratini, use Dragon Rage.”

Seeing Dodrio in a paralyzed state, he was overwhelmed with a wooden shirt expression, and I gave Dratini a counterattack command again, and I was delighted for a moment when the opportunity came. , Let him forget about Dratini’s physical condition at the moment.

“Mitsumi, use Tri Attack.”

When Dodrio uses Jump Kick to kick Dratini, its body is entwined with Thunder Wave. It is estimated that Dodrio was accidentally caught at that time. The current is paralyzed.

Dansha’s expression remained calm and composed, but she was in a panic, her eyes drenched and continued to give Dodrio an Attack Order.


Dratini, who received the training counterattack command, is trembling and has not yet got up. The Tri Attack on Dodrio’s side has been finished with Stockpile.

The blazing flame, the violent thunderbolt, the biting cold light, the energy light bullets of three different Attributes are condensed in the mouths of the three Dodrio birds.

“Bang… ”

A beam of light mixed with the three colors of red, gold, and ice blue rays of light, seems to have broken the space into a hole .

The speed of the three-color beam of light has reached the extreme, and Dodrio blasted out. The beam of light flashed, and Dratini’s body on the other side was blown out again.


This time Dansha did not give any more instructions for Dodrio to continue chasing. She looked at Dratini, who had completely lost the combat capability, and opened her dry mouth. , The last sentence was not said.

The strength gap between the two sides is too big, whether it is Pokémon or the trainer himself.

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