“Second brother, are you out? Still going to participate in the competition?”

Called Little Lei’s cell phone, the other end of the phone was very noisy Bzz Bzz, I guess she was still in the audience Did not come out.

“I followed the wooden sweater outside the Stadium, you two will come out…” Liang Ren said.

Although Stadium does not limit the number of times the trainer can participate in the competition a day, there are few people who are willing to participate in multiple competitions a day, except for those who make money by participating full-time here.

After a stressful battle is over, both the trainer and Pokémon need to settle down briefly to better absorb the experience gained in the battle.

“Does Liang Ren still play next?” Casey looked towards Mu Mu Lei who hung up the phone and asked.

“My second brother said he won’t be on the court later, he and Kuroki are waiting for us outside the arena.”

“Are you with the wooden shirt? Let’s go out now.”

She felt very novel and excited when she first entered the Stadium, but after a while, the noisy environment inside made her unhappy.

She was not enthusiastic about the Pokémon battle. After learning that Liang Ren had left the arena, Casey and Mu Mulei also left the auditorium along the aisle.

“By the way, didn’t you say that you are short of money recently? I found a good job in Hunter’s Guild this morning. I think you will be interested.”

When the two women came out of the Cultural Plaza outside the arena, Chu Mushan suddenly thought of something, and turned his head to laughed and said to the teenager beside him.

“What mission?”

Marowak’s Bone Club Inner Guild is priced at 70w, and now he has a full budget for only 20w, and he needs to refine bone quenching cream in addition to shamisen In addition to the main medicine, a lot of other precious medicine ingredients are needed, and these all need money.

He can borrow a wooden sweater, but the keel has already troubled the other party once. Liang Ren doesn’t want to ask the other party for help whenever something happens. Now his Pokémon’s strength is gradually taking shape, and he can also Earn money by doing tasks.

After winning the three-game winning streak just now, Stadium has also received a bonus of 5,000 yuan. The bonus after Stadium’s three-game winning streak is not high, but the bonus after the three-game winning streak is very generous. The reward for a D-level bounty task is low.

At present, he has accumulated 1.2w in his account for three games on Stadium, and he has accumulated 1.7w in reward for doing tasks on his Bounty Hunter account.

For an ordinary person, this is already a high income. After all, the time is so short, but for Liang Ren who is in urgent need of money, it is far from enough.

I don’t know if I can pool enough money to buy Marowak’s Bone Club before the school starts, and then ask Mrs. Smith to refine the bone-quenching cream. Liang Ren always sighs when he thinks of this question.

“Cerulean Gym recently recruited a temporary Gym Leader to help take care of Gym for a week. There is a reward of 3w a day. Every time a trainer who comes to challenge Gym is repelled, there is an extra bonus.” Chu Mushan said. .

“Oh, this is indeed a very well paid task, but this kind of task is probably not available to anyone.”

3w per day, even if not received How many extra bonuses, and 21w in a week, Liang Ren said that it was a fake if he didn’t move.

But as he said, there are many conditions for such a generous task as compensation, and not everyone can take it.

“This task is due to the employer’s request, and the guild is not at all for difficulty rating, which means that even a bronze Bounty Hunter like ours can be accepted.”

Liang Ren didn’t speak, and showed the incomplete information revealed by the wooden sweater. I want to come to him and have something to follow.

“Because there are a lot of people who accept this task, so after going there will be a battle assessment, and the trainer who accepts this task must have at least two Water Type Pokémon on hand, when the time comes, the screening of the battle can only send Water Type Pokémon to play against.”

Seeing that Liang Ren did not respond, he also said the rest of the requirements.

“Cerulean Gym is a Water Type Gym, and it makes sense to require the use of Water Type Pokémon.” Liang Ren was not surprised at this point.

“Bounty Hunter’s Guild trainers, their Pokémon lineup focuses on its functionality. There are many trainers with Water Type Pokémon, but few people will accept more Pokémon of the same type to train.”

“I saw Daisuke Hongu in the alumni group that day and said that you accepted another Shellder. I think you can try it. Participating in the screening battle assessment will be delayed for at most half a day. If the assessment passes Now, there are more than 200,000 remunerations in one week.”

Liang Ren was also a little moved when he was out of a wooden sweater.

“When does this mission begin?” Liang Ren asked.

“It’s been three days since the task was posted, and it will be closed at 6 o’clock this afternoon. The assessment time is 9 o’clock tomorrow morning, at Cerulean Gym.”

“My home is new The store just opens tomorrow, I guess I can’t leave.” Liang Ren frowned said.

“Why can’t you go away~”

At this moment, the two women who came out of the arena saw the two people standing by the square talking and walked straight over and heard Liang Ren Frowning and saying that he can’t walk away, Mu Mulei asked him curiously.


The four of them walked to the outside of the Cultural Square, and Liang Ren also told the two women about the task that Mushan had just said.

“Tomorrow happens that I have nothing to do, I can go to the store to help.” Casey said in thought.


“Don’t think too much, have you forgotten that my goal is to be an excellent Pokémon breeder? Go to the shop and help auntie, I think I can also learn something. And when I went to take the breeding home exam, didn’t you also help me get up for a long time.”

When I saw Liang Ren’s expression, Casey knew him immediately. What was thinking in his mind, he explained again.

“Well, next time you need me to help you if you have anything to do, don’t be polite to me.”


Get out of the Cultural Square , Casey and Little Lei went to the food court to wait for them, while Liang Ren and Mushan went to the Pokémon Center first, and then went to Hunter’s Guild to pick up the task of Cerulean Gym and then went to the food court to meet them. Women meet up.

It was more than three o’clock when I came out of the arena, and I accompanied the two women on the street for an afternoon. When I returned home, it was already dark.

“Second brother, you give Pidgey feathers, and I will help Slowpoke take a bath.”

Back home, father and Mother are still working in the store, support policy for breeding and entrepreneurship , There is a free TV advertising space, and there are also some publicity channels on the Feeding Home Association, which will officially open tomorrow. This series of things need to be communicated in advance.

“Be careful, don’t get bubbles in Slowpoke’s eyes.”

Liang Ren glanced at Mu Mu Lei, who was testing the water temperature with his sleeves, reminding him Said one sentence.

“OK! OK!, I will be very careful.” Mu Mu Lei lifted Slowpoke from the sink and said.

“Slowpoke, let’s take a bath–“

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