“Visitor friends, please note that the C1468 train bound for the direction of Saffron East Station from Rainbow High-speed Railway Station will have to check in. There are passengers who take EMU train C1468, please bring along…”

As soon as it broke in the morning, the Hoothoot alarm clock on the bedside table awakened Liang Ren. It was no longer Liang Ren who woke up this morning. When Liang Ren got dressed and came out to wash, the father and mother were already there. Woke up.

Today the store officially opened. The couple should go to the store early to prepare, and Liang Ren will also go to Cerulean City. If he fails the battle assessment, he will come back to the store in the afternoon to help.

Riding in the old Zipp car of the father, the couple first drove Liang Ren to the Rainbow High-speed Rail Station, then the couple drove to Beicheng District No. 8 Feiyu Street.


Check the ticket and get on the train and find his place. He usually took three Pokémons to go out for morning exercises at this time, but today he rushed to the earliest one. High-speed train to Saffron City.

The high-speed rail slowly drove away from the platform, like a white steel dragon headed into the misty morning light.

Celadon City is a bit far away from Saffron City, but in the middle, it took only 20 minutes to reach Saffron East Station because of the not at all station. Then Liang Ren changed the train inside the station. Go to Cerulean City.


“Pidgey and Slowpoke, you two should also come out to breathe.” Liang Ren who walked out of the high-speed rail station called Yawn, and then put Pidgey and Slowpoke come out.

“peng peng…”

From Cerulean City high-speed rail station, the time is less than eight o’clock, which is why it is clear that Celadon City has a direct coach to Cerulean City, but he However, I would rather choose to take the high-speed train to Saffron City for a round trip, after all, the latter is faster.

“Hoothoot ~”

Pidgey flapped his wings and stopped on Liang Ren’s shoulder, spinning his little black eyes, looking at him like a rare treasure all around.


Slowpoke, who was picked up by Liang Ren, knows that there is no need to train today, and Little Brat also looks extra leisurely, so he raised his head and hit a big Yawn , Stretched out fleshy paws and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

But when Liang Ren came out of the high-speed rail station with it in his arms, a salty sea breeze in the direction of the sea to the east of the city happened to blow over his head. It belonged to the familiar and kind atmosphere of the Cerulean Sea, which made Slowpoke awaken. Here comes the spirit.

“Ah duo——”

“Let’s go, let’s go to Cerulean Gym first, and after the battle assessment is over, I will take you to the beach to play.”

< p>Back to Cerulean City, the familiar Sunyshore city, the breath of the sea makes Slowpoke, who is usually lazily, shook his head with excitement, and his soft tail swept back and forth on the back of his hand.


Liang Ren’s big warm hand touched his head, Slowpoke shook his curled ears and squinted his eyes comfortably.

Getting off the high-speed rail station, passing through the Mermaid Fountain Square, Liang Ren stopped a taxi and rushed to Cerulean Gym.

Cerulean Gym was once known as Kanto’s weakest Gym. If the three sisters who manage Gym are too busy sometimes, they don’t even play Gym battles, and they directly give Badge to the challenger. For this reason, Cerulean Gym has always been criticized.

However, Misty, the younger sister of Cerulean Gym’s four sisters, provoked Cerulean Gym after returning from a trip.

Through a grand Water Type Pokémon Gym exchange event, Cerulean Gym took off the hat of Kanto’s weakest Gym with its powerful strength.

But it seems that Gym Leader Misty went on a trip again later, and then gave Cerulean Gym to three elder sisters to take care of, but because of the powerful Pokémon, no trainer dared The Badge of Cerulean Gym is very good at this.


Get off the car outside Cerulean Gym, Liang Ren looked curiously at the magnificent Gym building in front of him, after removing the name of Kanto’s weakest Gym at Cerulean Gym , Cerulean Water Type Gym has been refurbished.

Liang Ren checked it with his mobile phone before coming. The shape of the previous Cerulean Water Type Gym was an eggshell building with a giant Dewgong Oak board hung on the roof.

It is not so much a Water Type Gym as it is an indoor swimming pool, but the reconstructed Cerulean Gym looks very magnificent.

Cerulean Gym is located in Dongcheng District near the sea. A wide road of four to five hundred meters long stretches from a well-manicured lawn. The lawn around the wide road is planted with Morty cypress trees and emerald green umbrellas. The canopy is very cute.

At the other end of the long wide road is Cerulean Gym. The silver-gray walls and roof are made of pieces of plexiglass. The entire Gym building occupies a very wide area, if it weren’t for the official Alliance Gym logo. The angular Cerulean Gym building can easily be misunderstood as a laboratory for scientific research.

“Let’s go, let’s go and see.”

Standing on the wide road for a while, during which several young trainers passed by Liang Ren, and then passed the wide Dao walked straight towards Gym.

I wanted to come to impossible this early to be a challenger for a Gym battle, so there is only one possibility left. Like him, they are here to apply for a temporary Gym trainer.

Walking towards Gym with the two pets, Gym’s glass door senses the incoming person, and automatically slid open to both sides with a snort.

Gym is very spacious, like a Hiroshi field, and in the middle is a round water battlefield.

“Step on…”

There are already many trainers in Gym who have come to apply for temporary Gym Leadership, with Slowpoke in their arms and Pidgey on their shoulders. Liang Ren, after entering the door, it attracted a lot of attention.

However, everyone just looked at that’s all curiously. For the two Pokémons, Pidgey and Slowpoke alone, most of the trainers on the scene excluded them from this temporary Gym Leader. Out of competitors.

After all, neither Pidgey nor Slowpoke looks like a powerful Pokémon, and Liang Ren’s age is obviously just a Rookie.

“There is still some time before the official assessment at 9:30. Let’s find a place to sit.”

After Liang Ren said to the two Little Brats, Walking towards the spectator benches all around the hall, Liang Ren is still very clear about his situation. As a Rookie trainer, he is not favored everywhere.

After getting used to it, Liang Ren doesn’t care anymore. If the opponent is underestimated because of his age, he can also have a big advantage when competing with each other later.

This is a task with a salary of at least 20w. Liang Ren, who is short of money, is very eager to get this opportunity. If he is successfully hired as a temporary Gym Leader, he is confident that he can get enough before school starts. Money, buy all the medicine ingredients needed for bone quenching cream.

While Liang Ren was sitting on the spectator bench and waiting, from time to time, trainers entered the lobby from outside, and soon there were more than ten trainers who came to apply for temporary Gym Leaders in Gym. Up.

“Sure enough, everyone wants to eat it. I am afraid it will be difficult to get this temporary gym trainer position this time.” Liang Ren sighed.

Sit on a bench and watch a short video for a while, and soon it was 9:30.

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