“The game begins.” The blue-haired girl on the sidelines announced.

“Slowpoke, petrochemical work.”

Level is the manifestation of strength. After knowing that the opponent’s Level is a full level 4 lower than Slowpoke, Liang Ren didn’t dawdle with the opponent. It is directly the overbearing imprisonment of petrochemical work.

“Seel, use ice grains.”

I just issued an order on Liang Ren’s side. The sweet girl on the other side also quickly commanded Seel to launch an offensive. Unfortunately, she is better than Liang Ren’s side. Half a beat slow.

If Slowpoke uses Yawn first, Seel may be able to successfully display Ability. Unfortunately, Slowpoke uses hard-controlled Ability petrochemical work.

Gazed at the girl in Slowpoke on his side, and after seeing that he had placed an Attack Order, Seel not at all quickly displayed it as usual.

Turning his head to see it turned pale with fright, Seel seemed to be petrified by Banshee’s gaze in a fantasy story, and his body completely stiffened in place.

“Slowpoke, use Confusion.”

The petrochemical work imprisoned Seel, Liang Ren did not have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, and directed Slowpoke to directly launch a strong attack.


Slowpoke’s round eyes surged with Psychic. Previously, Confusion Unique Ability had a breakthrough in the battle between Stadium and Quagsire. Now it is more flexible and smoother. , The lethality has risen a step further.

The invisible Confusion hand grabbed the stiff Seel. Just like Liang Ren didn’t know how to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, Slowpoke didn’t feel that Seel was so cute that he couldn’t help it.

At the moment before the petrochemical power dissipated, the giant Confusion hand threw Seel on the floating board, and the giant Confusion hand turned his fist into his palm and patted it fiercely.

“Boom——oh la la ——”

The jade-like splashes splashed everyone on the sidelines, and the floating board was shot directly into the pool by a huge force After a lapse of two seconds, he slowly floated up again, and Seel finally broke free from the imprisonment and emerged dyingly from the pool.

“Slowpoke, use Confusion.”

Liang Ren, who looks kind and friendly, is very cold and ruthless in the battle. Seel white is petite. With his body about to emerge from the pool, Liang Ren commanded Slowpoke to launch another offensive.


The invisible Confusion palm dropped from the sky again, and the whole water field was shot, and Seel sank slowly towards the bottom of the pool again. , But this time it did not float again.

“You come back, Seel.”

Seeing my Seel sinking to the bottom of the pool and losing the combat capability, instead of waiting for Peony on the sidelines to announce the result of the game, the sweet girl took Seel directly Came back.

A pair of bright eyes are staring at Liang Ren, the eyes are full of grudge, as if Liang Ren has done something bad that cannot be forgiven.

Liang Ren didn’t care about the grudge’s eyes of the girl opposite. He was sweet and cute. His Slowpoke directly crushed the girl opposite.


After discovering that the other party had taken back Seel who had lost the combat capability too soon, so that he had not had time to explode the Attribute coin, Liang Ren couldn’t help but sighed.

“Seel loses the combat capability and Slowpoke wins this game.”

Peony glanced at Liang Ren and his Slowpoke in surprise. Both games turned out to be at. First, the side that is not favored won the final victory, which I have to say is incredible.

Although the other trainers who watched the battle did not say anything, their eyes were full of surprised looks. In their perception, the slow-moving Slowpoke is not a Pokémon suitable for battle on the battlefield.

But the facts are in front of him, Liang Ren, with a Slowpoke, almost completely defeated Seel of the opponent’s trainer.

But the surprise is just surprise. The trainers on the sidelines still didn’t say anything. This group of Bounty Hunters, who like to be alone and lonely, only secretly included Liang Ren to be treated with caution. In the list.


Liang Ren came down from the battlefield, and the staff in Gym also sent him a glass of Help Pokémon, a mental soda that quickly restores his strength.

The battle for the trials is still going on. Whether it is the battlefield No. 1 on Liang Ren’s side or the battlefield No. 2 hosted by a pink-haired girl as a referee on the other side, the battle is in full swing.

Because it is a one-on-one match, the efficiency is very high, and the outcome of a match can basically be determined in five or six minutes.

In the first round selection competition, 16 trainers who came to apply for the job directly eliminated 8 of them, which is a full half.

The trainer who was eliminated did not continue to stay, and left Cerulean Gym directly, or went home to sleep, or went to the task hall of Hunter’s Guild or Pokémon center to take up new tasks.

“The trainers who have advanced to the second round, please come over to draw the lottery first, and the second round selection competition will be held in 20 minutes.”

I don’t know when the big sister Sakura appeared in the three sisters On the battlefield, he said to everyone.

The eight trained trainers went to the staff to draw lots again. This time Liang Ren won No. 5. After the draw, the eight trainers did not have any communication, each minding their own Business sit and rest, or release Pokémon to let the staff help deal with the injury.

Twenty minutes passed quickly, and the second round selection competition started again.

“The trainer from No. 1-4 is drawn to the battlefield No. 1, and the trainer from No. 5-8 is drawn to come to the battlefield No. 2 with me.”

Liang Ren drew No. 5 this time. When the pink-haired girl spoke, Liang Ren walked towards the other side of the battlefield. He was the first batch of trainers to play the second round.

“Huh, I hope opponent can cook a little bit.”

Liang Ren, who is short of money, has a lot more desire for this task than other trainers on the field, unlike the previous competitions at Stadium. At that time, I hope that opponent is strong enough to bring him pressure and exercise. Now he wants to become a temporary Gym Leader through the trials, and only hopes that the weaker his competitors, the better.

“Please draw the No. 5 and No. 8 trainers.”

After the pink-haired girl on the sidelines said, Liang Ren and the other teenager stood up directly, and then each Kind walked towards the command position at the opposite end of the battlefield.

“Please let both parties release the Pokémon to play.”

The pink-haired girl is more decisive than her elder sister, and it was announced immediately after the trainers on both sides were in place.

“Come out, Krabby.”

“Slowpoke, help me win this battle.”

Press the switch button in the middle of Poké Ball, two Only Pokémon turned into a red light and got out of the baby ball, and then appeared on the floating boards on both sides of the pool.

The Water Type Pokémon on the opposite side is a Krabby. Some time ago, I was used to seeing Pokémon that has evolved to a full form. Now, when I encounter Pokémon that is still in its initial form, Liang Ren feels confident in his heart. .


This is a crab Pokémon with a turbid white belly and six legs, and a red back cover and tongs.

Different from Seel, who only played cute when he came out, this Krabby waved his crab claws at Slowpoke arrogantly, and the pliers opened and made a sound of metal and iron friction.

After Liang Ren used the battle bracelet to check the level of the Zhang Family guy, he couldn’t help laughing.

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