
Liang Ren鈥檚 opponent in this game is a short-haired boy who is similar to his age. At his age, he can train Krabby to this level, and he is already considered among peers. Outstanding, but unfortunately he met a trainer more outstanding than him.

“The game begins.”

The pink-haired girl on the sidelines announced loudly. Of course, after Liang Ren released Slowpoke, the girl also looked at him more. There was a look of surprise on his face.

Although their three sisters do not have any innate talents as trainers, and their personalities are not keen on Pok茅mon battles, they are also the Chief-In-Charge of Cerulean Water Type Gym.

The Water Type Pok茅mon of other regions may not know very well, but the Water Type Pok茅mon of Kanto Region still know very well. Slowpoke is slow in action and slow in head, which is not suitable for battle training.

Of course, the girl with pink hair is not stupid. This teenager can advance to the second round of the trials with a Slowpoke. Obviously, she has strength, so she did not show any contempt.

Liang Ren, who scored the second round with Slowpoke, didn’t know that he was remembered by the two sisters who hosted the game because of the unique Pok茅mon he used.

“Krabby, jump into the pool.”

“Slowpoke, petrochemical work.”

The opponent’s Krabby is lower than the Slowpoke Level, and Liang Ren is still here Adopt a more radical strategy and let Slowpoke directly use the hard control of petrochemical power at the beginning.

“oh la la 鈥斺€?#8221;

Unfortunately, the other boy was very alert, immediately let Krabby jump into the pool water, and blocked Slowpoke’s petrified gaze with the sparkling pool water Up.

“Krabby, rush over and use Crab Fist.”

This boy, like Liang Ren, was promoted from the No. 1 battlefield. I have seen Liang Ren’s relationship with Sweet In the girls’ competition, the teenagers were extremely jealous of Slowpoke’s petrochemical skills.

“Slowpoke, use Yawn.”

Liang Ren didn’t let Slowpoke use Teleport, just like he didn’t let Slowpoke expose his melee ability in the previous game, he can keep a hand anytime, anywhere. Go further.

“Ya Duo鈥斺€?#8221;

Krabby, who didn’t care about his stealth under the pool, was quickly approaching. Slowpoke, who received instructions from Liang Ren, opened his mouth and gave a big Yawn.

Different from the medium that petrochemical work requires gaze, Yawn Unique Ability is a mental Ability of the same nature as Hypnosis. Although the sparkling water of the pool makes the body’s suggestion movement unable to be transmitted to Krabby, the sleep-inducing brain wave There is no way to block the pool water.

“oh la la ~”

Yawn Unique Ability’s hypnotic effect has not been activated yet, Krabby jumped out of the pool beside the floating board on which Slowpoke was lying.

The right clamp was wrapped in Yingying’s white light, and it slammed toward the Slowpoke door in an imposing manner.

“Foul Play.”

Liang Ren expression as usual, succinctly gave Slowpoke response instructions.

In the surprised gaze of the trainer on the sidelines, Slowpoke, who was lying lazily on the board, flashed a purple light on his fleshy claws, a crab fist about to hit its face. He was cited and pushed one by one and moved towards Krabby, smashing his face.

“Bang…oh la la.”

Crab fist formaidable power is very large, and Slowpoke’s Dark Type Unique Ability Foul Play, which leverages its strength, allows Krabby to play After withstanding the crab fist, he flew upside down, oh la la crashed into the pool water.

“Krabby ~”

“Slowpoke, use Confusion.”

Looking at his Krabby being knocked into the air, the opposite boy exclaimed in an inconceivable way. However, Liang Ren didn’t give the opponent more opportunities, and commanded Slowpoke to chase after a fierce fight.

The invisible giant hand of Confusion chased Krabby’s body and patted it down.


“hua hua…”

From the eyes of others, the pool seems to have been buried in a deep water in advance The bomb detonated at the moment Krabby fell into the pool, but Liang Ren’s command sound let them know that this is the function of Slowpoke’s Confusion.

Does Confusion Ability have such amazing formidable power? At this moment, everyone had no time to think about it, watching the large splashes of water splashing toward them, and hurriedly stepped back to avoid getting their clothes and pants wet.

In this morning, if you get caught in the soup, even if the cold affects them to do their tasks, being so embarrassed in front of this pink-haired beautiful girl on the sidelines is not what they should do.


It was a girl with pink hair standing on the sidelines, who was drenched by a large splash of water.

The girl shook her hair carelessly, and the water drops wet her sexy camisole, and then rolled down her long, white and plump legs. The people who stood on their toes in panic and retreated were naturally not lucky enough to appreciate it. To this beautiful scene.

Liang Ren handed an apologetic expression to the girl on the sidelines. At first, the pink-haired girl with a cold face didn’t care about the trivial matter, but showed him a smile.

In the morning, the sun rising from the sea on the east side is now at a 60掳 angle with the horizon. The bright sun shines through the plexiglass on the gym dome. The pink-haired girl鈥檚 smile is like Corsola鈥檚 corner The same shining and moving.

“It’s so cute!!”

Liang Ren turned his head and glanced at Slowpoke lazily lying on the floating board. This naive Little Brat looks chubby under the sunlight. Like a pink marshmallow.

“Krabby, use Bubble Beam.”

“Puff pu…”

Just when Liang Ren turned his head to apologize to the pink-haired girl , The opposite boy took the opportunity to attack again.

Krabby was slapped by Slowpoke with Confusion just now, and half of his body was exposed from the pool.

A opened crab claw pointed at the Slowpoke on the floating board like a muzzle, and a bunch of bubbles moved towards Slowpoke hit it.

“Slowpoke, use Confusion.”

Liang Ren still did not expose Slowpoke’s Teleport,

“peng peng peng peng…”

< p>The dense bubbles hit Pidgey’s body like shot bombs, and burst out with a beep, but Slowpoke is a Water Type Pok茅mon. Krabby’s Bubble Beam attack is not at all to deal damage.


Instead, it was on Krabby’s side. It was caught by Slowpoke’s Confusion, and the attack was interrupted. It was corroded by the needle-like Psychic, and Krabby was so painful Growl even spit out white sticky Bubble in his mouth.

“Give it to me to threw away.”

When he was hit by his crab, Krabby’s body was already injured, and the next move was Confusion. It was a heavy blow to Krabby. It could be seen that Krabby was already Liang Ren an arrow at the end of its flight, and he commanded Slowpoke to give the opponent the final blow.



Krabby, who was hit hard on the floating board, just now arrogantly gestured towards Liang Ren and Slowpoke with the pliers At this moment, he also hung weakly, his eyes turned into a dizzy spiral and had lost the combat capability.

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