“The trainers from both sides, please send their respective Pokémon to play.”

When she stood on the side of the battlefield, Sakura glanced around the two trainers who were already standing and said.

“Slowpoke, help me win this battle.”

“Seadra, it’s you.”

I heard the cherry blossoms on the sidelines The signal, both sides also immediately released their Pokémon, Shellder has not been in the battle, and his side is still Slowpoke.

The opposite is a very rare Water Type Pokémon: Seadra, after using dragon scales to evolve into Kingdra, it will awaken a powerful dragon bloodline.


Before the war, I used the battle bracelet to check the opponent’s Level. It was not high or low, it happened to be Level 20.

“The game begins.”

The sun rose higher and higher, the cherry blossoms did not delay, and the battle was opened again with an order.

“Seadra, use Smokescreen.”

“Slowpoke, use Yawn.”

Seadra is a Pokémon skilled in speed, and the level of the opponent is not low. Therefore, Liang Ren chose a more secure play this time, so as not to overturn the gutter when he is about to enter the final round of trials.


Liang Ren thought the opponent would use a speed offensive, using Agility to speed up and so on, didn’t expect Seadra to use Smokescreen Ability.

Seadra is a Pokémon somewhat similar to its original form, Horsea, but it is bigger and stronger than Horsea.

Seadra’s body is covered with horns and spikes, and its tail is curled. The color of Seadra’s body is mainly blue, and the abdomen and fin tips are beige.

The triangular prism-shaped long nozzle can use the unique ability of the water gun with very formidable power, but at this time the long nozzle moved towards Slowpoke Spit Up and the pitch-black Smokescreen.

The dark Smokescreen filled the pool. In the blink of an eye, Seadra’s majestic body was blocked by the Smokescreen. Liang Ren didn’t know that the other party did this to avoid Slowpoke’s petrified gaze, or for Seadra created it. The environment where the black gun was shot, or both.

If Pidgey is playing, Hurricane will be able to disperse the dark Smokescreen with one move, but Slowpoke will be more troublesome to deal with.


I didn’t care about the Smokescreen that was flooding my side. Slowpoke received the instruction and opened his mouth to use Yawn Unique Ability.



Suddenly, Liang Ren heard the sound of water in his ears, followed by a water arrow It shot out from the dark Smokescreen and staggered Slowpoke, who was sitting on the floating board.

“It seems to have done special training. Pokémon can organize the offensive without the special instructions of the trainer.”

Liang Ren took a deep look at the dark Smokescreen, I thought to myself that Slowpoke has Water Type. Although the water arrows shot by Seadra are more solid and more lethal, the damage to Slowpoke is not at all as great as imagined.

Of course, if the opponent can keep the sneak attack successful, the water arrows continuously stack the damage, let alone Slowpoke, even the Wartortle with strong defensive power will eventually be consumed.

But will Liang Ren give him this opportunity? Smokescreen, hehe that obscures the line of sight——

“such insignificant ability, Slowpoke, use Confusion to slap.”


Liang Ren command As soon as it sounded, only a loud bang from the pool was heard, water splashed everywhere, and the dark Smokescreen was immediately drained.

“Seadra, use a water gun.”

The trainer on the opposite side did not expect that Smokescreen Unique Ability would be cracked by this violent method. After a daze, he quickly commanded Seadra to start Slowpoke attack.


The speed of the water gun compressed by the nozzle is very fast. Without the use of Slowpoke under the Teleport, there is no way to dodge the opponent’s attack, and it is hit by the water gun. Slowpoke in the middle leaned back and fell on the floating board again.

Looking at the Slowpoke on the court, which had brought a lot of surprises to everyone before, was hit by the opposite Seadra at the speed of attack. It also felt very incredible.

But everyone recalled that the slow-moving Slowpoke in several battles seemed to have been motionless on the floating board, but at first they were surprised by Slowpoke’s Confusion, not at all aware of this. .

Now that everyone sees this situation clearly, they are secretly sighing: After all, Slowpoke is slow, even with a powerful Psychic, it still can’t change the fact that it’s slow.

Liang Ren didn’t know what everyone was thinking. Even if he knew it, it would have no effect on his battle.

A few water guns can’t defeat Slowpoke, and Teleport still doesn’t intend to expose it. Seadra, who has been planted by Slowpoke as a sleeper seed, is not at all as threatening in Liang Ren’s eyes.

“Slowpoke, Confusion.”

Liang Ren gave Slowpoke instructions indifferently.


Psychic Ability has always been known for being difficult, the invisible and intangible Psychic Unique Ability allows opponent you can’t guard against it, the current Seadra is like this, fundamentally Not knowing how to dodge, his body was roughly pulled from the pool by Confusion’s big hands.

The needle-like Psychic erodes Seadra’s body and tortures its nerves. It is also the basic Unique Ability. Slowpoke’s Confusion has much more formidable power than Seadra’s water gun.

“Slowpoke, threw it away.”

The Smokescreen just now let Slowpoke’s body movements hint, not at all, to Seadra, so the hypnotic effect erupted much later. However, Liang Ren estimated that it was almost time.

Continuous Confusion damage will make Seadra nerves excited due to pain, which is not conducive to the hypnotic effect.


Receiving Liang Ren’s instruction, Seadra’s body was also smashed towards the floating board by the giant hand of Confusion.

“Seadra, jump into the water, and blacken the pool with ink.”

“Slowpoke, use Confusion.”

Opposite Koshichiro’s command not at all got Seadra’s response. The grumpy Pokémon with angry eyes was thrown onto the floating board.

After getting rid of the pain of Confusion eroding the body, Seadra’s body relaxed involuntarily, but at this time, the seeds of sleepiness hung in his mind suddenly burst out.

As soon as the pupils dilated, his eyes became dizzy and blurred, and then he fell into a deep sleep without a doubt, even if the trainer gave instructions, Seadra could not hear him at all.


Seeing Seadra being hypnotized, Liang Ren also launched an attack without hesitation. Slowpoke slowly squatted up from the floating board.

The staring eyes stared at the opposite Seadra, harmless to human and animals, with a dull expression, so that the mature woman Sakura off the field also had the urge to hug Slowpoke and rub it.

However, after seeing Seadra’s body on the opposite side being lifted up by invisible power and bursting continuously, no one in the scene dared to underestimate this Slowpoke, harmless to human and animals is just the appearance that’s all.

“Sure enough, pink Pokémon are all demons.” The trainers on the sidelines thought to themselves.

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